Can I Play 3DS Games on DeSmuME?

No, you cannot currently play Nintendo 3DS games on the DeSmuME emulator. DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator, designed specifically for playing Nintendo DS games. It predates the 2011 launch of the 3DS and has no native support currently for running newer 3DS titles.

DeSmuME – Capable DS Emulator, But Not 3DS

First launched in 2006, DeSmuME is one of the longest running and most capable Nintendo DS emulators available today. According to multiple expert reviews, it offers excellent game compatibility, good performance on lower end hardware, and accurate emulation of DS graphics and audio.

However, DeSmuME has not seen a major update since 2015. And even in its heyday, it was never designed to handle the additional hardware demands of running more advanced 3DS games.

Some key technical reasons DeSmuME cannot emulate 3DS titles:

  • Lacks Support for 3D Display: A core feature of the 3DS is its autostereoscopic 3D screen that displays depth. DeSmuME does not emulate this correctly.
  • Missing Custom Hardware Support: The 3DS used newer, more powerful system-on-a-chip hardware that DeSmuME cannot recreate accurately enough.
  • CPU/GPU Limitations: Running advanced 3DS games requires significantly more processing power compared to DS games. Modern DeSmuME builds struggle with this.

Attempting to load a 3DS ROM on DeSmuME will either trigger graphical glitches, unplayable slow speeds, crashes/freezes, or simply not load the game successfully.

Citra – Leading Choice For 3DS Emulation Currently

For properly emulating 3DS games on a desktop PC right now, most experts recommend using the Citra emulator:

Citra Emulator Logo

Citra delivers excellent game compatibility, hardware support, and performance for an authentic 3DS experience. While still under active development after starting in 2014, it can smoothly emulate most popular first-party Nintendo titles and an increasing number of third-party releases.

Some key advantages Citra has over DeSmuME for running 3DS games:

  • 3D Rendering Support: Citra properly emulates the 3DS‘ stereoscopic screens and 3D effect using OpenGL.
  • Custom Hardware Recreation: The emulator better recreates the exact system-on-a-chip hardware inside real 3DS devices.
  • Responsive Performance: Efficient code and graphics back-ends translate to higher frame rates, fewer glitches, and lag-free gameplay.
  • Enhanced Graphics: Rendering at higher resolutions than original 3DS hardware results in crisper visuals.

According to the latest progress report in July 2022, Citra now has over 91% of 1st party releases rated playable, indicating good speeds and complete playability. And these numbers continue rising with the latest nightly builds.

As a point of comparison, testing indicates DeSmuME only has a 33% success rate in properly loading 3DS game files as of 2022 reports.

Game Performance And Compatibility Comparison

The table below summarizes how DeSmuME and Citra compare today in 2024 for running Nintendo DS and 3DS games well:

EmulatorTarget SystemGame CompatibilityAverage FPSPeak Performance
DeSmuMENintendo DSVery High (95% games playable)50-60 FPS+Lower spec desktops, notebooks
Citra (MMJ)Nintendo 3DSHigh (70%+ games playable)30-55 FPSHigher spec desktops, gaming notebooks
Citra (Official)Nintendo 3DSVery High (91%+ games playable)45-60+ FPSModern desktops, notebooks

You can see DeSmuME offers great DS backwards compatibility that should pose no issue for most games on even entry level machines.

But for good Citra performance on 3DS games, a desktop or notebook from the last 5 years with a decent GPU is recommended for ideal speeds. Custom forks like Citra MMJ can further help boost frame rates on lower power hardware.

Legal Considerations Around Emulation

A common concern around emulators is their legal standing given potential piracy risks. It‘s important to clarify some key facts:

  • Emulators themselves are 100% legal open-source software products. Their creation does not violate copyright law.
  • However downloading commercial ROM copies online instead of dumping your own games can be illegal.
  • You must own an authentic game cartridge/disc to legally emulate it. This allows personal backups.
  • Issues mainly arise when downloading or distributing copyrighted software freely without ownership.

My recommendation for legally using emulators:

  • First purchase any games you intend to play – buying used cartridges can save money.
  • Then dump or extract the game ROM data yourself from this personal copy.
  • Finally load your backed up ROM in the emulator, keeping it for personal use only according to Fair Use allowances in copyright law.

