Yes, you can still play the Forsaken campaign in 2024

The Destiny Content Vault taketh away, but it also giveth. After removing the beloved Forsaken expansion in February 2022, Bungie brought its iconic campaign back as free content for all players in December 2022. Here‘s the definitive guide to experiencing Forsaken while you still can.

Forsaken Campaign Returns from the DCV

On December 6th, 2022, Bungie "unvaulted" the Forsaken campaign and Tangled Shore destination, making it free for all Destiny 2 players as part of the Season of Seraph major update. This restored 10+ hours of acclaimed story content centered around avenging Cayde-6‘s death.

To start the nostalgic adventure, visit Spider in the H.E.L.M. social hub and grab the "Last Call" quest. My guess is that Bungie unvaulted this campaign to provide more free PvE content for the long gap between the Lightfall expansion in 2024.

What the Forsaken Pack Includes

While the original Forsaken DLC is no longer sold, owners still have access to substantial endgame content:

Last Wish RaidConsidered one of Destiny‘s very best raids
Shattered Throne DungeonChallenging three-player endgame activity
Several Exotic WeaponsIncluding Ace of Spades, One Thousand Voices, Wish-Ender bow

The Dreaming City destination also remains relevant with its connections to Savathun, Mara Sov, and the plot of Lightfall.

Will Forsaken Get Re-Vaulted in 2024?

Bungie hasn‘t provided any specifics on how long Forsaken will remain unvaulted. However, judging by previous temporary unvaults of Red War campaign and the Moon destination, my prediction is that Forsaken gets re-vaulted sometime in Season 20 (August 2023).

As a live service game, Destiny 2‘s expanding size has required vaulting older content. But Bungie has committed to not vaulting any more paid expansions. So while the campaign may get removed, Forsaken owners will likely keep access to the Last Wish and Shattered Throne as high-level activities.

Why All Players Should Experience This Campaign

For many veteran players, Forsaken represents a golden age of Destiny 2 storytelling and loot incentives. The tragic death of Cayde-6, revenge against Uldren and the Barons, unlocking spectacular new supers – it‘s perhaps the most memorable campaign of the franchise.

I cannot recommend enough that new lights take advantage of this temporary unvaulting to experience Forsaken‘s gripping tale and iconic missions like the dramatic finale in the Queen‘s Court. It exemplifies the space magic that sets Destiny apart from other FPS games.

Who knows when or if players will ever traverse the Tangled Shore and hear Cayde‘s quips again? Don‘t miss out on the masterpiece that is Forsaken while it‘s still free in 2024!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about experiencing this pinnacle Destiny 2 expansion before it returns to the vault!

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