How to Unlock Viera in Final Fantasy XIV

As a longtime player and fan of Final Fantasy XIV‘s ever-expanding world, few things excite me more than new races joining the realm of Eorzea. The Viera in particular bring an air of mystery that captures the imagination. But how exactly do you unlock these elusive rabbit-eared people to play as one yourself? Read on, fellow adventurer!

A Brief History of the Viera Race

While the Viera may be new to Eorzea, their origins begin in the world of Ivalice – the setting for games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story. Here, the Viera are known as a reclusive race that dwells deep within the Golmore Jungle. Guided by their strict beliefs called "the Green Word", they rarely venture outside their villages.

However, some daring Viera become curious about the world beyond the forest canopy. One famous example is Fran from Final Fantasy XII. Though initially scorned as an outcast, her knowledge proves invaluable to the story‘s heroes.

Now in Final Fantasy XIV, more Viera are heeding the call to explore Eorzea. What draws them away from home remains a mystery, but their affinity with nature‘s elements can make them formidable conjurers and healers.

Why Do We See So Few Male Viera?

You may have noticed that nearly all Viera encountered are female. This gender divide stems from Ivalice lore as well – Viera society is strictly matriarchal, with females holding dominance. Yet even sources conflict when it comes to explanations about the rare males:

  • Some describe Viera men as isolationists who shun even female company.
  • Other accounts tell of high mortality rates during their mysterious training rituals.
  • Rumors suggest Widargelt Behemoths and other Ivalice beast tribes actively hunted Viera males, driving down their numbers.

Sadly, the true reasons may be lost to the mists of legend and time. But perhaps more will come to light as the Viera integrate further into Eorzean culture.

Viera Racial Traits and Aptitudes

Before creating your Viera character, it helps to understand their distinguishing capabilities in comparison to other races:

HeightTallAverageTallVery Tall

A few key things stand out:

  • Viera agility and perception makes them superior scouts and rangers.
  • They favor quickness and cunning over brute force.
  • While not as sturdy as Roegadyns, they can take hits better than frail Elezens.

So if you enjoy ranged DPS and evasion tactics, Viera will likely suit your playstyle. Their high movement gives bow and arrow great appeal.

The Controversy Around Viera Hats and Hairstyles

Sadly, the introduction of Viera brought some controversy around character customization options. Due to their unique tall ears, most headgear pieces end up conspicuously floating over their heads instead of fitting properly.

Likewise, many hairstyles clip through their necks and shoulders in unnatural ways. The restrictions disappointed fans who hoped to freely personalize their Viera.

Over time, Square Enix eased a few of these limitations. Shadowbringers added half a dozen new hairstyles compatible with Viera physiology. And Endwalker enabled a handful of head slot items to display correctly. But the selections still feel quite sparse compared to other races.

Hopefully in future patches and expansions, we‘ll see bigger strides toward ending "ear-clipping" and "floating hats" for good!

Steps to Unlock Viera When Creating a Character

Now for the actual process of gaining access to Viera as a playable race! Follow these steps:

  1. First, you must purchase Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. This expansion introduced Viera and is required to unlock them.
  2. Level any combat class to 50. This fulfills the prerequisite of reaching the "A Realm Reborn" finale.
  3. With Shadowbringers registered and a battle class at 50, log out then select "New Character" at the title screen.
  4. You can now choose Viera as the race! Pick your clan, adjust height/features, and create your character.

Here‘s a quick visual guide to selecting Viera:

And soon you‘ll be bounding through forests and fields with your new long-eared adventurer!

Tips for Making the Most of Your Viera

Viera boast well-rounded attributes, but really shine as swift skirmishers and marksmen. When starting out, consider these tips:

  • Archery classes like Bard and Machinist nicely match their racial strengths.
  • Prioritize equipment with Dexterity and Critical Hit to maximize damage.
  • Their tall profile makes stealth difficult, so don‘t rely on sneaking up on enemies.
  • Change glamours often to find headgear that isn‘t too badly obscured.

And most importantly, remember your character‘s rich cultural lineage! The mysteries surrounding Viera origins can inspire interesting backstories about what drew you to explore beyond the woodlands.

So now you have all the key details for unlocking and excelling as a Viera in FFXIV. Soon you‘ll be bounding through the lush forests of The Rak‘tika Greatwood or the neon lights of The Crystarium with ears fluttering in the breeze. I hope this guide helps you inhabit the role of these fascinating long-eared people. Let your adventures begin!

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