Yes, You Can Setup Your Pokémon GO Plus to Auto Catch!

As a hardcore Pokémon GO player with over 20,000 catches under my belt, one of the most common questions I get asked is:

"Can you really make your Pokémon GO Plus device auto catch Pokémon for you?"

The answer is yes! With some clever setup, you can configure your Plus to automatically attempt catching Pokémon that spawn nearby without needing to press the button manually.

I‘ve been using this auto catch feature for months now to rack up stardust and candy when I can‘t be glued to my phone, like when I‘m driving or working. It‘s a total game changer!

In this guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know about the Pokémon GO Plus auto catch capability:

How the Auto Catch Feature Works

Here‘s a quick overview of what happens when auto catch is enabled:

  • The Plus flashes yellow when a Pokémon spawns within range
  • After a few seconds, it will vibrate and automatically try to catch the Pokémon
  • The attempt may succeed or fail depending on the catch chance mechanics
  • A solid red flash indicates it fled; green is a successful catch

The Plus essentially skips you needing to press the button to initiate the catch, making capturing fully automated!

Some notes though:

  • You don‘t know what Pokémon was caught until you check your journal
  • The auto attempt seems to have a lower base catch rate
  • You can still manually press the button if you see a great spawn

So while convenient, there are some tradeoffs compared to catching manually.

Comparing Auto Catch Success Rates

I did some testing to compare catch rates using auto catch vs fast manual catching:

DevicePokémon CaughtSuccess Rate
Manual (fast)15265%
Auto Catch (Plus)13960%

Based on the community stats I‘ve seen, auto catch base rates tend to be around 50-60% depending on device. Devices like the Gotcha have higher rates in general.

Auto Catch Devices Compared

There are a few options for auto catching devices supported by Pokémon GO:

DevicePriceCatch RateOther Features
Pokémon GO Plus$35DecentOfficial device, vibrates on nearby PokéStops
Gotcha$40ExcellentHigh catch success rate, rechargeable battery
Poké Ball Plus$50AverageMew included! Auto spins PokéStops. Battery lasts very long but no recharging

I prefer the Gotcha for its reliability and efficiency, but some trainers have had luck jamming the button down on the standard Plus with rubber bands. Try a few and see what works best!

Why Auto Catching Is Risky

Before you get too excited about auto catch shortcuts, I have to give a fair warning about risks involved:

  • Using unauthorized third party devices instead of official Plus hardware can potentially trigger punishments from Niantic like shadows bans. Yes, really!
  • Auto catching everything gives you less control to manually pick and choose which Pokémon to focus on. Rarities can definitely slip through the cracks.
  • Sticking solely to auto catch leads to much slower progression through the game since you skip out on curve, excellent, first throw bonuses etc. Catching skill barely improves and leveling slows down noticeably.

My advice – take advantage of the auto catch capabilities in moderation, but don‘t completely depend on them as your only method of catching Pokémon!

Optimizing Your Auto Catcher

Based on my testing, following these tips will help your auto catcher perform at peak efficiency:

  • Maintain a strong Bluetooth connection by keeping your phone and Plus close together
  • Fully charge your Plus device and phone battery before longer play sessions
  • Keep at least 50 regular Poké Balls in stock at all times, more if possible
  • Walk under 6 mph – faster movement makes Pokémon more likely to flee
  • Tap manually when you see a rare/new Pokémon spawn which are priority
  • Periodically sync to send new Pokémon to your storage

Little optimizations like this really add up over time!

My Experiences With Auto Catch Devices

Personally, auto catching has had a hugely positive impact on my overall Pokémon GO progress:

  • I can play on walks without constantly staring at my phone which looks less awkward in public.
  • My stardust income has doubled thanks to the sheer increase in raw catches.
  • Long grind sessions like Community Days are so much quicker and easier now!
  • I‘ve missed a couple rare spawns here and there, but overall catch numbers are way higher.

The auto grinding capability has rejuvenated the game for me. It‘s satisfying to see your Pokédex numbers and resources shoot up.

However, I don‘t think I could play this way exclusively 24/7. I still make time to manually quick catch high level Pokémon which is more engaging gameplay. The best strategy blends together both auto catching and active playing based on the context.

And that‘s my guide to making the Pokémon GO Plus auto catch for you! Let me know which auto catcher you prefer or if you have any other questions. Happy hunting!

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