Can you marry Piper as a girl in Fallout 4?

As an avid Fallout fan, one of the most common questions I see is – can you have a same-sex romance with companions like ace reporter Piper Wright? Unfortunately, the base Fallout 4 game only allows for heterosexual relationships. But thanks to some incredible mods, you can now marry Piper or any companion regardless of gender!

The Base Game Limitations

In Fallout 4, you can only romance and marry human companions of the opposite sex. So as the female Sole Survivor, you can develop a relationship with the likes of Preston Garvey, MacCready etc. But Piper, Curie and Cait are off the table unless you install additional mods.

Initially, this lack of inclusion was disappointing to myself and many LGBTQ+ fans. But Fallout has always had an amazing modding community that expands possibilities – and romance is no exception!

Unlocking Inclusive Romance With Mods

On PC, there are now several mods that allow you to circumvent the base game limitations and romance any companion you desire regardless of gender. The main capabilities include:

  • Enabling romance dialogues with same-sex companions
  • Adjusting loyalty/affinity progression for seamless relationships
  • Adding marriage options once you reach the highest affinity
  • Letting you marry multiple companions instead of just one
  • Tweaking player character gender settings/voice lines

While console players are out of luck, these mods have made Fallout 4 vastly more inclusive for PC fans.

Key Romance Enabling Mods

Here are some of the most popular mods for unlocking extra romance options:

ModKey Features
Romanceable Companions– Romance any companion regardless of gender
Multiple Marriage Partners– Marry multiple companions
Female Player Voice– Use female dialogue as a male player

Based on the download figures, there‘s clearly a huge demand for these versatility expanding mods. For instance, Romanceable Companions has over 220k downloads on NexusMods to date!

Romancing Piper – My Experiences

I‘ve used the above mods extensively in my own games. Being able to develop a lesbian relationship and marry Piper was incredibly gratifying.

With the female player voice mod, the entire romance arc flowed seamlessly as if Piper was always intended to be wooed by a female Sole Survivor! And having new dialogues and story possibilities beats the base game‘s repetitiveness.

In fact, I felt more invested than any heterosexual playthrough I‘ve done. That emotional connection and representation matters greatly for immersion. Even my shared perk of romance – Gift of Gab – felt more appropriate with Piper and I working as reporters together!

The Roleplaying Implications

More broadly, enabling gender-agnostic romances opens up so much more creativity for roleplaying stories.

You want to create a polyamorous triad with Cait, Curie and yourself? Go for it! A fierce couple ruling Nuka World raider gangs together? Hell yes! The story crafting freedom combined with my queer identity being validated was pricelessly fulfilling thanks to these incredible mod authors.

Appreciating the Fallout Modding Community

Mods like these illustrate why PC will always be the superior platform for Bethesda‘s sandboxes. Having thousands of free, community-made addons allows you to rectify oversights or customize precisely to your taste.

As much as I loved Fallout 4, I can‘t imagine playing over 500 hours without same-sex romance possibilities. So kudos must be given to the pioneering mod authors at LoversLab, NexusMods and elsewhere who enable extra freedom!

Now hopefully Bethesda will build on this inclusiveness and make elder scrolls/fallout romance totally fluid in future games natively. But until then, we can rely on awesome mods to lead the way!

So in summary – while Fallout 4 didn‘t initially allow it, marrying Piper in a lesbian relationship is now possible thanks to player-made content patches. If you want to roleplay your own awesome stories, I highly recommend trying out romance mods! Piper makes for a wonderfully charming spouse regardless.

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