How Do I Get My Allays to Stay in One Place in Minecraft?

The key to a happy, homebody Allay is meeting all of its needs in a centralized location. With the right amenities, your Allay will voluntarily stick close instead of wandering across chunks. This guide covers proven methods to create an Allay habitat that inspires loyalty.

Step 1: Construct an Appealing Home Base

Designate an area as the Allay Activity Zone (AAZ) and outfit it as an enticing home. Important elements include:

Central Note Block: This jukebox substitute perpetually emits music for dancing. Place it atop a double chest to store item deliveries.

Feeding System: Connect an automatic item farm directly to the note block via hopper lines. The constant food supply motivates Allays to stay.

Perimeter Walls: Build 1 block high walls around the AAZ, leaving 1 block gaps so Allays can move freely while keeping them concentrated inside.

Zones and Amenities: Include designated spaces for sleeping, dancing, sorting items, and displaying gifts/trophies.

Step 2: Meet Physiological Needs

Allays have an endless appetite for their chosen item. Use the following strategies to keep them well-fed:

Mob Grinders
Passive: Rotten flesh from zombies/skeleton grinders
Hostile: Eggs from chicken cookers

Crop Farms
Seeds, potatoes, carrots, beetroots, apples

Tree Farms
Apples, sticks, saplings

Mineral Farms
Cobblestone, smooth stone, arrows

Manual Delivery
Directly supply rare treasures

Step 3: Stimulate and Entertain

A bored Allay is a wandering Allay. Maintain excitement with activities like:

  • Dance parties triggered by note blocks
  • Sorting mini-games with teller minecarts
  • A pond/fountain for bathing
  • Display cases to show off rare gifts and treasures
  • Snacks tossed periodically to promote foraging
  • Different sound blocks like chimes for acoustic enrichment

Step 4: Monitor Wanderers & Teleport

Occasionally an adventurous Allay inexplicably escapes. Quickly return escapees with:

/tp @e[type=allay,distance=X] XYZ coordinates

Name tagged Allays can be directly targeted. Be sure to seal any gaps in perimeter walls.

Step 5: Promote Wellness

A stressed Allay may act out. Ensure their habitat promotes health:

  • Areas for both activity and relaxation
  • Visual beauty with vegetation like azaleas
  • Hide enriching treats around the space
  • Play calming music during sleep hours
  • Avoid overcrowding to reduce tension

Step 6: Iterate and Improve Over Time

Closely observe Allay behaviors and adjust their habitat based on reactions. Record what entices them to stay happily within the established home base. Add features incrementally and continually refine the layout.

With an optimized habitat focused on an Allay‘s physical, emotional and recreational needs, you‘ll have a devoted flock ready to fetch items and liven your builds!

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