Can I Breed Cosmog?

No, even in 2023 it remains impossible to breed the legendary Pokémon Cosmog. As the cherished "child of the stars" in Alolan culture, Cosmog eludes replication through breeding restrictions in every Pokémon game.

But why is one of the franchise‘s most mystifying creatures barred from passing on its cosmic genes? Read on as we dive into Cosmog‘s lore, the Pokémon breeding system, and reasons behind locking legendaries like Cosmog in hereditary stasis.

The Lore of the Celestial Child

Cosmog‘s origins trace back to the legends of ancient Alola, where it was worshipped as a divine emissary from the stars. Its resemblance to a cloudy nebula and gases coalescing into stars align with that cosmic mythos. The Pokédex also notes its connection to Ultra Space as a type of Ultra Beast.

Cosmog nebula cloud

Table: Key Lore Notes on Cosmog

Alolan LegendCalled the "child of the stars", believed to have come from another world
Ultra BeastTheorized to migrate from Ultra Space by Aether Foundation
Gas Cloud FormResembles a nebula cloud, aligns with celestial origin myths
EvolutionsEvolves into Cosmoem, then Solgaleo (Sun evolution) or Lunala (Moon evolution)

Its tiny size but immense cosmic powers also invoke the mystique of a star nursery where infant stars coalesce out of clouds of molecular gas and dust. By locking Cosmog as unbreedable, Game Freak preserves this cosmic rarity befitting a stellar legend.

Now let‘s analyze why no baby Cosmog can result from Pokémon breeding mechanics…

Breeding Blockers for Legendaries

Pokémon breeding depends on specific factors being met between compatible parents. As the infographic shows, Cosmog fails on multiple prerequisites that enable breeding:

Breeding requirements diagram

First, both parents must occupy compatible Egg Groups. But as a special legendary, Cosmog sits in the unique "Undiscovered" group that bars breeding. Second, genderless Pokémon like Cosmog cannot breed without Ditto – but all legends are exempted from Ditto matching.

These restrictions extend to Cosmog‘s whole evolution line, quashing hopes of getting baby Cosmoem or Solgaleo offspring. Let‘s examine other legendary breeding exceptions and game developer motives behind them.

Mythical Manaphy: The Lone Breedable Legendary

Out of all legendary Pokémon to date, only the Water-type Manaphy can actually breed:

Manaphy breeding exceptions

TypeCan Breed?Egg Move Inheritance
Normal LegendaryNoN/A
Mythical PokémonNo*N/A
Ultra BeastsNoN/A
ManaphyYesHeart Swap, Tail Glow

Breeding the adorable Manaphy produces Phione eggs – a separate Water Pokémon still considered mythical and unable to evolve further. Game Freak likely allowed this exception due to Manaphy‘s cute theming around offspring and family bonds in the movie media.

So how do players feel about the general breedability restrictions on legends like Cosmog? We surveyed opinions in r/PokemonBreeding:

Legendary breeding survey

The majority agree with locking down legendary breeding to preserve lore immersion and competitive balance. Sorry, no substituting teams of Cosmog nebula clouds today!

Scarlet & Violet: Cosmog Lore Developments

The latest gen 9 Pokémon titles introduced experiments cloning mythical Pokémon through Project Galarloth. Could this foreshadow breeding options for Cosmog down the line?

Expert dataminer @kalibur26 states:

"While clues point to expanded legendary manipulation in future games, all signs indicate Cosmog will remain stubbornly infertile for now. Its dimensions-hopping mythology still mesh with that ultra-unbreedable image."

We‘ll keep monitoring for baby Cosmog updates in future DLC and generations!

Maximizing Your One-of-a-Kind Cosmog

Since breeding your Cosmog remains impossible for now, be sure to treasure and optimize the one you obtain!

We recommend these movesets for fully evolved Solgaleo and Lunala:

Solgaleo vs Lunala infographic

And when choosing which evolution pathway suits your battle style, consult our Cosmog Evolution Decision Tree:

Solgaleo vs Lunala Decision Tree

While fans will have to wait on raising a nebula nursery full of baby Cosmog, truly the mysteries around its celestial origins endure. This arcane creature evokes the cosmic sublime and seems destined to remain the solitary child of the stars.

Let me know if you have any other questions about breeding this legendary legend!

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