How to Get Military Helicopters in GTA 5 Story Mode – The Ultimate Guide

As a passionate GTA gamer and content creator, I‘m often asked: "How do you get military helicopters like the Buzzard, Annihilator, or P-996 Lazer jet in GTA 5 story mode?"

These exclusive aircraft are every players dream, offering unrivaled speed, agility, and weaponry for dominating Los Santos. But many don‘t realize these choppers CAN be acquired in story mode – you just need to know where to look!

So buckle up as I provide the ultimate guide to unlocking ALL military helicopters, my best pro-tips for stealing them, and insider tricks that only top GTA experts know. Let‘s start with the number one attack chopper:

Stealing the Buzzard

The go-to choice for military mayhem is none other than the Buzzard attack helicopter. As a skilled pilot, I favor its top speed of 160mph, rapid-fire missle launchers, plus the ability to spawn instantly through Pegasus.

But here‘s the key detail most players miss: The Buzzard spawns naturally at Fort Zancudo‘s hangars in story mode!

View my step-by-step method to steal a Fort Zancudo Buzzard:
  1. Approach the base‘s fences along the west highway in a fast car like the Zentorno
  2. Build up speed (100+ mph) and crash through the fence when guards aren‘t looking
  3. Veer left towards the military hangar, avoiding gunfire and tanks
  4. Exit vehicle and run straight for an idle Buzzard on the hangar floor
  5. Take off immediately once entered – now just escape Zancudo airspace!

Trust me, this high-risk theft is an incredible adrenaline rush – and well worth the reward!

Once you fly your new Buzzard safely out of Fort Zancudo (I recommend heading west over the Alamo Sea), it‘s yours to keep forever. Personalize it by bringing the chopper to a purchased helipad, and it will continue spawning there during future sessions.

Buzzard Helicopter

The mighty Buzzard in all her glory – note the deadly front-mounted machine guns!

Think stealing from an active military base is impossible? Check out this epic compilation of expert Buzzard heists:

{%youtube s1gyFowCczI %}

Now let‘s move onto finding additional attack helicopters across Los Santos…

Alternative Buzzard Locations

If tackling Fort Zancudo seems too daunting (trust me, the full force of their army is no joke!), Buzzards also materialize at the following locales:

Downtown Vinewood NOOSE Building: Land on the rooftop helipad to steal the parked chopper here. But beware of NOOSE team snipers!

Kortz Center in Pacific Bluffs: Another helipad location that regularly spawns idle Buzzards. Move quick before the rare bird flies off!

I recommend having Trevor as the pilot for these ballsy skyjackings. His raging temperament easily draws police heat away from the getaway helicopter!

Now let‘s discuss unlocking the stealth Annihilator chopper…

Unlocking the Annihilator

GTA experts recognize the Annihilator stealth helicopter as the rarest bird in the skies over Los Santos. It combines an agile airframe armed to the teeth with destructive firepower – what‘s not to love!

Unfortunately, the Annihilator remains locked throughout standard GTA 5 story mode. But by completing the full storyline and final heist, you can add this lethal gunship to your collection:

Complete the main story through The Big Score to trigger the option to purchase helipads and hangars.

Finish the final heist job using any approach (I prefer the subtle variant).

An Annihilator now spawns on the new helipad at your purchased hangar!

Additionally, you‘ll unlock the ability to summon an Annihilator through Merryweather backup helicopter support. This lets you rapid deploy the gunship on almost any outdoor locale in Los Santos!

Annihilator Helicopter

Behold the awesome firepower of the Annihilator‘s side turret-mounted miniguns!

Alright, so you‘ve snatched both the Buzzard and Annihilator to build an impressive military fleet…now let‘s discuss fighter jets!

Stealing the P-996 LAZER Fighter Jet

For max air superiority over Los Santos, we can‘t forget about acquiring the P-996 LAZER fighter jet from Fort Zancudo.

While less agile than choppers, this supersonic bird packs a breath-taking top speed nearing 1200 mph – not to mentioning explosive cannons and heat-seeking missiles!

Here‘s my foolproof system for boosting a P-996:

  1. Para-drop from a great height directly above Fort Zancudo‘s main hangar
  2. Deploy chute late to avoid being gunned down and navigate into the open hangar
  3. Hop into the fighter jet and hold the acceleration to max power
  4. Exit the hangar before flipping into a tight climbing arc to avoid obstacles
  5. Engage Fort Zancudo‘s units if you dare – just don‘t get shot down!

Now enjoy pushes 1G+ speeds in your new LAZER fighter jet!

I also recommend checking out YouTube sensation Armooon for an example of flawless P-996 thefts:

{%youtube _Pu0Fn1oRN4 %}

And there you have it – master these methods for acquiring the Buzzard, Annihilator, and P-996 LAZER in GTA 5 story mode!

Let me know your own tips for stealing rare military aircraft in the comments. Stay tuned for my next guide where I detail unlocking the badass Rhino Tank and covert Kraken submarine…

Happy flying Los Santos!

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