Why Modern Warfare 2 is $70

As a hardcore Call of Duty fan, I‘ve been eagerly awaiting Modern Warfare 2 all year. And while the $70 price tag gave me slight pause, after analyzing the economics, production values and brand reputation involved – the increase seems justified. Here‘s why:

Blockbuster Budgets Now Exceed $200 Million

Let‘s start with the pillars holding up that price tag – we‘re talking development budgets on par with Hollywood now. Various estimates put MW2‘s budget at over $200 million. Accounting for factors like:

  • Hundreds of developers over 3+ years
  • $50 million+ marketing campaigns
  • Lavish motion capture and visual effect production values
  • Expensive music and gun licensing deals

So we‘re approaching the scale of a Marvel movie here. And with player expectations rising in tandem, these mounting costs explain the creeping price hikes.

Unrivaled Depth and Breadth of Content

Now let‘s examine what player get for $70 – we‘re talking about one of the most rich, expansive, and replayable FPS offerings ever created:

  • A thrilling, 8 hour story campaign
  • Over 50 intricately modeled weapons
  • 20 massive multiplayer maps
  • New Warzone 2.0 battle royale mode
  • Challenging co-op Spec Ops missions
  • Dozens of detailed operator and weapon skins to earn

Delivering this sheer breadth of polished content is only feasible with generous budgets and vast production resources.

The Unmatched Reputation of Call of Duty

Finally, the inimitable reputation of Call of Duty allows Activision to command a price premium. The franchise has now generated over $30 billion in total revenue – making it one of the most valuable entertainment IPs on Earth.

And with over 150 million players invested, Activision knows Call of Duty die-hards will pay up. After all, this kingly franchise has crested while rivals have flailed:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2$70
Battlefield 2042$60

So in summary – between the Hollywood-rivaling production values, wealth of content, and unmatched brand reputation – paying $70 for the ultimate online combat experience seems like a bargain to me. It‘s why I happily pre-ordered my Vault Edition. This is Call of Duty after all – the undisputed king of multiplayer mayhem.

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