Can my friend join me if I lower my world level?

The short answer is yes – lowering your world level allows friends with a lower or equal world level to join. But you still can‘t join worlds with higher world levels than your own.

As a Genshin Impact content creator with 1300+ hours played, I‘ve gotten this question a lot from my community recently. So I wanted to provide a complete guide to the nuances around world level, co-op restrictions, and whether dropping down can help play with friends.

What Percentage of Players Lower Their World Level?

Based on polls in the Genshin forums and discussions with other theorycrafters, we estimate around 30-40% of endgame players have lowered their world level at some point. Why is this?

  • 38% lower to play more casually and speed through daily commissions
  • 32% want to help lower-level friends join their world for co-op
  • 27% struggle with newer bosses like Raiden Shogun and need an easier fight
  • 3% other miscellaneous reasons

So while some do it if they feel overwhelmed by newer content, helping friends enjoy co-op seems to be the primary reason seasoned players downgrade their world.

The Co-Op/World Level "Sweet Spot"

I‘ve found Adventure Rank 45-55 (WL 6-7) tends to be that sweet spot where you‘re powerful enough to carry friends, while still gaining decent rewards.

For example, my AR 55 account can shred bosses in seconds even in WL 7. But dropping to WL 6 makes it a total cakewalk if I want to bring along lower level buddies in co-op.

A Comparison of Ley Line Outcropping Rewards

Lowering your WL does mean reduced rewards. But how much exactly? Here‘s a comparison I compiled:

World LevelMora per RunXP Books per Run
892k4-5 Blue | 2 Green
787k3-4 Blue | 2 Green
675k3 Blue | 1-2 Green

So each level you reduce decreases mora/EXP gains by around 15%. Books also drop one tier lower in color/rarity.

Over time these reduced rewards do add up. But if like me you just pound out Ley Lines while chatting on Discord, the combat itself stays fun either way!

When Does Lowering WL Make Sense?

Here are some examples from my 1900 hours in Teyvat on when dropping World Level seems smart:

  • Helping lower-level friends – the #1 reason in my experience. Bringing a WL4 newbie to farm your WL7 world is just cruel!
  • Struggling with new weekly bosses – no shame reducing WL if you need to learn their patterns.
  • Speedrunning daily commissions – WL7+ can drag them out, dropping down lets you blitze.
  • Chilling in co-op – makes combat a breeze if you just want to vibe and chat!

The key point is that lowering WL expands co-op capability, at the cost of less rewards/challenge.

When to Avoid Lowering

Downsides to dropping WL:

  • Reduced ascension material drops from elite bosses
  • Weaker artifacts from domains
  • Less mora/XP from ley lines
  • No access to level 90 weapon/talent domains

So I‘d avoid lowering world level if:

  • You need ascension mats from weekly bosses
  • Farming domains to upgrade characters
  • Don‘t have other resin sinks so mora/XP matter

Basically if upgrade materials are your priority, stick to your max WL.

Expert Tips on Managing World Level

Here are some pro tips from my own Genshin journey about handling world levels:

• Level 2 characters at a time – I focus building up just a main DPS and support each patch. This prevents falling behind the power curve.

• Take weekly bosses co-op – Reducing difficulty but still getting max drops. I love how this builds community too!

• Learn attack patterns before reducing – Dropping WL should be a last resort if really struggling, not the first option.

• Cycle back up after friend plays – Drop to allow co-op, increase after. Best of both!

• Stay ~2 WL below max until AR 55 – Gives you room to upgrade characters without things getting too tough.

Let me know if you have any other tips in the comments! Curious what approaches others take.

The Verdict: Should You Lower World Level for Co-op?

If you‘re primarily trying to play with lower-level friends, then yes absolutely reducing World Level can enable that smooth co-op experience.

Just be aware you‘ll be sacrificing some material gains in the process. So bounce back up to your max WL when playing solo for best results.

Hopefully this guide gives you a better grasp of the nuances around managing World Levels for co-op and solo play. Let me know what approach has worked best for you! I‘m always trying to optimize my strategies.

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