Will There Ever Be a Call of Duty: Ghosts 2? A Deep Dive into the Chances

As both a passionate Call of Duty fan and gaming industry analyst, one question I get asked constantly is – will Activision ever produce a sequel to 2013‘s Call of Duty: Ghosts?

The simple answer is that so far, despite years of speculation, a Ghosts 2 has never materialized and appears unlikely. But why has one of Call of Duty‘s most cliffhangery endings not spawned a sequel yet? And is there still hope it could happen someday?

Grab some snacks and let‘s dig into the details, rumors, and prospects around Call of Duty: Ghosts 2!

Ghosts Was a Rare Low Point in the Dominant CoD Franchise

The Call of Duty series has been a sales juggernaut since it exploded onto the scene with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare in 2007. Alongside longtime rival Battlefield, it has dominated as one of the most popular first-person shooters for over 15 years.

However, 2013 saw the franchise stumble slightly with Ghosts. While still a commercial success by most standards, Ghosts fell short of the lofty expectations set by previous CoD games.

  • Ghosts sold 19 million copies initially – solid for most games, but down sharply from recent franchise sales:

    GameLaunch YearInitial Sales
    Black Ops201030.4 million
    Modern Warfare 3201130.7 million
    Black Ops 2201229.7 million
    Ghosts201319 million
  • Reviews settled at a 79 on Metacritic – lowest for a core CoD game since 2007. Criticism focused on playing it too safe compared to Black Ops 2‘s 89 rating.

  • Preorders in the UK were down by a quarter from 2012‘s Black Ops 2, reflecting declining buzz.

Clearly the formula that had rocketed previous CoD games to become the industry‘s biggest blockbusters was starting to falter.

Why Exactly Did Ghosts Fail to Resonate as Strongly?

Looking back, it‘s not hard to see why Ghosts failed to seize the gaming world‘s imagination as much as its predecessors.

Too Safe and Familiar?

After Black Ops 2 received praise for its fresh 2025 setting and branching storylines, Ghosts was criticized as playing it too safe – essentially a re-skinned Modern Warfare with near-future gear and America diminished as a superpower.

Forgettable Characters and Story?

The characters of Logan and Hesh failed to grab gamers like John "Soap" MacTavish or Alex Mason. And the melodramatic plot lacked any truly memorable missions like Modern Warfare‘s "All Ghillied Up."

Multiplayer Stagnation?

With stablemates like Black Ops 2 and Battlefield 4 wowing players with innovative new online modes, Ghosts‘ multiplayer felt like treading water with the same old Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag options.

Learning the Wrong Lessons?

In trying to emulate competitor Battlefield‘s large maps and destructible scenery, Infinity Ward diluted the tight, fast-paced action that CoD was known for. And the over-promoted Riley the dog gimmick fell flat.

What Went Right with Ghosts?

That said, Ghosts did have some positives that pointed toward potential for a solid sequel:

  • The Extinction alien co-op mode offered a refreshing change from predictable Zombies.

  • DLC maps like BayView and Departed were better designed than the muted base maps.

  • New mechanics like knee slides and mantling brought welcome mobility options.

  • Gabriel Rorke made for an imposing villain, though underutilized.

  • The Federation provided a more intriguing enemy faction than generic Russian or Arabic foes.

  • The story ended on a cliffhanger, with Logan captured by Rorke – ripe for a follow-up.

So Why Wasn‘t Ghosts 2 Fast-Tracked to Resolve That Cliffhanger?

Given the obvious sequel hook at the end of Ghosts, fans naturally expected and hoped for a swift Ghosts 2 announcement to continue the story. Yet as of 2023, it has never materialized. Why?

Sales Likely Not Lucrative Enough

While selling 19 million copies is excellent for most franchises, for juggernaut Call of Duty it signaled diminished enthusiasm that likely gave Activision pause about investing in a direct sequel.

Split Focus with Advanced Warfare in 2014

The next year‘s Call of Duty, Advanced Warfare, took the series in a bold new exosuit direction that required Infinity Ward‘s full attention.

Black Ops 3 Took Priority in 2015

By 2015, Call of Duty shifted back to the reliable Black Ops series, which monopolized development resources.

New Modern Warfare Reboot Took Over

2019‘s Modern Warfare reboot became the new tentpole, supported by 2020‘s Black Ops Cold War and yearly new Warzone content.

No Urgent Need With Still-Active Older Titles

Unlike story-driven series like Mass Effect, CoD thrives on active online multiplayer communities. So older entries like Ghosts can still have life without direct sequels.

Risk of Franchise Fatigue

Annual CoD releases already draw some criticism for repetitive gameplay. Doubling down on an underwhelming entry could exacerbate this issue.

Could We Ever See a Surprise Ghosts 2 Return?

The above factors explain why Infinity Ward understandably chose not to prioritize a Ghosts follow-up as the next Call of Duty after its release. But as years go by, could the series revisit Logan‘s unfinished story as a surprise comeback?

Sales Projections Look Uncertain

A 2024 Ghosts 2 would likely sell 5-10 million copies based on nostalgia and curiosity. Respectable for many series, but potentially underwhelming for CoD.

Story Resolution Might Justify It

However, Ghosts‘ unresolved cliffhanger gives Activision a compelling reason if they did want to revisit it and wrap things up.

Lower Budget Spin-off Possible

A smaller-scale downloadable Ghosts side story or low-budget tie-in novel could resolve the plot while limiting financial risk.

Existing Map Assets Lower Dev Costs

Infinity Ward could reuse existing assets, modifying Ghosts‘ settings and multiplayer maps to lower production costs for a sequel.

New Console Generation Could Spark Interest

The upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series X generation reset gives a fresh opportunity to reintroduce dormant CoD sub-series.

Patched-Together Frankenstory?

Another option is weaving Ghosts plot resolution into the story of a different future Call of Duty through flashbacks or crossover cameos.

The Verdict: Ghosts 2 Could Happen But Odds Are Long

Given Call of Duty‘s Seventeen mainline entries and counting since 2013, the window for revisiting Ghosts feels like it is closing. As time goes by, nostalgia for a direct sequel diminishes as fans move on to newer stories and gameplay innovation.

However, Call of Duty has proven remarkably resilient, with even 2007‘s Modern Warfare still supported. I‘d estimate the chances of Ghosts 2 happening at around 30%. The series has surprised us before, and the unfinished storyline provides justification if Activision did want to take a risk on reawakening ghosts (pun intended). But for now, Logan Walker‘s fate remains one of gaming‘s biggest cliffhangers.

What do you think? Should Activision finally give closure to Ghosts‘ abandoned storyline? Or is it better left in the past? Sound off in the comments!

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