Will Using Cheat Engine Get You Banned in Elden Ring?

The short answer is – yes, getting caught using Cheat Engine or other cheating tools online in Elden Ring will likely trigger punitive bans. As a passionate gamer and industry commentator, I‘ve analyzed Elden Ring‘s robust anti-cheat framework, banning policies, and the heated debates around cheating to provide an in-depth perspective.

Cheating Ban Rates and Consequences

Elden Ring developer FromSoftware has taken a hard stance against illegitimate gameplay alterations and cheating. According to collected player reports, over 3000 bans were issued in Elden Ring within the first month post-release.

The typical punishment progression for getting caught cheating is:

  1. 1st Offense: 180 day temporary multiplayer ban
  2. 2nd Offense: Permanent ban from online play

In some cases, first time offenders have received immediate permanent bans for egregious cheating. As Elden Ring‘s anti-cheat improves, banning rates will likely rise.

What Happens When You‘re Banned

Getting banned in Elden Ring has two major consequences:

  1. Locked out of online multiplayer, co-op, and invading
  2. Restricted to playing only with other cheaters

You can still access the main story and quests, but without interacting with the wider player community. For devoted fans, this often ruins the experience.

How Elden Ring‘s Anti-Cheat Detects Cheaters

Elden Ring utilizes the Easy Anti-Cheat service combined with extensive proprietary detection systems. Here‘s an overview of how cheating gets identified:

  • In-Game Data Checks: Scans player data, inventories, stats for modified/illegal values
  • Software Recognition: Flags third-party apps that interact with Elden Ring
  • Behavior Analysis: Identifies suspicious behavior like teleporting, infinite health, etc.

As long as Cheat Engine is running alongside Elden Ring, anti-cheat efforts will detect its presence and ban the account. Clever evasion efforts may work temporarily, but likely not for long.

Top Cheat Engine Triggers

Here are the most common Chelat Engine uses that get players banned:

  • Spawning rare gear and items
  • Increasing rune count/stats beyond legal limits
  • Teleporting/clipping out of bounds
  • God mode (invincibility, infinite health, stamina etc.)

Essentially any significant deviation from normal Elden Ring mechanics risks triggering anti-cheat systems.

Banning Appeals and Account Restoration

Currently, there is no official appeals process to protest or overturn Elden Ring bans. Bandai Namco‘s official suggestion is to fully uninstall and re-install the game after receiving a ban – but this reset procedure does not remove banning status.

However, some players have reportedly succeeded in getting bans rescinded by repeatedly contacting Bandai Namco support and proving their innocence. The chances of overturning a cheating ban remain very slim.

Cheating Compared to Other Major Titles

I‘ve played Online games for over 10 years and wanted to contrast Elden Ring‘s stringent anti-cheating stance to other titles:

  • vs. Apex Legends: Apex issues hardware bans for severe offenses
  • vs. Destiny 2: Temporary 1 week suspensions for first offenders
  • vs. Rainbow Six Siege: 3 day, 7 day, 15 day, and permanent ban tiers

Overall, Elden Ring sits on the stricter side, but not as severe as some MMOs boasting instant zero-tolerance perma-bans. The 180 day initial ban leaves the door open for contrite cheaters to return if they reform and pledge to play fair in the Lands Between moving forward.

Community Reaction and Motivations Around Cheating

Gamers remain divided on the severity of Elden Ring‘s anti-cheating enforcement. For context, here are common motivations cited for and against illicit gameplay alterations:

Why Players Defend Cheating

  • Elden Ring‘s brutal difficulty causes frustration
  • Want options to experience full game at own pace
  • Like experimenting with mechanics and mods
  • View single player cheating as a "victimless crime"

Why Players Condemn Cheating

  • Ruins competitive integrity of online play
  • Unfair advantage over honest players
  • Contributes to ban innocent players who pick up hacked items
  • Devalues accomplishment of overcoming challenges

As an avid gamer, I sympathize with both perspectives. Ultimately though, those who cheat must do so accepting the risk of repercussions from Fair Play policies all agree to as a condition of playing online titles.

Alternatives to Avoid Banning Risk

While Cheat Engine and illicit mods pose ban risks in online Elden Ring play, players do have alternatives to experience the game on their terms without hurting others:

  • Play Offline – Mods and cheats in offline mode are 100% safe
  • Over-Level Grinding – Tedious but practical for easing difficulty
  • Spirit Ashes Summons – In-game mechanics to aid boss fights

I hope FromSoftware considers allowing limited cosmetic-only mods in the future – this would expand creative player expression while not damaging online integrity.

Final Verdict – Exercise Extreme Caution

To directly answer the original question – yes, getting caught cheating in Elden Ring online play via Cheat Engine or similar tools can absolutely get you banned. The anti-cheat system actively works to detect illegitimate gameplay alterations.

While 180 day sentences offer a second chance, those stylist permabans will permanently lock you out of Elden Ring‘s engaging online community features. My recommendation is avoiding cheating altogether when playing online. For an authentic and fair trek through the Lands Between, leave Cheat Engine inactive once you bring your created character online .

What do you think – should anti-cheat be softened, or is Elden Ring‘s hard line against cheating appropriate? Share your perspectives below!

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