This practice keeps your emulation hobby completely legal and ethical. It also ultimately benefits developers when buying secondhand releases.

Installation and Setup of Citra for 3DS Gaming

With the legality discussion covered, this section provides a quick guide to get up and running with Citra for 3DS emulation:

Download and Install

  1. Download Citra for your Windows, Mac or Linux machine via
  2. Install Citra by running the downloaded .dmg or .exe file
  3. Create a user account when launching Citra for the first time

Dump 3DS Cartridges (Optional)

  • Use a compatible cartridge reader/writer peripheral to legally dump owned game data to your PC as .3ds or .cci/.cxi ROM files
  • Guides for appropriate hardware and software are available online

Add ROMs to Library

  • Locate your downloaded or dumped 3DS ROM files on disk
  • Click the Install CIA or Load File button within Citra to import ROMs
  • Supported formats include unencrypted .3ds, .cxi, .cci and .cfa files
  • ROMs will now appear under Library and can be launched

And that‘s all there is to it get up and running! Tweak graphics settings under Config → Graphics for optimal performance based on your PC.

Some recommendations:

  • Resolution: Native or 2x
  • Shaders: Off (if card struggles)
  • Anti-Aliasing: 2x MSAA maximum
  • Texture Filter: Anisotropic if you have ample VRAM

With these simple steps complete, you can now enjoy your favorite 3DS hits on desktop!

Latest Progress and Developments

The Citra developers continue advancing the world‘s premier 3DS emulation platform every month. Ongoing improvements include:

  • Enhanced Performance Profiles: Custom configurations for individual titles you can load with one click for maximum speed.
  • Controller Support Expansion: More gamepads/wheels now compatible as input devices.
  • Android Improvements: Fixes and boosts to the Citra Android port gradually enhancing mobile playability.
  • User Interface Overhaul: A cleaner front-end design rolled out for easier ROM library management.

In 2022, some major milestones were also reached:

  • X and Y axis gyroscope emulation was finally implemented for accurate motion control.
  • Multiplayer local connectivity is now working well in an increasing number of titles.
  • Performance jumped dramatically thanks to GPU video dumping optimizations.

Can DeSmuME ever support 3DS games given its long-standing focus on DS emulation? Potentially, but likely not unless renewed development efforts begin. Its last update 6 years ago unfortunately means the current codebase would require extensive modification to handle more demanding software.

Lacking the manpower behind platforms like Citra today, DeSmuME is best treated as a top option strictly for playing DS catalog content only as of 2023.

Preserving Nintendo 3DS Classics Through Emulation

For gamers and Nintendo fans, Citra provides an invaluable means for preserving beloved handheld classics from the 3DS era:

  • It serves as a handy backup tool should your old physical cartridges fail someday.
  • The emulator helps rediscover and unlock the libraries of past systems.
  • Portability empowers playing wirelessly on the go thanks to the Android version.
  • Enhanced rendering expands classics visually beyond original quality.

Developers may come and go, but passionate communities and emulators ensure ages of amassed creativity never fade away entirely ― they simply evolve along with technology.

Citra and modern innovation keeps memorable 3DS adventures alive that otherwise risk becoming inaccessible. Just as DeSmuME does for DS gems.

While debates around rights and distribution still churn, preservation arguably emerges as emulation‘s most important contribution.


In summary:

  • You cannot natively run 3DS games on the DeSmuME Nintendo DS emulator currently.
  • For properly playing Nintendo 3DS titles on PC, use Citra emulator instead.
  • Citra provides exceptional performance, hardware support, increasing game compatibility and bonus features.
  • Make sure to legally dump or obtain all games locally yourself that you intend to emulate.

So while DeSmuME delivers on keeping DS nostalgia alive, Citra ensures 3DS magic endures for desktops worldwide thanks to dedicated coders and the community supporting them.

Exciting possibilities also exist ahead for mobile 3DS emulation as smartphones grow more powerful with each generation. While limited thus far compared to desktop efficiency, Android gaming helps push innovative preservation forwards for the future.

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