The Epic Journey of Raiden: Elder God to God of Thunder

As an avid Mortal Kombat gamer, I‘ve followed Raiden‘s captivating story arc across the realms. Many wonder – how did this thunderous deity rise to his current god status? Raiden‘s origins are shrouded in mystery – his transformation from Elder God to one of MK‘s most powerful fighters was hard-earned indeed!

Raiden‘s Hidden Past as an Elder God

Before his first appearance in MKII, little is known of Raiden‘s beginnings. As Mortal Kombat co-creator Ed Boon once hinted in an interview, Raiden likely exceeded ages of 1,000 years given his ancient Elder God status! These ethereal beings were the original rulers and adjudicators of MK‘s six realms. While never confirmed, as an Elder God Raiden may have guided or created lifeforms across these realms.

According to MK lore, Elder Gods possess immortality, omnipresence, and vast matter manipulation abilities. As tabled below, these powers likely also applied to Raiden before his transition:

Elder God AbilitiesDescription
ImmortalityCannot die from old age or disease
OmnipresenceExist in all realms simultaneously
Matter ManipulationReshape matter and souls on a whim

Yet clearly Raiden desired a more grounded, hands-on role as a protector god…

Raiden‘s Falling Out with the Elder Gods

Raiden‘s shift from Elder God status began with his battles against fallen Elder God Shinnok thousands of years ago. As realized in MKX, Shinnok invaded Earthrealm only to be defeated and imprisoned by Raiden. For this original victory over an Elder God, Raiden‘s peers elevated him to protector god of Earthrealm!

However, Raiden soon split from the detached Elder Gods after they refused to intervene when monk hero Liu Kang died at Shang Tsung and Quan Chi‘s hands. As Raiden‘s MK4 ending scene shows, his disgust sent him storming into the heavens to renounce his immortality! Only through direct action could he defend the realms he loved.

Raiden‘s Rise as God of Thunder

This monumental decision marked Raiden‘s official promotion to God of Thunder and Lightning! As insights from MK co-creator John Tobias reveal, Raiden adopts the name and appearance of an Ono-era Japanese thunder deity while retaining signature Elder God abilities:

Raiden‘s God PowersDescriptionElder God Heritage?
ElectrokinesisGenerate and manipulate electricityEnhanced from Elder God matter control
FlightDefy gravity to flyRetained from Elder Gods
TeleportationTransport instantly between realmsRetained from Elder Gods

These familiar yet amplified powers enabled Raiden to protect Earthrealm more forcefully on the frontlines. And his personal sacrifices and never-give-up attitude makes Raiden someone I deeply admire!

Raiden Rises Even Further with Shinnok‘s Amulet

Raiden‘s commitment to defending the realms is highlighted by his MK11 decision to utilize fallen Elder God Shinnok‘s amulet to enhance his powers further! This dark twist worries me – recall in MKX how the amulet corrupted Earthrealm defenders Jacqui Briggs and Takahashi Takeda when worn briefly.

Yet for Raiden at this desperate point, with allies fallen and the villainous Kronika controlling all of time, the danger is worth the added strength. In the award-winning MK11 story climax, Raiden wears the amulet to amplify his lightning to levels capable of battling even Kronika herself!

While Raiden‘s fate is unknown after these events, I believe this god of thunder and light has one more rise left in him. His history shows ability to adapt and do whatever it takes to defend realms in need. Perhaps one day we may see Raiden ascend even beyond godstatus!

So in summary, Raiden‘s beginnings are shrouded in intrigue. But his promotions first to protector god then the current God of Thunder were hard-earned indeed! Between betrayals from former allies, temporary losses of power, and no shortage of menacing foes, Raiden fought for every advancement. His bravery and sacrifice continues to inspire me through every twist and turn in the ongoing Mortal Kombat saga!

Let me know your favorite Raiden memories or theories on what‘s next for this immortal icon!

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