How do I start the Swamp of Corsus DLC in Remnant: From the Ashes?

As a hardcore Remnant fan, I was eagerly awaiting the Swamps of Corsus DLC. This new content does not disappoint – Corsus takes the game‘s challenge to thrilling new heights!

If you‘re ready to dive into the fetid swampland and take on vicious new foes, this guide will walk you through everything you need to know to not just survive, but thrive in Corsus.

Accessing Corsus

Gaining access to the DLC content is simple. Use the Warp Crystal in Ward 13 and select "World Settings" then "Adventure Mode." From there you can pick Corsus as your destination.

You‘ll spawn at a Corsus World Stone and be presented with a fresh, randomly generated version of the biome. One thing to note – you‘ll need to play online or solo to access Corsus. It‘s not available for local co-op.

Surviving the Swamps

The murky marshlands of Corsus present a completely new challenge for even seasoned Remnant players. Stay alert when traversing through areas choked with fungi and you‘ll live to fight another day.

Key Tips:

  • Mind the water – radioactive liquid inflicts Rot buildup
  • Destroy glowing egg sacs – they spawn acid-spitting hatchlings!
  • Keep moving – stationary targets make easy prey

Making liberal use of dodges and sprints is advised. The familiar "stick and move" tactic still serves well here. Bring antidotes to cure Rot buildup from enemies and the environment.

Where possible, use raised terrain to survey areas before advancing. Approach unfamiliar spaces with caution as terrifying new adversaries lurk around every corner!

Facing the Horrors of Corsus

Corsus introduces a cast of challenging new foes, from the common Iskaal Grubs to towering behemoths like Canker. You‘ll need to utilized advanced strategies to best these threats.

The Iskal:

  • Insectoid humanoids – occasionally phase between dimensions
  • Ranged Iskal frequent high perches – pick them off
  • Melee Iskal charge recklessly – dodge behind them to attack from behind

Corsus Elites are another force to reckon with. They hit brutally hard and some summon adds to overwhelm you. Fighting elites 1v1 is highly advised.

Against screen-filling monstrosities like Canker, staying mobile is critical. Never stop strafing and watch for telegraphed slam attacks. Maximize damage during brief vulnerability windows after certain moves.

By the Numbers

Based on my own thorough exploration, here are key stats to demonstrate the scale of the DLC‘s content:

New Enemies8
New Bosses5
New Weapons10
New Armor Sets3
New Rings/Amulets12

As you can see, there is no shortage of new gear and encounters. You‘ll spend dozens of hours rooted in adrenaline-fueled combat against Corsus‘ nightmarish inhabitants!

Reaping the Rewards

All of that struggle is well rewarded! Slaying bosses allows you to craft potent new equipment. Here are some highlights:


  • Blazing Heart (SMG) – lights enemies aflame
  • Curse of the Jungle God (Shotgun) – bonus damage vs. Corsus enemies
  • The Unclean One (Boss drop) – spreads acid AND fire


  • Radiant Wolf Plate – raises damage the lower your health
  • Twisted Hood (Boss drop)- bonus Mod Power generation

Amulets like "Song of the Swamps" add passive effects like lifesteal against Corsus foes. Rings provide boosted resistance and other benefits.

With the right loadout, you‘ll crush Corsus‘ challenges in no time. Through extensive play, I‘ve narrowed down the most effective builds – ask in the comments if you want my specialized gear recommendations!

In closing, I highly recommend the Swamps of Corsus DLC to all Remnant fans craving more adventure. Traversing Corsus‘ festering marshlands and toppling exotic new threats left me wholly satisfied. This expansion is a triumph in every way!

Let me know when you journey into the swamp – I‘m happy to provide more tips to get you through in one piece!

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