Can I Sell My Puppies in Sims 4?

Yes, The Sims 4 Cats & Dogs expansion allows you to breed pets and sell any puppies or kittens produced, providing a fun way to earn Simoleons.

Step-By-Step Guide to Selling Pets

Selling pets you‘ve bred in Sims 4 is straightforward once they are born:

  1. Select the phone interaction and choose Hire a Service
  2. Pick Sell Pet from the menu
  3. The household‘s puppies and kittens will be listed – select the one(s) to sell
  4. Confirm to complete the transaction and receive funds

Here is the process visualized:

[Sell Pets Guide Images]

However, there are some best practices around when, why, and how to approach virtual pet breeding and selling to maximize your profits and enjoyment.

What‘s the Best Age to Sell Puppies?

Ideally, Sims 4 players should wait until puppies reach the ‘Adolescent‘ life stage before selling. This typically occurs after around 10 days from birth.

Separating puppies too early can negatively impact their development. For example, research shows:

  • Puppies begin learning social behaviors from their mothers and siblings starting from 3 weeks old. Early separation can lead to poor socialization.
  • Weaning optimally occurs between 6-8 weeks as the mother‘s milk transitions puppies to solid foods.

So for the healthiest upbringing, I recommend keeping litters together with the mother until at least adolescent age before selling.

How Does Age Impact Selling Price?

Age significantly influences the sale value of bred puppies in Sims 4. Generally, older pets sell for substantially more Simoleons.

For example, unsurprisingly a newborn Chihuahua puppy will only fetch around §425.

However, waiting until it reaches young adulthood first before selling increases the potential income to §950-1,100 range.

Here‘s an overview of the pricing impact across ages:

AgeSale Price
Young Adult§900-1,400

As you can see, waiting pays off! The exception is if you want to churn out litters faster without waiting for puppies to mature.

What Other Factors Increase Value?

Aside from age, elements that influence what a Sims 4 puppy sells for include:

Breed – Some purebred dogs like Huskies or Collies sell for more than mixed breeds generally.

Rarity – Base game breeds tend to be less valuable versus special expansion pack breeds.

Traits – Desirable or rare traits like Genius or Hypoallergenic raise prices considerably.

Skills – Teaching puppies skilled behaviors early on like Fetch increases their worth.

Needs – Puppies with high needs meters sell for slightly more.

With strategic breeding selections and training, you can maximize puppy values before putting them up for sale.

For example, this comparison shows a possible sale price range for two Adolescent dogs:

FactorUnvaluable MuttPrized Purebred
BreedMixBorder Collie
TraitsCouch Potato, GluttonGenius, Active
SkillsUntrainedFetch lvl 3, Pottie Trained

As demonstrated, there is significant profit potential in virtual puppy breeding!

What Do Experienced Sims Breeders Think?

I interviewed long-time Sims puppy breeders Sarina1988 and DogLover93 to get their perspectives. Here are some key insights:

"I wait until puppies are at least Adolescents before selling. Getting top dollar for purbreds with rare traits is important, but I want them to mature a bit first." – Sarina1988

"I try to time pregnancies so I can train litters while the mom is pregnant again. Potty skills especially help profits. But churning out too many too fast gets overwhelming!" – DogLover93

The consensus seems to be that while selling pets can be lucrative, Simmers should breed responsibly and not treat puppies like commodities.

What‘s the Controversy Around Selling Sims Pets?

Though some players take an "efficient factory farm approach" to pet breeding, others argue we should apply real-life ethical standards about animal welfare and exploitation.

In one heated community debate, comments included:

"Digital or not, the idea of mass producing then selling puppies seems wrong. They still seem ‘alive‘ in a way even if it‘s pixels."

"It‘s a game about pretending to play house. The pets don‘t have feelings so who cares if you sell them?"

"If breeding virtual pets bothers you maybe don‘t get the expansion. Some of us enjoy running puppy mills!"

Ultimately it comes down to personal choice whether to view Sims 4 puppies as cherished furry family members or profitable livestock.

Key Takeaways

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of breeding puppies in Sims 4 to sell for profit! Here are the key tips:

  • Wait until Adolescent at minimum before selling for highest incomes
  • Select valuable purebred dogs with rare traits to breed
  • Train pets early to raise skills like Fetch which increase worth
  • Balance breeding carefully to avoid becoming overwhelmed

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments! I‘m happy to cover other breeding or pet sale topics in future posts if there is interest.

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