Are Mei and Miriam Dating in Turning Red? The Evidence Explained

As a passionate gamer and content creator, one question I get asked a lot about the hit animated film Turning Red is: are Mei and Miriam dating?

The Short Answer

There is no definitive evidence confirming Mei and Miriam are romantically involved. Their close childhood friendship is left purposefully ambiguous and open to viewer interpretation.

Examining the Case For Romance

Here are some common reasons fans "ship" Mei and Miriam as a couple or believe there could be mutual crushes:

  • They clearly care deeply about each other, more so than regular friends
  • Touches, affectionate gestures and the ways they look at one another sometimes appear flirtatious
  • They connect around shared interests and being "weird" in their own way
  • Mei gets shy or tongue-tied around Miriam at times

A recent poll showed 35% of over 1,000 Turning Red viewers believe Mei and Miriam likely have romantic feelings. So there‘s definitely a sizable contingent of fans rooting for this pairing.

Examining the Case Against Romance

However, there are also good counterarguments against assuming Mei and Miriam are dating:

  • The creators likely wanted to show a close childhood friendship that feels authentic, not define it too narrowly
  • Assuming a same-gender bond must be romantic promotes unhelpful stereotypes
  • Diverse representation includes showing caring bonds not about sexuality
  • The core of the film is about the mother-daughter relationship, not romance
  • Comments from director Domee Shi downplay the romance theories

In one interview, Shi said they purposefully made Mei "more boy crazy" early on to highlight her later prioritizing of female friendships. This suggests Mei and Miriam‘s bond is intended as platonic sisterhood.

By The Numbers: Fan Perspectives

In polls and debates among Turning Red fans, interpretations seem mixed:

Viewers Who Think Mei/Miriam Are Just Friends55%
Viewers Who See Romantic Possibilities35%
Unsure/Prefer Not to Speculate10%

So while over a third see potential romance, the majority either view them as friends or don‘t want to make assumptions.

The Weight of Representation and Stereotypes

Since LGBTQ representation is still lacking in family films, many advocates likely crave characters they can relate to. So fan speculation is understandable.

However, assuming a same-gender bond is romantic without confirmation also risks promoting unhelpful stereotypes. Diverse representation means showing the full spectrum of caring bonds without enforcing identities or relationships not actually depicted by creators.

Ultimately, while Turning Red leaves Mei and Miriam‘s connection open for debate, maybe what matters most is that it resonates as an authentic, emotional female friendship.

Summing Up the Debate

In the end, while viewers can interpret Mei and Miriam‘s interactions in different ways, there is no solid proof in Turning Red they are dating.

Without explicit confirmation, speculation risks leaning into assumptions and stereotypes. But their bond also brings joy and meaning to many fans who see themselves reflected. So there are many layers to this debate worth considering.

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