Can You Get the White Mask After Killing Mohg?

As an avid Elden Ring player with over 200 hours invested, I‘ve made every mistake possible when it comes to missing crucial items. And for bleed builds, few head armor pieces are as coveted as the infamous white mask helmet. So I definitely learned the hard way – if you defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood before farming this iconic helm, you‘ll have to wait until New Game Plus to acquire it!

What Does the White Mask Do?

The eerie white mask boosts the attack power of any melee attacks, spells, and skills by 10% for 20 seconds after triggering any hemorrhage (bleed) effect on enemies. This includes proccing bleed on yourself from self-inflicted weapons like the Seppuku ash of war!

As a passionate bleed build fanatic, I live for that satisfying blood loss explosion. And the white mask lets me leverage every proc for even more devasting attacks for a short while. It may not seem like much, but a 10% damage boost adds up quick – landing just a couple more heavy hits due to the mask can make boss fights far easier.

The Bloody History of the White Mask

Lore-wise, the sinister mask was originally worn by Mohg‘s accursed kinsmen, hinting at their blood-soaked Omen heritage. In fact, the Nameless White Mask enemies wearing this helmet across Mohgwyn Palace are likely Mohg‘s own kin!

Their ties to blood also explain the bleed-boosting properties of their signature headgear. And slaying these Omen creatures is the only way to loot the precious white mask they wear.

Why Does Killing Mohg Lock the Mask?

So why does defeating Mohg himself ruin your chances of farming his White Mask kin for their namesake helmet?

Simply put, besting Mohg causes the Nameless White Mask invaders scattered around the Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum to permanently stop spawning. With no more enemies left to farm, grabbing that crucial bleed-boosting headpiece becomes impossible for the rest of the playthrough.

I learned this the hard way after speeding through the palace and beating Mohg first. I was crestfallen to discover the area empty of all enemies, with no more invaders popping up no matter how long I waited or tried reloading the zone.

Surviving Farming the Invaders For the Mask

Thankfully, I‘ve since mastered the most efficient strategies for looting the white mask before Mohg on new playthroughs. Here are my best tips:

  • At least Level 90 – The invaders hit brutally hard, so don‘t farm too early!
  • Lure them out 1 by 1 – Their combined damage gets lethal fast
  • Ranged battlemage builds excel – Keep distance and whittle down their health
  • Hoarfrost Stomp wrecks them – Two stomps to frostbite can kill them quick
  • Co-op if you‘re struggling – Jolly cooperation makes farming a breeze

I‘ve included a map below marking the exact locations of all 3 invader spawn points around Mohgwyn Palace. Pick them off carefully and cross your fingers that one drops that precious mask!

Elden Ring White Mask Invader Locations via MapGenie

Still No Mask By Mohg? Don‘t Lose Hope!

Despite my farming expertise, the white mask‘s drop rate still comes down to luck. So don‘t fret if Mohg still eludes you by the time you clear his palace. The Nameless White Mask foes are formidable, and even seasoned Tarnished can get bested by their savage Omen blades.

If you do end up defeating Mohg without that precious bleed-boosting helmet, don‘t worry. Once you reach Journey 2 in New Game Plus, you‘ll have the chance to return to Mohgwyn Palace and farm those invaders all over again. This time, make sure to grab the mask before taking on their blood-soaked leader!

So in summary:

Yes – You can obtain the white mask in NG+ after beating Mohg in your first playthrough

No – Killing Mohg in your current playthrough locks the white mask behind the NG+ wall by despawning its loot sources

Now you have no excuses for missing out on one of the best helms for blood loss builds on your next bleed-focused journey through the Lands Between! This Tarnished wishes all you ambitious bleeders the best of luck in scoring that coveted white mask.

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