Unlocking All the Ways to Get Interior Views in The Sims 4

As a long-time The Sims 4 builder and content creator, I get asked often – how do you actually look inside houses to furnish and decorate? With gameplay focused on our Sims indoors, getting good interior views is essential.

Luckily in recent years, Maxis has added some incredibly powerful tools that unlock new ways to see inside buildings. As someone who has put thousands of hours into constructing elaborate floorplans, let me walk you through all the tricks up my sleeve…

Free Camera is a Game-Changer

Easily the biggest upgrade is the addition of a completely free camera movement while in build mode. By pressing Tab, you enter a fly-through mode that lets you phase through any surface and see all angles.

I can zip through walls and float up floor by floor to decorate. It revolutionizes furnishing when I can clip into an area to precisely align objects. No more guessing if something lines up!

This tab camera completely changes visibility:

Tab free cam flies through walls

Tab free cam flies through walls by The Sims

Adjust Walls and Ceilings for Interiors

Along with the free cam, we also have more control over wall heights and ceilings than ever before. Using the wall adjustment buttons you can create cutaway views, half-height walls, and completely removable surfaces.

Taking ceilings off rooms gives an un obstructed top-down interior shot. This helps when furnishing since I can see everything laid out cleanly.

Adjustable wall heights open interiors

Adjustable walls by Reddit user ATalkingCat

Gallery Previews Let You Walkthrough Downloads

One of my favorite additions in the last few years is the gallery preview feature when browsing houses. Instead of just exterior shots, it renders a fully decorated interior you can walk through!

I scroll through various room angles to check scale, layout and furnishing. It lets me get a feel for the flow before I grab the lot.

Gallery Preview of finished interiors

Gallery Preview by Reddit user Magic_Town

Cycle Through Floors for Multi-Story Access

For building large mansions, the little arrow icons to change floors are so crucial. I use them constantly when furnishing to jump between levels and see layout alignment.

You‘ll find them indispensable when making sure grand staircases span floors correctly without peeking.

Floor change arrows highlighted

Essential Camera Controls Cheat Sheet

I have all these view hotkeys memorized from thousands of hours of building, but wanted to put together a quick table for easy reference:

ActionPC ControlsEffect
Toggle Free CameraTABPhase through objects for placement
Adjust Walls/RoofsButtons at top rightChanges interior visibility
Next Floor Up^ Arrow IconEasy floor navigation
Gallery PreviewClick Preview OptionTours full interior

Mastering these are game-changing for builders. Experiment with mixing free camera along with the other adjustments to find that perfect shot!

Now I‘m able to create sprawling multi-story mansions and intricately furnish every corner just the way I want thanks to the impressive viewing tools Maxis has included. What hidden tricks have you uncovered? Let me know in the comments!

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