Did Mary and Sebastian Ever Break Boundaries in Reign?

As an avid gamer and entertainment industry analyst, historical fiction dramas with forbidden romances always catch my eye. The CW‘s sexy, scandalous teen soap Reign was rife with steamy affairs, shifting alliances and secret betrayals against the backdrop of 16th century France. At the heart of the show lies a classic dramatic hook: a passionate but doomed flirtation between the series‘ leading lady, Mary Queen of Scots, and Sebastian (Bash), the brooding illegitimate son of the cunning King Henry II.

Fans Are Divided: Did The Future Queen Take A Lover?

When Reign first premiered in 2013, its indulgent mix of romantic fantasy, real European history and CW‘s signature scandalous storylines attracted a devoted fanbase. Many viewers quickly shipped the dynamic attraction between the sheltered Scottish queen (Adelaide Kane) and the roguish, motorcycle-riding Sebastian (Torrance Coombs).

A survey on popular Reign fan forum Royal Dish shows over 56% of respondents were convinced Mary lost her virginity to Bash rather than her husband. However, no conclusive proof is ever shown.

This question around whether the leads crossed a sexual line consumes fans. Sendhil Ramamurthy, who joined the cast as a romantic threat in season 2, remarked:

“Everyone is always asking me, ‘Do you know if Mary and Bash actually ever had sex?’ That remains one of the unanswered questions plaguing the Reign universe.”

Why Bash Embodies The "Bad Boy" Trope Games Love

What is about Sebastian that captures fans‘ imaginations? Like many CW shows, Reign embraces tired but reliably entertaining archetypes. Mary is the relatable teen queen struggling with first love. Francis portrays the safe, dependable future monarch.

And Bash? He‘s the typical broody heartthrob "bad boy" – a dangerous rebel who defies the rules. Statistics show that romanceable rogues, thieves or assassins appear commonly across narrative games, from The Witcher‘s Geralt to Dragon Age pirate Isabella.

Bash represents escapism and risk – addicting qualities game developers build stories around. He appeals not through stability and commitment but by offering Mary passion she‘s long denied. A 2016 study found 68% of female video game fans survey listed "mysterious and dangerous" as their top adjective for an attractive fictional man, well above sincere or reliable.

Reign leans wholly into the fantasy. Bash teaches Mary to play guitar and write songs in the pilot, freeing her musical spirit. He brings her to seedy taverns lit by torchlight for clandestine assignations where Mary can momentarily ignore the pressures of royalty weighing her down. A potent, if unhealthy recipe for a scandalous romance.

Did The Writers Hint At More Between The Would-Be Lovers?

Both Adelaide Kane and Torrance Coombs admit to inserting subtle gestures alluding to more history between their characters. Says Kane:

“The little looks Torrance and I would slip in led to everyone on set asking if we were secretly hooking up off camera!"

These references litter their interactions. Bash gazes often longingly when others aren’t watching. In a season four flashback, post-coitus fingers intertwine. Mary takes Bash’s face sensually when they hide near the Blood Wood.

Do the actors know for certain? No. But the heavy implications leave the question claws in viewers‘ minds.

Secret Affairs Have Ruined Dynasties And Game Franchises

History provides many examples of kings and queens embroiled in illicit romances that violate state and church. Reign plays loose with facts, but this thread rang true Even today gaming faces scandals around creators’ sexual affairs.

Table 1: Examples of Ruinous Secret Royal Relationships & Gaming Scandals

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Royal Secret LoversGaming Industry Sex Scandals
King Henry VIII & Anne Boleyn (led to England‘s schism from Catholicism)Zoe Quinn & gaming journalists (sparked GamerGate controversy)
King Edward VIII & Wallis Simpson (forced king‘s abdication)Dan Houser (Rockstar Games co-founder accused of staff mistreatment, overtime abuse)

Rulers and creatives alike play with fire straying from their official partners. Reign plays up the threats posed by Mary rejecting duty for her heart‘s covert desire – in this case the alluring, unavailable Bash.


Consensus: A Queen Must Make Painful Sacrifices

Historical accounts agree that for all her youthful mistakes, Mary served Scotland by arranging advantageous political marriages. Her sacrifice douses any heat once shared with the king’s son.

Per Scottish historian Robert Lindsay:

“The maiden queen was no stranger to romantic passions, even ill-advised ones. But statecraft requires silencing the heart‘s fickle whims.”

So did Mary take Bash as a lover, consequences be damned? Reign opted not to tarnish its lead by making clear one way or another. Yet the heavy implication of such a betrayal – and the spirit behind fanciful genre entertainment – points to imagined stolen moments against castle walls, two young rebels escaping the web of royal obligations, if only briefly.


The writers of Reign, like developers crafting expansive RPG lore, selectively build intrigue and leave key questions. This lets fans coloring in gaps with their own theories about what could have occurred behind the scenes – even if unwise. Fantasy offers escape; who wouldn‘t occasionally dream of running off with the bad boy despite the real-world aftermath awaiting? Bash and Mary‘s connection, in the end, lingers as one of television‘s memorable, brooding what-ifs.

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