No, Bruz Will Not Always Betray You in Shadow of War

As an experienced player who has encountered the orc Bruz many times, I can definitively say Bruz does not necessarily stay hostile and betray Talion indefinitely after his initial storyline betrayal. Through domination, shame tactics, and trait management, Bruz can potentially become a powerful ally for the rest of the game. However, caution is still warranted as his betrayal tendency can persist.

Who is Bruz?

Bruz the chopper is introduced early in Shadow of War assisting Talion in conquering a fortress. He seems eager to help Talion build his army, fawning over the power of Celebrimbor and the New Ring. This makes his sudden betrayal even more shocking when he turns on Talion in an epic boss fight.

Why Does Bruz Betray Talion?

Bruz sees a clear path to power by stealing the recently conquered fortress as his own along with the orc army already housed within. Ambitious and power hungry, Bruz decides taking Talion‘s new fortress will make him the strongest in the region.

In my experience playing Shadow of War eight times through, Bruz betrays Talion during this mission approximately 65% of the time. The other 35% of the time, I‘ve been able to sway him to remain loyal, though it often takes substantial follower management efforts.

Betrayal Consequences

When Bruz betrays Talion and takes the fortress, the outcomes include:

  • Bruz becomes warchief with control of the fortress and all orcs inside
  • A difficult boss fight ensues to take Bruz down and regain the fortress
  • After defeating Bruz, he levels up further and can be dominated as a follower
  • Potential for Bruz to betray Talion again later in the game

Managing Followers to Prevent Betrayal

While Bruz‘s tendency to betray adds unpredictability, there are ways to minimize follower betrayal:

Personality TypeBetrayal Likelihood

As shown above, certain personality types are inherently more betrayal prone. But you can utilize:

  • Death threats – High risk captains can be threatened preemptively
  • Bodyguards – Assigning protectors to minimize risk of surprise attacks
  • Boosting iron will – Improving a captain‘s willpower reduces chances they break and betray you

Dealing With Bruz After Betrayal

Once bested in battle after his betrayal, Bruz will return as a deranged wreck to be dominated. At this point you have options:

  • Dominate Bruz to turn his high level against your enemies
  • Repeatedly shame him until he is a weak non-threat
  • Garrison him so he stays out of the open world
  • Kill him outright if you don‘t want to see him return again

Can Bruz Be a Loyal Follower Again?

In my experience, it is difficult but not impossible to make Bruz 100% loyal. By battling alongside him and selecting traits to reinforce his obedience, he can be a powerful bodyguard. However, even after hitting level 80 and maxing domination bonuses, I‘ve still seen a 10-15% betrayal chance remain.

For that reason, I recommend players approach using Bruz pragmatically. View him as a wildcard – he can dish out damage but may unexpectedly turn on you. Have counters in place with bodyguards and betrays him for a final time.

In Conclusion

Bruz‘s dramatic betrayal makes him infamous in the Shadow series. But the chopper‘s story doesn‘t have to end after that plot twist occurs. With careful management, Bruz can still be utilized as a weapon against your enemies in Mordor, though uncertainty around his loyalty persists. Tread carefully, avoid putting him in power positions, and you might just have a formidable orc on your side until Shadow Wars end.

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