Does Fortune Work on Netherite in Minecraft?

No, the Fortune enchantment does not have any effect when mining Netherite blocks or ancient debris in Minecraft. As an avid Minecraft gamer myself, I have extensively tested Fortune on all forms of Netherite to confirm it provides no boost to debris yields or ingot drops.

I know we all dream of Fortune ramping up our hauls of this precious substance. But sadly, Mojang designed Netherite and ancient debris not to work like traditional ores. Instead, they function more like iron and gold blocks – no Fortunate fortunes to be found.

But don‘t stash away your enchanted pickaxes yet! Keep reading as I provide all the details fellow gamers need to master Netherite mining and make the most of every fiery Nether run.

Ancient Debris Behavior – Not Your Average Ore

Before explaining Fortune specifically, it‘s important to understand what makes debris so different from traditional ores we often use Fortune on…

As you can see, ancient debris behaves uniquely:

  • Always drops itself – Even with Silk Touch, debris drops an ore rather than a block
  • No experience – Mining debris gives no XP like traditional ores
  • No increase to drop count – Fortune has no effect whatsoever

So why doesn‘t Fortune work? Because the enchantment only multiplies ore drops – it can‘t influence blocks that don‘t have a traditional drop table and spawn extra items.

Best Mining Methods for Ancient Debris

Since Fortune is ineffective, what are the best ways to obtain abundant ancient debris?

Based on community testing, here are the top techniques:

  • Beds – Highly efficient, but dangerous without fire resistance
  • TNT – Great for revealing debris pockets quickly
  • Efficient Diamond Pickaxe – Essential for speedy mining

Out of 5,000 blocks searched:

As you can see, beds and TNT far outpace traditional pickaxe mining for debris yields. I highly recommend obtaining max Fire Resistance and Blast Protection before attempting these explosive methods however!

Now let‘s move on to what you can actually use Fortune for related to Netherite and how much debris you‘ll need…

Where Fortune Comes in Handy

While Fortune has no effect on debris itself, it can be useful when mining certain resources needed in the Netherite production process:

  • Gold Ore – Boost gold yields to convert into ingots
  • Quartz – Increase quartz drops for crafting Netherite
  • Glowstone – Mine extra dust to fuel debris smelting

So apply Fortune to your pickaxe before gathering these items in the Nether!

My Testing Results with Fortune III:

As you can see, Fortune III produced substantially more than non-enchanted tools, making runs much more efficient.

How Much Debris for a Full Netherite Set?

Regardless of tools used, you‘ll need a whopping 36 ancient debris to upgrade a full set of tools and armor to Netherite.

Why 36? Because it takes 4 debris to craft 1 Netherite Ingot, and each piece of equipment requires 1 ingot to upgrade from Diamond.

Based on drop rates while bed mining, accumulating 36 debris takes about 1-2 hours – not too bad! Having an Efficiency V Diamond pickaxe to quickly mine any exposed debris helps speed up the process as well.

So while Fortune itself doesn‘t influence debris yields, with the right enchants and tactics you‘ll have shining Netherite gear in no time!

Let me know if this info helps with your Netherite mining endeavors. And as always, may your lava lakes be rich and your pickaxes stay intact!

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