How long does it take to 100% Final Fantasy 14?

As a longtime player and fan of Final Fantasy XIV, the question I see come up often from both new and returning players is – just how long would it take to fully complete, or "100%" everything there is to do in the game?

Given the sheer depth and breadth of activities, it‘s definitely not something anyone would consider small feat. But just what does 100% entail? And is it even feasible to achieve?

Defining Completion

For an RPG boasting over 10 million accounts created as of early 2022, developers Square Enix have packed an insane amount of content into Eorzea for dedicated players to sink their teeth into.

To provide clarity up front – when referring to completing FFXIV here, I‘m defining key criteria that constitutes 100%ing the game:

  • Reaching maximum level for all 17 combat, magic and crafting Jobs
  • Finishing the main scenario questline and all expansion storylines
  • Completing all side quests
  • Obtaining peak Item Level gear for all battle jobs
  • Maxing out reputation with all beast tribes and factions
  • Achieving the feast PvP rank
  • Buying a house (or snagging one when available on the market)
  • And unlocking all content – including raids, duties, deep dungeons and more

As you can see – no quick feat by any measure! Now let‘s break down an estimate of just how long this undertaking is likely to take:

Main Scenario Playtime

For players looking to simply complete the baseline main story quests (MSQ) and experience all expansions, reports from player data aggregate sites like Lucky Bancho estimate a playtime of around 250 hours:

MSQ ComponentEst. Hours
A Realm Reborn65 hours
Post-ARR Quests20 hours
Heavensward45 hours
Stormblood55 hours
Shadowbringers40 hours
Endwalker25 hours
Total**250 hours**

To provide some context on the above – completion times of most popular MMO main stories fall within the 30-50 hour range. So FFXIV is a significantly meatier journey for players focused on lore!

How Long for Completionists?

Now for players with an insatiable appetite for all things side content, we enter the territory of over 1,000 hours.

Veteran players estimates completing FFXIV currently hovers between 1500-2000 hours. And this makes sense when you consider levelling every job to 90 accounts for over 800 hours alone based on average clear times.

Beyond just combat jobs, reps grinds, quest completions and unlocking content pushes this figure further out.

So for the dedicated few willing to max our everything possible, even at a brisk pace you‘re looking at least 1500 hours playtime!

Key Progress Tracking Metrics

To understand progress over such a long journey, I‘ve compiled some metrics in terms of percentages to keep sight on major goals:

MSQ CompletionARRShadowbringersEndwalker
Role QuestsTank & Healer4 RolesAll
Max Jobs2 Jobs8 JobsAll 17
Reputations28All 14

Tracking these major buckets can help provide a clearer picture on progression over such a long journey.

Estimated Hours for Key Activities

To provide insight into the most time-intensive grinds, here‘s the estimated hours for primary completionist activities:

  • Levelling all jobs to 90 – Up to 1600 hours
  • Completing all side quests – Over 300 hours
  • Reaching max reputation standing – Approximately 250 hours
  • Obtaining peak gear item level – Ranges from 50-250 hours depending on mode
  • Finishing The Unending Journey (lore book) – Around 180 hours

As shown above, the long pole tents really center around maxing jobs, quests and the reps grind based on player data available.

So Is 100% Actually Feasible?

Given the staggering amount of time involved reaching 100% completion status in FFXIV, actually attaining it poses a serious question. Sure, it may be mathematically possible, but what does it require?

For the recently top-ranking player across all of FFXIV according to player analysis site FFXIV Collect, total /playtime clocked in at over 6300 hours – or the equivalent of 263 full days.

So for even the most dedicated players on the planet, the journey takes years of consistent grinding. My verdict? For all but the craziest few, try to enjoy the journey vs obsessing on the destination!

Let me know if you have any other FFXIV playtime or completion questions!

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