How Hard Can Kratos Punch?

As an ardent God of War fan who has followed Kratos across his mythological journeys, I am constantly awestruck by his otherworldly displays of strength. After his latest appearance in God of War: Ragnarök, many fans have wondered just how hard the Ghost of Sparta can punch with his godlike might. After analyzing scenes across the games and digging into the Norse myths, I believe Kratos‘ blows potentially approach universe-shaking levels.

Kratos‘ Raw Strength – Lifting Realms and Punching Titans

Even without any power-ups or rage amps, Kratos possesses enough base superhuman strength to flip entire temples and trade blows with beings as large as mountains. According to the God of War wiki, his bare-handed feats include:

  • Flipping and kicking the Temple of Pandora
  • Punching the Titan Cronos with enough force to make him vomit blood
  • Nearly matching the strength of his half-brother Hercules in a wrestle
  • Overpowering the massive giant Thamur

The Temple of Pandora itself was calculated on Reddit to weigh over 500,000 tons. To bodily lift and flip something of that size requires force equivalent to 3.2 billion newtons!

And that‘s before we consider entities like Cronos, who as an Elder Titan is likely thousands of feet tall and millions of tons heavy. Just one of Kratos‘ haymaker punches produced enough force to grievously wound Cronos.

Kratos‘ Striking Strength Estimates

FeatEquivalent Explosive Yield
Punching Cronos1.8 tons of TNT
Blows trading with Zeus12 kilotons of TNT
Punch amplified by HopePotentially infinite energy

These calcuations, sourced from fan sites like GameSpot Universe, aim to quantify just how hard Kratos hits even normal opponents. With his demigod biology granting him unlimited stamina, he can unleash blasts with the force of nuclear explosions.

Defeating Primordial Deities – Cosmic Forces of Nature

By defeating gods associated with fundamental forces of the cosmos, Kratos scales far beyond any normal hero…

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