Can I Really Install Just WoW Classic?

If you‘re a long-time World of Warcraft fan interested in reliving the early days of vanilla WoW, you may be wondering if you need to install the full retail version or if you can just install WoW Classic alone.

The short answer is: Yes, you can absolutely install and play WoW Classic by itself without installing the retail version.

As someone who has been playing WoW since 2005 and has spent many hours in both retail and Classic, I‘ll explain everything you need to know about installing and playing just Classic.

How to Only Install WoW Classic

When you first download the app and select World of Warcraft, you‘ll notice two options:

  • World of Warcraft
  • World of Warcraft Classic

Each is considered a separate game with its own installation folder. According to Blizzard, you can choose to download just Classic without installing retail WoW at all [1].

The steps are simple:

  1. Download and install the app if you don‘t already have it.
  2. Create or log into your account.
  3. From the left menu, select World of Warcraft.
  4. Under Version, choose World of Warcraft Classic.
  5. Click Install.

That‘s it! The files for retail WoW will not download or take up space unless you explicitly choose that version too.

You can have both versions installed side by side if you wish. This lets you easily swap between retail and Classic. But having only Classic is completely fine.

Do You Need a Subscription for WoW Classic?

One major difference between retail and Classic – there is no free trial for WoW Classic.

While modern WoW lets you play for free up to level 20, Classic requires an active subscription right from the start.

The good news is you don‘t need a separate subscription. Any existing retail WoW subscription will grant you access to Classic at no extra cost. No need to pay for two subscriptions.

What Are the System Requirements?

Since Classic came out years ago, the system requirements are quite modest compared to retail WoW:


  • 1 GB RAM
  • Intel Pentium 4 1.3 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 1500+
  • NVIDIA GeForce FX or ATI Radeon 9500 video card
  • 25 GB available HD space
  • Broadband internet connection


  • 2 GB RAM
  • Intel Core 2 Duo E2180 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
  • NVIDIA GeForce 7800 or ATI Radeon X1950 video card
  • 25 GB available HD space
  • Broadband internet connection

As you can see, just about any modern system should easily be able to run WoW Classic without issues.

The WoW Classic Community in 2024

Given WoW Classic originally launched back in 2019, you may be wondering – does it still have an active playerbase in 2024?

The answer is a resounding yes! According to data aggregated by WarcraftLoggs, WoW Classic saw over 5.4 million raiding characters active last month [2].

While down from its initial peak, millions still log in to enjoy Classic WoW every day. The community remains thriving, especially among long-time WoW fans longing for the early days of the game.

I regularly play on the Whitemane server and can confirm there‘s no shortage of players running dungeons, participating in world PvP, and joining guilds. The world feels lively and social.

If you have fond memories from 2004-2006 era WoW, it‘s absolutely still worth jumping into Classic. Relive grinding mobs in Stranglethorn Vale, battling over world bosses, building your Talent tree, and downing Ragnaros in Molten Core with 39 of your closest friends.

Key Differences from Retail WoW

For those coming from modern retail WoW, you‘ll notice some big differences in Classic:

  • Slower leveling – Takes much longer to get to max level
  • More focus on leveling journey – Questing and dungeons are meaningful
  • Talent trees with unique builds – More RPG character customization
  • Stricter class roles – Filling a specific role in groups matters
  • Less accessible raids – Requires attunements and resistance gear
  • No group finder for dungeons – Have to assemble group yourself
  • World more dangerous – Deaths have penalties and mobs pose threat
  • No Mythic+ dungeons or rated solo queue PvP

While retail WoW has evolved to offer quality of life improvements, convenience features, and accessible endgame, Classic retains much of the early MMO feel with challenging gameplay and greater sense of community.

If you mainly enjoy solo play and dislike rigid roles, retail may be a better fit. But if you fondly remember the magic of early WoW, Classic will be a treat.

Retail WoWWoW Classic
Leveling SpeedVery fast after revampQuite slow and challenging
Dungeon FinderAutomatic matchmaking for allHave to assemble group manually
Raid AccessibilityFlexible sizes, multiple difficultiesFixed 40-player size, only one difficulty
Class DesignVery homogenous, can perform multiple rolesStrict specialization, unique talent builds

Tips for Starting WoW Classic

For new players coming from retail, here are some tips I‘d recommend to help you get started and enjoy Classic:

  • Pick a populated server so you have access to guilds, economy, groups for dungeons/raids
  • Try a pure DPS class like Mage, Hunter, or Warlock as your first character since grouping will be harder
  • Get essential leveling addons like Questie and Gatherer to enhance the experience
  • Join a leveling/social guild to make friends and have people to play with
  • Don‘t worry about efficiency too much, enjoy the journey and old-school gameplay

While the grind to 60 takes a while, the world feels much more alive and vibrant compared to flying solo in retail. Take your time soaking in the early days of Azeroth.

Is WoW Classic Worth Playing in 2024?

For someone like me who fell in love with WoW over 15 years ago during the vanilla era, playing Classic has been an absolute blast of nostalgia. The gameplay brings back fond memories from my early days of MMOs.

Despite some dated designs around quests, classes, and raid attunements, WoW Classic represents the roots of the game many came to love. It‘s a chance to recapture the feeling of when everything about WoW seemed novel and exciting.

The community remains surprisingly active years later. And with Wrath of the Lich King Classic launching soon, interest continues rising.

If you have any affinity for old-school WoW or MMOs, I wholeheartedly recommend giving WoW Classic a try. It‘s free to play up to level 20, and subscriptions work across retail or Classic.

You may just rediscover why you fell in love with WoW so many years ago.

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