Can You Find Dutch After Beating RDR2?

In short – yes, players can find Dutch van der Linde at the very end of Red Dead Redemption 2, but his ultimate fate after that remains a mystery.

Where Does Dutch Go After Helping Take Down Micah?

In a dramatic final mission aptly titled "American Venom", John Marston confronts Micah Bell, his former gang brother turned mortal enemy. In an unexpected twist, Dutch shows up midway through the shootout and initially aids Micah by pointing his gun at John and Sadie.

However, in the end Dutch turns the tables, shooting Micah himself and allowing John and Sadie to finish him off. With Micah dead, Dutch picks up the Blackwater money stash and walks out without a word, his figure disappearing into the distance.

So while Dutch helps give John some closure, what happens to the broken man after that is left up to players‘ imaginations. Some fans speculate he tries in vain to rebuild a new gang. Others theorize he lives out his days alone in the Yukon or grizzly mountains, a shadow of his former once-grand ambitions.

Regardless, it‘s clear Dutch‘s glory days of gunslinging and robberies are behind him. All that‘s left is a path of difficult self-reflection on his disillusioned vision of what the Wild West meant.

Could Dutch Feel Remorse Over Arthur And The Gang?

As the man who led the Van der Linde gang for over 20 years, Dutch undoubtedly had profound personal relationships with members like Arthur Morgan. Given their father-son dynamic, could Dutch harbor legitimate remorse over Arthur‘s death and his unraveled plans for the gang?

  • Despite his increasingly unstable mindset, early conversations show Dutch did truly care for Arthur
  • However, his narcissistic ego and dogmatic convictions ultimately took control
  • Still, in rare emotional moments, he could feel regret over losing his closest companions
  • Leaving the Blackwater money for John hints at a tinge of penance

In the end, Rockstar keeps it ambiguous if redemption was possible for such a complex antiquated antihero.

Revisiting Key Dutch Hideouts After The Story

Once players complete Red Dead Redemption 2‘s 60+ hour main story, they have the option to freely roam the world as John Marston. This offers opportunities to revisit meaningful locations from Arthur‘s journeys – especially those connected with Dutch‘s gang.

Beaver Hollow Hideout

This rough cavern served as the Van der Linde gang‘s final camp location. Returning as John reveals it to be abandoned – left exactly as it was during the end days when Dutch descended into chaos. Exploring the decrepit camp items certainly drives home the sinister atmosphere of those times.

  • Dutch‘s Chest
    • If Arthur had high honor, Dutch‘s lockbox with valuables, maps, and mementos remains tucked away
    • Provides intriguing insight into Dutch‘s background and personality
  • Signs of the Pinkerton attack
    • Scars of the fight are still visible, like debris from explosives and bullet holes
  • Reminder of the gang‘s collapse
    • Strewn trash, deserted sleeping areas – echoes former desperation

Cave Hideout in the Grizzlies

This remote cave in the northern Grizzly Mountains harbored Dutch, Micah, and the remnants of the gang for months after Arthur‘s death. John already retrieves the Blackwater money Dutch stored here earlier in the epilogue.

Upon returning, players find the chest empty along with everything else gone. Without Dutch, there‘s not much left to this temporary refuge – merely another vacated place highlighting Dutch‘s severed ties.


While Dutch van der Linde‘s actual fate is unknown, Red Dead Redemption 2 does confirm players can have one last confrontation with the charismatic gunslinger leader. His complex evolution makes speculating on his psyche intricately engaging. Did he feel true remorse? Can a man so deeply corrupted find redemption? The storytellers at Rockstar Games weave a narrative gray area that keeps fans guessing for years to come.

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