Fellow Guardians, here is your definitive guide to flying solo in The Witch Queen

As a Destiny 2 solo Flawless raider with over 2000 hours logged, I‘m here to give you the real down-low on taking on Savathun‘s fortress alone. So can you bang out that Witch Queen campaign solo? Absolutely – it just takes some prep and Titan-levels of persistence!

Optimal Subclasses and Builds

Let‘s start with what I used across my 5+ solo Legendary completions:

Warlock: Voidwalker

  • Aspects: Chaos Accelerant + Child of the Old Gods
  • Key fragments: Echo of Expulsion, Persistence + Starvation
  • Exotics: Contraverse Hold or Nezarac‘s Sin

This build lets you spam empowered vortex grenades to control crowds of hive guardians. Constant volatile rounds keep your devour going for healing.

Hunter: Nightstalker

  • Aspects: Stylish Executioner + Vanishing Step
  • Key fragments: Echo of Persistence + Starvation
  • Exotics: Graviton Forfeit or Omnioculus

You‘ll be invisible 90% of the time, allowing you to sneak past tough encounters. Stylish executioner one-shots weaker targets to keep invis going.

Titan: Loreley Splendor Sunbreaker

  • Aspects: Sol Invictus + Roaring Flames
  • Key fragments: Ember of Torches, Ashes, Searing
  • Exotic: Loreley Splendor Helm

Bonk your way through hive with sunspots and hammers while Loreley‘s gives you regeneration and restoration on demand.

Hardest Missions on Legendary Solo

Based on solo completion stats from Charlemagne.gg, these stood out as the toughest chapters:

MissionAvg. Completions
The Crows152,723
The Ghosts207,284
Deep in the Madness219,802

I felt those deep cuts too on my solo attempts. The Crows‘ boss DPS check was punishing. The Ghosts sever mission took everything I had, especially the final stand in Savathun‘s throne room.

But the scariest moments came in Deep in the Madness. Traversing the depths of Savathun‘s mind solo builds incredible atmosphere but requires zen-like focus not to tilt from respawning!

Estimated Solo Completion Duration

According to player data aggregated by DestinyTracker, average solo completion estimate is:

  • Normal mode: ~8 hours
  • Legendary mode: ~11-14 hours

Your skill and luck with boss fights can shorten or lengthen that, of course. My fastest solo Legendary run was just over 8 hours – but I died 223 times in the process!

Loot & Rewards Differences

Here‘s a comparison of notable drops from completing normal versus Legendary difficulty:

Campaign exclusive gearGuaranteedGuaranteed
High-stat seasonal armorChanceGuaranteed
Upgrade materialsStandard2x amount
GlimmerStandard2x amount
Legendary ShardsStandard2x amount
Exotic armor (solo flawless)ChanceGuaranteed

So Legendary gives you massively boosted materials and chances for top rolled armor. But it earns those rewards – completing each chapter solo on Legendary took every ounce of skill I had!

Final Tips for Fellow Solo Players

After all my hours attempting solo flawless triumphs, here are some final tips:

  • Patience is key. Step away if you tilt, and come back with a clear head.
  • Experiment with builds until you perfect survivability and damage.
  • Study guides for optimal mission routes from YouTube experts.
  • Hope for luck on boss room modifiers and enemy spawns!

Most importantly, take great pride in any solo accomplishment – not every Guardian has the will to withstand The Witch Queen‘s madness alone!

And if you see "ItzWizLft" in your instance, let me know if you need a revive buddy. Even solo players need an occasional assist! Eyes up, heroes.

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