Will There Be a Minecraft: Story Mode Season 3?

As an avid Minecraft player and gaming enthusiast, this is a question I get asked a lot. So let‘s dive into the details and see if a Season 3 looks likely.

The Short Answer

There is currently no official confirmation of a Minecraft: Story Mode Season 3 being in active development or planned for future release.

Mojang, who now owns the rights to the series after Telltale‘s closure, has not announced any plans to continue the episodic adventure game. The future of the series remains uncertain.

However, there are reasons to be hopeful that we could see Jesse and the gang return someday. Minecraft remains hugely popular and a Season 3 could thrive with the right publisher support.

What Happened to Minecraft: Story Mode? A Recap

For those unfamiliar with the first two seasons, let‘s quickly recap what Minecraft: Story Mode was and what led to its untimely demise:

  • Developed by Telltale Games and published by Mojang, Season 1 released in 2015 across all major gaming platforms. It was a 5-episode episodic narrative adventure game set in the Minecraft universe.

  • Season 2, subtitled Order of the Stone, released in 2017 with 5 more episodes continuing Jesse‘s story.

  • Despite positive reviews from critics and fans, Telltale Games announced closure in 2018 due to financial issues.

  • In 2019, Minecraft: Story Mode was removed from digital storefronts when licensing rights expired, making new purchases impossible.

  • In late 2022, even the streamed Netflix versions of the game were removed. Only physical disc copies remain widely available.

SeasonRelease Year# of Episodes
Season 120155
Season 220175

This sudden shutdown was heartbreaking for fans, leaving Jesse‘s tale incomplete and cutting off Story Mode at just 10 episodic installments.

What are the Chances of a Season 3 Happening?

Let‘s dig into the main factors that will determine if Minecraft: Story Mode gets a Season 3 greenlit:

Minecraft Remains Massively Popular

Minecraft hit a record 140 million monthly active users in 2022. It is the best-selling video game of all time and continues growing stronger every year with new updates and content.

With the IP more popular than ever, a narrative adventure spin-off like Story Mode has huge potential, both creatively and commercially. There is a massive built-in audience eager for more content.

YearApprox. MAUs
2022140 million
2021131 million
2020126 million

*MAU = Monthly Active Users

Mojang Now Owns the Rights

When Telltale went under, the rights to Story Mode reverted to Mojang, the developers of Minecraft. This puts the series fully under Minecraft‘s control again.

Mojang has not indicated if they have any plans to bring it back. But the option is there if they want to pursue it. They could develop a Season 3 internally or license it out to another studio.

Telltale Is Surprisingly Back

After Telltale shut down, it was acquired in 2019 by a new company that revived the Telltale name. They have since released remasters of older Telltale games like The Walking Dead.

This reopened Telltale theoretically has the expertise to make a Season 3, if Mojang was willing to license Story Mode back to them. It wouldn‘t be a straightforward process, but it‘s not impossible either.

The Netflix Effect

When Netflix hosted Minecraft: Story Mode in its catalog from 2018 to 2022, it introduced the series to a whole new audience. The streaming platform has proven incredibly effective at driving interest in dormant franchises.

If Story Mode returned for Season 3, a simultaneous Netflix debut could really propel it into the mainstream. This promotional opportunity wasn‘t available for the first two seasons.

The Minecraft Movie Boost

A major theatrical Minecraft movie is still on track for 2025. If it succeeds at bringing Minecraft to Hollywood, it will stoke demand for more narrative content based on the universe.

Mojang may want to capitalize on that spotlight by also giving fans new Story Mode episodes to enjoy before or after seeing the movie. The projects would likely be totally separate, but the timing could line up favorably.

What Could Season 3 Explore?

Looking at where Season 2 left off, here are just some of the possibilities a hypothetical Season 3 could explore:

  • More backstory on The Old Builders and the Portal Network.
  • Romances between Jesse and other characters like Petra or Lukas.
  • Appearances by popular Minecraft YouTube stars.
  • New biomes and mobs added since Season 2 like pandas, foxes, and dolphins.
  • The return of iconic items like the Command Block.
  • Spin-off stories focused on fan-favorite side characters.

The potential storylines are nearly endless given how rich and dynamic the Minecraft universe is. The writing team would have no shortage of lore, locations, and characters to draw from.

Will Fans Ever Give Up Hope?

The dedicated Minecraft: Story Mode fandom wants to see Season 3 brought to life just as much as I do. Their passion is clear across social media and fan sites.

But every year that passes without news about a renewal makes it harder to keep hoping. By 2025, it will have been 8 years since Season 2 wrapped up Jesse‘s story.

Eventually, even the most loyal fans may have to come to terms with Story Mode‘s fate remaining a cliffhanger. But for now, their energy and enthusiasm for the series is encouraging.

Conclusion – Cautious Optimism Is Warranted

Given everything we‘ve looked at, I believe there are enough signs pointing to a possible Season 3 that cautious optimism is warranted:

  • Minecraft‘s immense popularity shows no signs of fading.
  • Mojang owns the rights to the series now.
  • Telltale‘s return creates a potential licensee for development.
  • Netflix and the Minecraft movie could drive major mainstream momentum.

However, until Mojang provides concrete confirmation, speculation is all we have. The company has given no hints a revival is imminent or even on their radar.

For now, Minecraft: Story Mode fans will have to settle for cautiously optimistic hope that we may one day return to this beloved universe. I know I‘ll be eagerly awaiting any news and keeping the spirit alive in the community.

What do you think? Does a Season 3 seem likely in the next few years or is Story Mode gone for good? I‘d love to hear other perspectives in the comments!

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