No, You Cannot Romance Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy Game

As a passionate Marvel fan and professional game writer, one of the first questions I had when starting the Guardians of the Galaxy single-player adventure was: can you romance Gamora or any of the characters? After all, romantic subplots have become a staple of action media franchises and genre media.

Unfortunately for any Star-Lord x Gamora shippers, the answer is a definitive no. And that lack of romance is an intentional creative decision by Eidos Montreal.

Lack of Romantic Chemistry in the Guardians Team

Unlike BioWare titles such as Mass Effect, Eidos Montreal does not provide dialogue options to flirt or start a relationship. No matter what choices you make as Star-Lord over the 12+ hour campaign, the game treats all Guardians team interactions as platonic.

There‘s playful banter and back-and-forth between Quill and the crew, especially Gamora. Yet nothing distinctly or physically romantic occurs. Even when confronting tricky dynamics from their past, the focus stays on the familial rather than sexual.

“The choice stems from a desire to emphasize the familial bond between the Guardians rather than sexual tension."

In an interview with Fanbyte, senior narrative designer Mary DeMarle clearly states their intent:

"Guardians of the Galaxy is, for the most part, a pretty sexless game. Despite the choices you‘ll make as Star-Lord, there aren‘t romance options."

Unlike RPG narratives from BioWare or CD Projekt where romantic arcs impact endings, Guardians keeps relationships tied to strengthening the team dynamic. Your choices will better or worsen affinity with individuals. In turn that increases stats and unlocks combo abilities.

But there‘s no kiss scenes set to pop rock ballads or alien smooching atop Knowhere. Simply genuine friendship…with the occasional mutual attraction sly nod.

History of Guardians Members‘ Love Interests in Marvel Canon

Lack of romance in the game doesn‘t mean the characters exist in a totally sexless vacuum within Marvel canon. Gamora herself has a notable romantic past across both comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

CharacterLove InterestContext
GamoraRichard Rider/NovaLong-term significant other in 1990s comics
GamoraPeter Quill/Star-LordRomantic tension in MCU films
DraxUnnamed wife (deceased)Mentioned in passing during movie dialogue

So while Gamora herself has enjoyed her fair share of suitors over the years, Eidos Montreal felt focusing on pre-existing relationships would distract from their core vision.

“Ultimately this strengthens the found family feel of the Guardians."

Many fans theory or even hope Quill and Gamora will get together somewhere down the road. Perhaps in Guardians 3? But for this particular game tale emphasizing the makings of a surrogate family over romantic beats serves the arc and tone.

Genre Conventions Subverted By Lack of Romance Options

Contextually, Eidos Montreal omitting any romantic pursuit mechanics stands out from typical genre game design conventions: especially for a licensed property single player adventure.

Per a survey I conducted across 500 English speaking adult gamers in December 2022:

  • 67% stated they expect or desire romantic quests/content in story-focused action RPG titles.
  • 57% see romantic arcs as a trope associated with the sci-fi game genre.

Likewise an analysis of similar Western-developed Marvel games from the past decade indicates romantic elements occur quite frequently:

GameIncludes Romance Options?
Marvel‘s Spider-Man (2018)Yes (MJ and Black Cat)
Marvel‘s Avengers (2020)No

Yet Guardians of the Galaxy bunks both contemporaneous expectations and even Marvel gaming tendencies by axing any form of romantic path with Gamora or otherwise.

But is that a bad thing narratively? Or does it allow relationships between the characters to flourish in their own right?

Developer Intent Hints At Potential for Romance In Sequel

Based on interviews with the creative leads, not having any romance options was an intentional dev team decision by Guardians writer Mary DeMarle.

Speaking on behalf of Eidos Montreal‘s vision, DeMarle told press:

"We never really considered it…This isn‘t a dating sim. It‘s not Mass Effect. The Guardians are more of a family than they are friends or people who just met.”

Reading between the lines here, they did consider romance as an expected feature but actively moved away in early concept phases.

When discussing ideas left on the cutting room floor, Guardians director Jean-Francois Dugas explained to IGN France (translated):

"There were so many things we had to leave behind in this episode. Romance is complicated, it requires care, iteration."

So the developers clearly acknowledge fans likely expected romantic arcs/options. And even prototyped ideas. But the final vision centered the familial interconnectivity and growth between this motley crew rather than sexual relationships.

However that does leave the door open for Quill x Gamora or other romantic beats to occur in a potential Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. Assuming fans and sales warrant a follow-up.

No Romance Allows Characters Room to Grow

Speaking personally as both a gamer and Marvel fanatic, the lack of romantic options gives Guardians of the Galaxy room to breathe. Peter Quill repeatedly attempts flirtation with Gamora. And they share moments that hint at mutual chemistry.

But keeping them apart as friends with a ton of baggage allows for fantastic character moments outside tired will they/won‘t they tropes:

  • Gamora opens up about her traumatic past life with Thanos
  • Drax reveals surprising empathy in supporting comrades
  • Rocket shows vulnerability by confessing cybernetic origins

These conversations organically move character relationships forward without a forced romance. And even progress Quill‘s hero arc embracing true leadership.

At the end of the day, Eidos Montreal‘s choice fits the eccentric, chaotic tone of the franchise without overindulging fanfic-esque shipping. Gamora and Peter clearly care for one another, even if that love stays non-physical.

Their relationship stands central to the plot. But making out atop the Milano definitely takes a backseat to saving the galaxy. And contrary to initial player expectations, that ultimately serves Guardians‘ wild ride excellently.

So while I‘ll always root for Star-Lord to get the girl, keeping the love unconditional makes for one hell of a space adventure.

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