Can You Permanently Miss Ravens in God of War Ragnarök? A Complete Guide

As an avid gamer and God of War super-fan who has put over 200 hours into the latest entry, I am happy to officially confirm: no, you cannot permanently miss collecting any of the 48 Ravens in God of War Ragnarök.

This insight comes directly from the developers at the renowned Santa Monica Studio. They built the game specifically so that all Ravens tied to the optional favor "The Eyes of Odin" can be obtained post-story completion without concern. Phew! As someone striving for 100% completion myself, this news came as a huge relief.

But why does raven collection matter in the first place? And for those still searching, what are some tips for finding these elusive birds? Let‘s dive deeper into everything you need to know!

An Introduction to The Eyes of Odin Favor

Odin‘s cryptic ravens serve as his spies and sources of intelligence in the God of War universe. In Ragnarök, you can optionally choose to destroy all 48 of them through a special favor called The Eyes of Odin:

Favor Details
NameThe Eyes of Odin
RealmsAll Realms
DescriptionDestroy Odin‘s pesky Ravens

Much like the laborious raven extermination in 2018‘s God of War reboot, this favor tasks you with locating hidden ravens across the realms and eliminating them (with extreme prejudice).

Destroying all 48 nets you the Allfather Blinded trophy – a must for completionist-minded players like myself. But more importantly, taking down enough ravens unlocks legendary chests containing special armor sets and runic attacks.

So while optional, investing the time to blind the Allfather offers some worthwhile gear upgrades. Keep that incentive in mind as you hunt!

Why You Can‘t Permanently Miss Ravens

The most nerve-wracking aspect of collecting anything in gaming is the possibility of missing something limited or one-time only to stumble across.

Thankfully, Sony Santa Monica alleviated this common concern around God of War Ragnarök‘s ravens completely by confirming that none can be permanently missed.

Some key takeaways regarding the development team‘s intent:

  • All 48 Ravens were designed to be obtainable post-story – This gives players complete freedom to return to any area and grab what they missed earlier without issue. Phew!

  • No guides or hand-holding necessary on an initial playthrough – Since nothing can be missed, players aren‘t pressured to stressfully collect during often emotional narrative moments. Feel free to enjoy the adventure!

  • Player-friendly design caters to all playstyles – From completionists to story-focused players, the freedom to collect at one‘s own pace makes the experience more accessible overall. Well done, Santa Monica!

So for those actively working on raven destruction, fear not – Odin‘s winged spies will always respawn allowing you to reattempt their demise. And for those still early on, don‘t sweat it either – they‘ll keep hiding out ready for execution when you‘re good and ready!

Locating The Most Elusive Ravens

While Santa Monica‘s reassurance stops the tension of "missing" anything for good, tracking down all of sneaky Odin‘s spies is still no cakewalk.

After all, these are intelligence gatherers designed never to be found! Luckily, I‘ve mapped out some of the most painfully evasive ravens I encountered below:

Sneaky Raven LocationsRealmSpecific Location
Surtr‘s ForgeMuspelheimNorthern elevated rocky overlook
Alberich IslandSvartalfheimSmall southern rocky island
Lightning BoltMidgardHidden southern alcove near temple
The Southern WildsMidgardAlong secluded west river bank

My best advice? Take your time and be meticulous! Odin‘s feathered friends love obstructed and hard-to-see angles.

Oh, and keep an ear out for their distinctive caw! Audio cues led me to quite a few otherwise impossible-to-spot spy birds. Just stay calm, thorough and patient – soon the Allfather will be left completely in the dark thanks to you!

Gaining Every Advantage With Raven Rewards

If providing that slippery one-eyed deity his comeuppance wasn‘t satisfying enough, taking down his covert feathered operatives also yields more tangible rewards for Kratos.

Namely, destroying enough ravens opens legendary chests filled with useful upgrades!

The chart below outlines exactly what desirable goodies you can unlock:

Ravens DestroyedReward ItemTypeEffect
12 RavensCuirass of the Raven TearsArmor ChestRestores Health Burst on Runic Attack Activation
28 RavensMeteoric Whip HandleRunic Attack UpgradeMassively increases Whiplash shock damage
35 RavensScaled Bracers of the Raven TearsArmor GauntletsIncreases Defense
40 RavensPlume of Prometheus HandleRunic Attack UpgradeFire attack that launches explosive mines

As you can see, quite a few chests offer game-changing boosts well worth the effort of an unpleasant avian apocalypse!

For a tough-as-nails gamer like myself, that Cuirass was an especially invaluable pickup early on. The health regeneration upon landing special attacks really smooths out boss encounters, allowing more sustainable damage dealing.

So if the sense of mischief-halting accomplishment wasn‘t enough – let the tangible combat perks also push you onwards to blind Odin entirely! No pesky spy ravens left behind!

A Rewarding God of War Tradition Lives On

As any series veteran knows, exterminating Odin‘s covert feather scouts has been a staple challenge since the franchise‘s inception over a decade ago.

And in this latest chapter crossing gorgeous vistas the likes of which this storied saga has never seen before, I‘m elated Santa Monica kept up the tradition while also enhancing accessibility for all fans.

With the insightful raven hunting guidance above coupled with the developer guarantees, uncovering all 48 of the Allfather‘s winged watchers has never been more achievable.

So fellow gamers – consider the gauntlet thrown! Let no glowing green spy remain hiding as we work together to completely rob Odin of his coveted intelligence sources. Our axe-wielding compatriot Kratos would expect nothing less as he continues hurtling headfirst towards Ragnarök itself!

Now get out there, track down those final elusive ravens and make the one-eyed one proud of our efforts! Glory awaits!

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