Does Civilization VI Have an Ending?

Yes, Civilization VI has several clearly defined ending points depending on victory conditions and game settings. While the default game ends at 2050 AD, you can optionally disable turn limits to play indefinitely until someone achieves an in-game victory.

As an avid Civ gamer myself, I want to provide a comprehensive, detailed guide on how Civilization VI endings work. Whether you‘re chasing a military domination victory or striving for a scientific win on Mars, understanding exactly when and how a Civ 6 game wraps up is key knowledge for any player.

Let‘s explore the various endings and victory types built into the acclaimed 4X strategy masterpiece that is Civilization VI!

When Does a Standard Civ 6 Game End?

During a standard game session on the default settings, Civilization VI runs from the year 4000 BC to 2050 AD, spanning over 6,000 years of human history.

Here are the key end points in a typical Civ 6 match:

  • 2050 AD – The midpoint of the 21st century when a standard game automatically ends if no other victories are achieved. According to the Civilization Fandom wiki, 2050 AD serves as the default end year in every Civ game since the third core installment.
  • 500 Turns – On a standard size map at normal game speed, 500 turns elapse from the ancient era to 2050 AD. Standard speed equates to around 100,000 years per turn.
  • Victory Condition – If any civilization completes the requirements for a victory like scientific, domination or diplomatic prior to 2050 AD, the game immediately ends.
  • Highest Score – Assuming no set victory conditions are met before 2050 AD, the civilization with the top score claims victory when the countdown hits 500 turns.

So in summary, Civ 6 defaults to ending at turn 500 or the year 2050 AD, whichever comes first, unless someone wins outright by an early victory.

Civilization VI Victory Types

Civilization VI contains five main predefined victory routes, plus a sixth Diplomatic Victory option added in the Gathering Storm expansion:

Victory TypeDescription
DominationEliminate all opponents by seizing each of their original capital cities through military conquest. Considered the most direct (yet challenging) path to triumph.
ScienceReach Mars first by dedicating resources to technological supremacy from early eras onwards. Your civilization‘s scientific capabilities must stand above all others.
CultureAttract more visiting tourists through generated Great Works to influence rival civilizations via trade routes and shared borders proximity.
ReligionConvert at least 50% of all cities globally to follow the religion you founded. Relies heavily on high Faith generation and missionary/apostle unit skill.
ScoreSimply have the highest aggregate score, factoring in numerous metrics like tile yields, when 2050 AD game ending triggers. A victory by default.
DiplomacyAdded with Gathering Storm, earn Diplomatic Victory Points through alliances and successful Congressional resolutions to control 75% of possible votes.

Data Source: Civilization Fandom Wiki

The depth of winning conditions gives Civ 6 superb replayability compared to past Civ titles. Each victory type requires mastering certain mechanics and strategies across unique playstyles – no single approach works equally well for all victory routes.

Based on my experience from countless campaign hours as Japan, I find Domination and Science victories highly compatible on standard game settings. With their Bushido unique ability granting +5 combat strength on coast/lake tiles, Japan‘s district-focused bonuses mesh smoothly with the war machine mobilization and advanced research required to conquer/rocket to Mars by 2050 AD.

Other leaders like religious powerhouses Gandhi (India) or culture juggernaut Catherine De Medici (France) steer more naturally towards their signature victory types though.

Continuing Past the Default 2050 AD Ending

While 2050 AD delivers a finite ending, you can optionally disable turn time limits altogether through Civilization VI‘s gameplay settings. This grants unlimited turns to pursue your perfect victory scenario.

Here is how to play beyond 2050 AD with no turn limit based on the standard ruleset:

  1. On the main menu, click Single Player, then New Game
  2. Under Advanced Game Options, click Game Options on the left sidebar
  3. Scroll down and set Turn Limit to Off
  4. Click Back when finished customizing options to start your limitless game!

Once enabled, you can strategize beyond 500 turns without worrying about abrupt game endings. The natural 2050 AD conclusion also gets removed – you can lead your civilization as long as needed to complete an epic victory centuries down the road.

Turn limits automatically deactivate once someone achieves an actual victory too. So disabling turns mainly prevents games abruptly halting at 2050 AD when no victories pan out beforehand.

Final Verdict – Civ 6 Delivers Multiple Definitive Endings

In closing, I rate Civilization VI‘s approach to endings very highly – the turn countdowns and milestones like 2050 AD add helpful structure and purpose to games. Preset victories clearly signal what constitutes success based on player priorities too – if desperately chasing a religious win as Saladin, you know converting the final city clicks the satisfying "Just One More Turn…" button immediately.

With so much flexibility tuning end conditions as well, Firaxis accommodates all types of players and scenarios. You can fine-tune a quick 200 turn Domination match or stretch out across eons laboriously inching towards a Culture win.

So rest assured – Civilization VI absolutely offers conclusive, epic endings however you slice it! The breadth of options to define victory on your terms sets Civ 6 apart as a true 4X strategy sandboxes.

What victory type is your favorite to target? And do you prefer playing with turn limits on or off? Let me know in the comments! I‘m always seeking insights from fellow Civ fanatics to enhance my own approach. Enjoy vanquishing Gandhi‘s nukes however you play!

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