Demystifying FedEx‘s Background Check Policy in 2022

Wondering what FedEx looks for in their notorious background checks? Want to know how far back they go? In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explain everything you need to know about passing a FedEx background check in 2022.

A Thorough Look at Background Check Basics

Before diving into FedEx‘s specific policies, let‘s review some background check basics.

  • What is included? Background checks include criminal history, employment history, education verification, motor vehicle records, and sometimes credit history.
  • Why so common? An estimated 90% of large companies conduct background checks today. Employers want to confirm applicants are trustworthy.
  • Who performs them? Third-party companies like HireRight, Checkr, GoodHire, and Sterling Talent Solutions conduct checks for major employers.

Background Check Failure Rates

According to various studies, roughly 5-10% of background checks uncover issues that causes applicants to get rejected or let go. However, minor offenses like a dismissed case from years ago rarely lead to auto-rejection.

FedEx‘s General Background Check Policy

FedEx conducts background checks on all job candidates after interviews, as part of the pre-employment screening process. This applies to corporate and transportation roles alike.

Candidates consent to a check after receiving a conditional job offer. Failing or refusing to undergo one rescinds the offer.

Here are key facts about FedEx‘s policy:

  • Checks verify identity, employment, education, motor vehicle records, and criminal offenses.
  • Frequency and depth depends on the role. Couriers and drivers receive the most scrutiny.
  • FedEx outsources checks to reputable third-party firms like HireRight.
  • The company claims to evaluate results individually while adhering to laws. Minor infractions don‘t necessarily disqualify candidates.

Tips for Passing Your FedEx Background Check

  • Disclose any past offenses upfront
  • Confirm your application‘s accuracy
  • Provide proper identifying documents when asked
  • If issues arise, explain mitigating circumstances

Full disclosure gives you the best chance at getting hired.

What Does FedEx Look For in Background Checks?

FedEx primarily verifies that candidates have been truthful on their job applications. Their background checks look for:

  • Employment history gaps: Any unexplained gaps of 6+ months require clarification.
  • Job title inflation: Your stated role and duties should match previous employers‘ records.
  • Education lies: Fake degrees or certifications will get discovered.
  • Motor vehicle issues: Multiple serious driving offenses within 5 years often lead to rejection.
  • Drug use: Failure of any required drug tests disqualifies driving applicants.
  • Criminal offenses: Convictions for theft, fraud, violence within the last 7 years often lead to rejection.

Falsifying any information is grounds for dismissal, even after getting hired.

When Does FedEx Conduct Background Checks?

For most roles, FedEx conducts background checks after in-person or virtual interviews, once they plan to extend an official offer letter. The process includes:

  1. Submit application
  2. Complete assessments
  3. Interview
  4. Complete background check
  5. Receive offer letter
  6. Begin orientation

Candidates cannot formally start training or working until passing the check. The entire hiring process usually concludes within 2-4 weeks.

How Far Back Do FedEx Background Checks Go?

The depth of FedEx‘s background checks depends on federal, state, and local laws. But here are the typical timeframes:

  • Employment history: 7 years
  • Education history: 7 years
  • Criminal convictions: Varies by state, from 5-10 years
  • Driving history: 3 years minimum

See the table below for state-by-state criminal conviction reporting time limits:

StateTime Limit
California7 years
Texas7 years
New YorkUnlimited

Some states only report convictions within the past 5-7 years, while others have no limits.

How Long Do FedEx Background Checks Take?

FedEx background check times range from 2 days up to 2-3 weeks. Processing times depend on:

  • Number of jurisdictions (states) involved
  • Volume of records to collect
  • Applicant‘s personal history
  • Employer volume/demand with checking firm

Complex applications with substantial records take longer. Most checks get cleared within 5-7 business days.

What Disqualifies Candidates in Background Checks?

FedEx claims to evaluate backgrounds individually while considering extenuating circumstances. That said, some findings typically lead to rejection:

  • Falsifying information on your application
  • Severe criminal convictions within the last 5-7 years
  • Multiple serious driving offenses within 3 years
  • Failing an initial or random company drug test
  • Significant gaps of 6+ months in recent employment

Minor offenses like a single conviction from years ago don‘t necessarily prohibit hiring. Full transparency gives you the best shot.

What Happens After You Pass a FedEx Background Check?

Once your background check clears, you‘ll receive an official start date and orientation schedule within days or weeks. Soon you‘ll be on your way to starting your exciting career with FedEx!

Key Takeaways

  • FedEx conducts background checks on all candidates after offering a conditional job offer
  • Checks verify identity, employment, education, driving records, and criminal history
  • Minor infractions like a single old conviction don‘t necessarily prohibit hiring
  • Disclosing your background fully gives you the best chance at getting hired

Knowing FedEx’s background check policy ahead of time will help ensure you ace this pre-employment screening. Best of luck with your application!

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