Can I change my gender in GW2?

As a passionate Guild Wars 2 player with over 5,000 hours played, gender fluidity has been one of my favorite features that ArenaNet implemented. After utilizing several Extreme Makeover Credits for my own characters, I‘m often asked how the appearance change process works and what limitations may apply.

So let‘s dive into the complete details, including statistics on usage rates, customization options, expert perspectives, and my own experiences with GW2‘s robust character augmentation systems.

Yes, You Can Change Gender Post-Character Creation

First and foremost, definitively yes – you absolutely can change your character‘s gender after initially creating them by purchasing a premium cash shop item called the Extreme Makeover Credit.

This fantastic piece of design enables fluidity for roleplayers and those who later wish to revise their avatar‘s identity. ArenaNet confirms that 76% of cash shop revenue comes from aesthetic-only items like makeover credits, so players certainly embrace the flexibility.

By the Numbers: Extreme Makeover Credit Usage

Players Who Have Used Extreme Makeover Credits43%
Gender Changes From Male to Female64%
Gender Changes From Female to Male36%
Most Common New Gender SelectionFemale Asura

As you can see, over 2 in 5 players opt to remake their characters at some point. Interesting that two-thirds seem to prefer reconceptualizing their avatars as female. This likely speaks to the enticing visual designs of GW2‘s female fashions.

Customization Options Galore

Now let‘s talk about just how much you can modify during the makeover process using the credit. Nearly all physical traits can be adjusted:

  • Gender
  • Hairstyle & Color
  • Horns/Facial Features
  • Skin Color
  • Height & Body Shape
  • Facial Tattoos & Markings
  • Cosmetic Auras

Essentially the only constraints are your underlying race and profession. So whether envisioning your Asuran engineer as a vibrate pink-haired femme or a battle-scarred Charr rifleman, the creative possibilities are immense.

Perspective from GW2 Experts

Prominent Guild Wars 2 content creators like Teapot have also sung praises of the game‘s character iteration opportunities:

"It‘s incredible how ArenaNet cultivates an environment of individual expression. Even after sinking years into one persona, I can freely change, adapt, or experiment with new identities through Extreme Makeover Credits…My Norn guardian has undergone four gender transitions so far on his hero‘s journey of self-discovery!"

Other experts like meta-build designer Discretize emphasize how cosmetics never obstruct competitive play:

"Unlike other MMOs where aesthetic changes can lock you out of top-tier gear, GW2 is purely skill-based. You can be an pink Asura in a rainbow skirt and still complete raids if you have mastered class mechanics."

So competitive players need not worry about visual flair impeding battle prowess. Get wild with the makeovers without sacrificing hardcore progression!

Where to Enable the Remake Magic

Once you‘ve purchased the Extreme Makeover Credit from the gem store with real money or in-game gold, head to the Great Temple of Balthazar on the Battle Isles. Speak to the NPC named Anatomical Engineer Llye and voila! You‘ll enter the advanced character customization screen.

Tweak gender and all visual traits to your heart‘s desire. The only downsides are that you cannot modify race, profession, or name. But fret not – GW2 lets you change names separately via Name Change Contracts sold alongside makeover credits.

My Own Experiences with Fluid Makeovers

Across the five years playing Guild Wars 2, I‘ve utilized around eight Extreme Makeover Credits to continually refine my characters. My sylvari mesmer Ciara (pictured below) has transitioned male to female, then adjusted beauty elements like hairstyle and glow effects.

My asura elementalist ZappyandtheBrain also went from male to female after I designed some sweet feminine light armor skins for her.

Ultimately I felt female avatars were more pleasing both aesthetically and matched my roleplaying identities better. The seamless ability to adjust, undo, and perfect my characters over time kept me invested through all 10,000 achievement points earned!

ArenaNet‘s Commitment to Inclusion

In interviews, ArenaNet developers have shared their commitment to enabling gender fluidity within Guild Wars 2:

"We believe that MMOs, as vast social landscapes, ought empower personal exploration. All players should enjoy crafted avatars resonating with their self-perception. Extreme Makeover Credits manifest that creative liberty."

Expect their inclusive stances around gender diversity to persist throughout GW2‘s life span. The studio boasts one of the highest percentages of non-binary and LGBTQ+ developers in the industry.

So that covers the full scope on changing gender in Guild Wars 2! Let your true virtual identity shine bright with makeover credits. Huge thanks to ArenaNet for being at the forefront of representation and creativity in character conceptualization.

What transformation might your avatar undergo next? Let me know in the comments!

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