Does Aldi Hire Teenagers? A Close Look at Age Policies in 2024

Aldi is renowned as one of the best employers in retail, with generous wages and excellent benefits. With starting wages of $15/hour or more, it‘s easy to see why teens may be interested in working there. But Aldi maintains a strict 18+ hiring policy – so does Aldi hire teenagers under 18?

Aldi‘s Minimum Age of 18 for All Employees

Aldi unambiguously requires employees to be at least 18 years old. Their policy states:

"ALDI has made the decision that employees must be 18 years of age to work at ALDI. We are aware that state laws may vary, with respect to requirements for workers under 18 years of age, but ALDI has decided to adopt a simple rule that requires employees to be 18 years of age or older."

This 18+ policy applies across all stores nationwide. Even if your state allows 14-17 year olds to work, Aldi corporate does not make exceptions.

Why 18+: Legal and Logistical Reasons

Aldi has not publicly explained their reasoning behind this 18+ minimum age. But there are several likely factors:

  • Compliance with state alcohol laws – Many Aldi locations sell beer, wine, and in some states, liquor. To handle and sell alcohol, employees must be over 18 in most states and 21 in others.

  • Adhering to child labor laws – Hiring teenage minors comes with an array of state-specific age and hour restrictions. By only hiring 18+, Aldi avoids this complex web of compliance issues.

  • Partnership with Instacart – Instacart shoppers who fulfill Aldi grocery orders must be over 18. A consistent age policy simplifies this partnership.

  • Maturity – The fast-paced, physical nature of the job may also play a role. Aldi likely prefers hiring more mature candidates.

State-by-State Minimum Employment Age

StateMinimum Age

(Table truncated for length)

Why Teen Employment Is Less Common

Teen employment rates have been declining for decades in the US. In 2021, only 26.1% of 16-19 year olds were employed, down from 58% in 1978. Why the massive drop?

  • Increased focus on school – More teens spend summers in summer school or activities for college applications rather than working.

  • Rise of low-wage service jobs – Teens compete with older workers for low-wage fast food and retail jobs, which now make up a large share of opportunities.

  • Lack of qualified applicants – With soft skills like teamwork, discipline, communication being crucial, some employers feel teens lack those qualities.

  • Automation – Jobs like cashiers and baggers are increasingly being automated away, shrinking teen opportunities.

So between social shifts, job market changes, and a competitive low-wage labor pool, teen employment has dropped precipitously.

Tips for Teens Interested in an Aldi Career

If you‘re under 18 but interested in working at Aldi someday, here are a few tips:

  • Brush up on soft skills – practice teamwork, communication, responsibility. Managers look for those traits.

  • Research the job duties at Aldi so you know what to expect. The work is fast-paced with heavy lifting involved.

  • Once you turn 18, apply online and emphasize any customer service experience. Cashier skills are a major plus.

  • Highlight your schedule flexibility as a teen. Aldi needs workers at varied hours.

  • Be prepared to work weekends and very early/late shifts. Overnights may even be required.

  • If hired, come ready to work hard. Aldi rewards top performers with quick promotions and higher pay.

The Bottom Line

Aldi strictly hires only employees aged 18 and over, regardless of state labor laws. So teens under 18 are out of luck currently. But mature, hard-working individuals that reach Aldi‘s minimum age can find great advancement opportunities and earnings. For teens who think they fit that description, an Aldi career may be in your future.

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