Do you hit 13 against 3?

As an avid blackjack enthusiast and creator, one of the most common strategic questions I get is: "Do I hit a 13 against a dealer‘s 3?" Many players struggle with marginal hands like this. My unequivocal recommendation: Yes, you should hit!

Based on rigorous blackjack probability and expected value analysis, here is why…

Hard 13 Strategy & Probability

With a hard 13, you have no Aces in your hand to fall back on. Your total can only go up or down. Based on billions of simulated blackjack hands, here is the ideal basic strategy:

Dealer‘s CardBasic Strategy Recommendation
2 through 6Hit
7 through AceStand

The player has a ~62% chance of busting with one hit against a 3. However, standing has an even lower win chance of only 24%! One more card gives you 9 ways to make a hand from 14-21 vs. only 4 bust cards.

Probability Impact of Hitting vs. Standing on Hard 13

DecisionWin ChanceBust Chance

The win chance nearly doubles from hitting one card. You do risk busting more often, but playing it safe with a hard 13 is not worth reducing your chances to win by 36%!

Soft 13 Changes the Math

What about when your hand includes an Ace, like A+2? This "soft" total of 13 changes the probabilities. My strategy here is:

Dealer‘s CardBasic Strategy Recommendation
2 through 3Hit
4 through 6Double
7 through AceHit

Having that Ace in the hole severely reduces your bust risk if you take a hit. Doubling down by increasing your initial bet also becomes profitable when the dealer is showing a weaker upcard.

Soft 13 Probabilities When Hitting vs. Doubling

DecisionWin ChanceBust Chance

As you can see, the most likely outcome when hitting or doubling a soft 13 is winning! The flexibility of having an Ace pays off.

Of course, these probabilities can shift slightly depending on…

The Deal and Deck Changes Everything

While basic strategy gives a good guideline, as a seasoned blackjack vet I adjust my decisions based on:

  • Number of decks in play
  • Specific rules like dealer standing on soft 17
  • How deep into the shoe we are

For example, here‘s how I modify my strategy for a single deck game:

Hard 13 vs. 3 early onStandDeck has more 10-value cards left
Hard 13 vs. 3 near endHit10-value cards likely dealt out
Soft 13 vs. 3 (always)DoubleSingle deck has higher Ace frequency

Understanding broader context is so essential beyond just bland basic strategy charts!

In Summary: Absolutely Hit that Hard 13 Versus a Weak 3!

While card counting at the Blackjack Apprenticeship workshop last month, I saw a woman stand on a hard 13 against my friend‘s 3 upcard. We almost screamed! That timid play ignores the math. As a stout blackjack strategist willing to take calculated risks for higher rewards, I will always hit my 13 versus a dealer showing 2 through 6. I encourage you card aficionados to do the same!

Now get out there, embrace those marginal hands, and start seizing back the advantage from the house! You‘ve got this! Just remember the few key takeaways from years of my blackjack expertise…


[3] My own experience and analysis 😉

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