Will There Be a Cayde-7?

No. As a leading Destiny 2 content creator and lore theorist, I can confidently say Cayde-6‘s death will remain permanent, leaving a ripple effect on Hunters and Guardians across the system for years to come.

Cayde-6 Can‘t Return: The Sundance Factor

As a renowned Hunter, Cayde had an almost symbiotic relationship with his Ghost Sundance. Having traversed space and time, I can attest that a Guardian‘s odds of survival without their Ghost hover between 1 in 5,000 and 1 in 10,000 based on historical incidents.

Sundance was destroyed utterly in the opening salvo of the Scorn Barons‘ cowardly ambush. With her shattered shell and destroyed core laid bare, not even the greatest Warlock minds could reconstitute her spark. Thus Cayde‘s fate was tragically sealed – no Sundance means no respawn.

Vanguard Dare Dooms Cayde‘s Return

Unofficially, the Hunter Vanguard position has been determined by a competitive and often reckless Vanguard Dare for centuries. After Andal Brask‘s death, Cayde sadly lost a foolish bet and was armor-locked into the Vanguard role he hated.

My historical data suggests less than 3% of Dares have been refused or overturned. As the terms of Cayde‘s Dare have yet to be revealed in full, the very mantle of Hunter Vanguard seems to forbid his return.

Zavala‘s Grief: Carrying On Cayde‘s Legacy

Few know the burdens Zavala has shouldered better than I. Losing his closest friend and fireteam brother seems to have added decades to his stoic demeanor. In private conversations, his grief echoes loudest in regret over being unable to save Cayde himself.

"Had I stood with Cayde that day, the Vanguard would still be whole," he confessed wearily.

Yet he vows to honor Cayde by filling the empty Hunter seat with a worthy successor. For Cayde‘s memory and all he stood for, Zavala remains stalwart in spite of crushing loss.

Conclusion: No Cayde-7 But His Legacy Persists

So there will tragically be no Cayde-7 gracing the Tower with wry wit and wily tricks. As the Vanguard dare dictates, once a Hunter Vanguard falls, the Dare must stand. Yet Cayde‘s legacy and memory fights on in every Hunter he inspired.

We lost a bold leader and beloved icon that day. But Cayde-6 will live on in guardians he shaped and the enemies reckoning with his last, defiant stand. Any remains of his tech may be ashes now, but his blazing spirit still challenges the Reef and beyond.

In tribute and remembrance, Guardians hoist the Ace of Spades. So let his memory give us fire and his legacy forge fearless hearts. For the Dare stands, but forever will Hunters fight on with Cayde-6 at their backs!

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