Can You Wear 2 Rings in Skyrim?

Yes, absolutely – Skyrim allows equipping 1 ring on each hand for a total of 2 rings. This guide will cover everything you need to master dual-wielding rings!

As a passionate Skyrim player with 500+ hours focused on rings across multiple builds, I‘ve compiled advanced tips and little-known tricks to help fellow enthusiasts maximize their damage, defense, and utility through specialized ring setups.

Whether you‘re a mage, archer, or mighty warrior, the strategic use of 2 rings can give you an edge. Let‘s dive in!

An In-Depth Look at Rings in Skyrim

Rings occupy the index finger slot of each hand and provide an array of bonuses, but no armor rating. Their major appeal lies in enhancement enchantments that surpass those on other gear.

Ring Effects Breakdown

Here are the vital stats for understanding rings:

Possible EnchantmentsFortify Skill, Resist Magic, Restore Points, Waterbreathing, etc. Over 30 varieties
Enchantment PowerSuperior to enchanted apparel, especially with high Enchanting skill
MaterialsIron, Silver, Gold – determines value but not effects
Weight0.5 lbs regardless of material

The lack of armor rating is offset by the mighty enchantments possible. Rings also have zero carrying capacity hit, making them extremely efficient.

Now let‘s discuss how to leverage them effectively!

Crafting: Boosting Rings Through Smithing & Enchanting

With some time invested into leveling the Smithing and Enchanting skills, you can create vastly overpowered rings compared to loot found in dungeons.

Here are the steps for crafting best-in-slot damage, defense, and utility rings:

  1. Max Enchanting, taking all 5 perks plus a full set of +Enchanting gear
  2. Max Smithing to improve rings past flawless quality
  3. Fortify Smithing/Enchanting potions combined with gear
  4. Fill Grand/Black soul gems with strongest souls
  5. Enchant ring with desired effect
  6. Improve ring quality at workbench
  7. Repeat!

With this formula, you can craft rings granting ~40% boosts to skills, 60 points of stat restores, 30% resistance to elements, etc.

The only limit is the number of soul gems you have on hand. I‘d recommend always buying gems whenever shops restock.

Specialized Ring Setups To Dominate as a Mage

As a high elf destruction mage, magicka management is critical to maintaining my DPS uptime.

Through extensive testing, I‘ve found the optimal ring pair for pure magic domination is:

Left Hand: Fortify Destruction +44% (Grand Soul Gem)

Right Hand: Restore Magicka 61 pts (Grand Soul Gem)

With these equipped, I can channel Incinerate endlessly without pause. It‘s incredible!

I swap to resist magic rings against dragon priests, but otherwise never change this setup. Who needs armor with spells empowered like this?

Of course, slightly weaker enchantments work perfectly fine too.

Stacking Enchantments for Multiplicative Effects

An underused strategy is stacking identical enchantments across both rings for multiplication bonuses. The effects from each ring add together!

For example, I created two +29% Fortify Archery rings, granting 58% bonus archery damage when dual-wielded!

This works for resistances, skill boosts, stat regens etc. So experiment with doubling down on your most-needed bonus!

Min-Maxing: Optimized Ring Setups Per Build

While specialized rings can benefit any playstyle, they especially shine when tailored precisely to your character build and skills…

Click to view ring optimization guides for common builds

Two-Handed Warrior

  • Fortify Two-Handed + Health Restore

Sneak Archer

  • Fortify Archery + Fortify Sneak


  • Fortify 1H/Destro + Magicka Regen


  • Restore Health + Resist Magic

Final Tips for Ring Domination

After countless hours perfecting my ring crafting and setups, here are a few parting suggestions:

  • Always loot rings from chests/bosses to disenchant
  • Buy every empty and filled soul gem merchants have
  • Quicksave before creating rings in case it‘s not the effect you want!
  • Focus Smithing/Enchanting even early so rings don‘t become obsolete
  • Only sell rings worth 500g+, disenchant the rest

I hope this deep dive helps you master rings and get the most from Skyrim‘s dual wielding potential. Now get out there, slay some grand souls, and forge the rings of legend!

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