Can you buy the Overwatch 2 battle pass with legacy credits?

No, you cannot purchase the Overwatch 2 battle pass using legacy credits from the original Overwatch. The new premium battle pass requires Overwatch Coins – a freshly introduced currency available for real money purchase, or earned slowly through weekly challenges.

As a dedicated Overwatch player and content creator, this revelation proved disappointing. Amassing legacy credits felt akin to collecting achievements in the original game – showcasing devotion through playtime. Now their value seemingly evaporates as Blizzard prioritizes monetization through new channels.

The Evolving Currency Landscape in Overwatch 2

Let‘s examine the currency breakdown across games:

Overwatch Coins:

  • Obtainable with real money purchases
  • Acquirable via weekly challenges (approx. 60 coins)
  • Required for the premium battle pass ($10 value each season)
  • Used widely in the in-game shop for skins, emotes, highlight intros, etc.

Legacy Credits:

  • Carried over balances from Overwatch 1 gameplay
  • Earnable through free Overwatch 2 battle pass progression (approx. 1500 per season)
  • Redeemable only for basic hero recolors and some legacy Overwatch 1 cosmetics
  • Cannot purchase brand new Overwatch 2 skins or battle pass
Overwatch CoinsLegacy Credits
Battle Pass PurchaseYesNo
New OW2 CosmeticsYesNo
Older OW1 ItemsYesYes

As demonstrated above, Overwatch Coins clearly supersede legacy credits in application towards desired content.

Encouraging Incremental Spending

Restricting legacy currency serves a transparent purpose for Blizzard – retaining players within a new monetization framework in Overwatch 2. Allowing reputation-based legacy credits to purchase each season‘s battle pass indefinitely risks stunting potential revenue growth.

Instead, my 3500 unspent credits face irrelevance under this new model outside recolors for existing heroes. To gain future event legendaries or battle passes, I must complete weekly challenges granting meager coin income (averaging 8 weeks per season pass).

Alternatively, I could supplement through real money transactions. But as a player who supported Overwatch since launch, this stings slightly. I hoped to continue unlocking content solely through dedicated playtime.

Many share my sentiment, as Reddit threads critique the battle pass pricing and credit devaluation:

  • Reddit user Rational-Discourse (10/22): "I saved up 3000 coins on OW1. I could get almost any skin. Now, I can’t even buy an epic tier skin for a new hero in OW2."
  • Reddit user Owlduty (10/24): "8000 hours in OW1 for these credits to just expire practically."

A Veteran Player‘s Perspective

Overwatch 2 undoubtedly contains massive gameplay improvements – updated heroes, flashy new maps, an appealing leveling system and more. Monetizing these offerings makes complete sense.

However, the handling of legacy currencies left a bitter aftermath for dedicated players hoping to carry forward hard-earned progress into the sequel. Perhaps discounts on shop items would offer a compromise. Time will tell how Blizzard navigates old and new – for now, grind or spend away!

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