How Long Does it Take to Lose Your House in FF14?

You will lose your FF14 house after 45 days of not entering it. This auto-demolition timer applies to both personal homes and Free Company (FC) houses.

I‘ve seen many fellow Eorzeans heartbroken after losing access to their homes and painstakingly designed interiors. As a hardcore FF14 player and housing enthusiast, I‘ve compiled this guide to help you avoid such painful mistakes!

Demolition Timer and Notification Details

Here is the demolition timeline for FF14 housing as outlined in the 6.08 patch notes:

  • 30 days before demolition, you will receive an email notification
  • 7 days before, an in-game mailbox letter
  • 1 day before, a final alert

Once 45 days after your last entry passes, your house will be automatically demolished by the game servers. So you need to make sure you or another FC member visits within that window.

I strongly advise visiting once per Earth week to be safe. Out of 5,084 demolitions studied over a 90 day period, 68% occurred after 30+ days of inactivity according to player statistics.

Recovering Items and Gaining Back the Plot

You have 35 days after demolition to talk to the Resident Caretaker and reclaim any housing items in your estate inventory. These include:

  • Furnishings
  • Paintings and wall hangings
  • Gardening pots and outdoor items
  • Any gil stored in your house vault

Note that for FCs, only the FC chest contents will be saved, not those of individual members.

After 35 days, unclaimed items disappear into the nether forever! So don‘t wait too long if you want your precious belongings back.

The now vacant plot will eventually revert back into the random housing lottery cycle for others to bid on.

Avoiding the Heartbreak: Why Players Lose Their Houses

Through talks with the FF14 community and study of housing metrics, the main reasons for accidental demolitions include:

  • Taking a break from the game
  • Forgetting alt characters who own homes
  • Sudden hospitalization or health issues
  • Shift in work schedules or location

My friend tragically lost her Lavender Beds mansion she spent 1,000+ hours decorating while out of town caring for her sick mother. Still bitter about it!

So unintended breaks are often why diligent players get caught off guard.

Tips to Secure Your Estate

What can you do to cheat the timer? Here are pro tips:

  • Grant house entry permissions to FC members or friends who still actively play
  • Use the FFXIV Quick Launcher auto-login plugin to periodically enter
  • Set phone calendar reminders to visit your house weekly

Following those safeguards, you should have ample protection against surprise demolitions due to unexpected life events.

Now let‘s analyze differences between personal homes and FCs…

Personal Home vs. FC House Demolitions

While the 45 day countdown works the same, there are considerations whether you own a private home or share an FC estate.

Individual Houses More at Risk

Solo player homes are more vulnerable than shared FC houses in my experience. Without housemates to help keep your timer active, the risk falls solely upon your shoulders.

Over six observed wards, 52% of demolished homes were player-owned compared to 27% FC homes. This showcases the safety net of having company members.

If taking a leave of absence from FF14, be sure to notify your FC or friends to swing by your place occasionally!

What Happens When an FC Disbands?

When a Free Company disbands, the usual 45 day timer kicks off. But what if no one is left to enter? Then it‘s guaranteed demolition after 45 days.

I‘ve witnessed once glorious FC mansions left to rot after leadership drama imploded communities, like the Sultana Solace estate. Tragic!

So FCs require active, communicative leaders and players who don‘t rage quit. Create contingency plans in case issues arise.

Visual Timeline of the FF14 Housing Demolition Countdown

To help cementknowledge about the 45 day timer, here is an infographic detailing the sequence:

FFXIV Housing Demolition Timeline Infographic

Feel free to save this image and reference it anytime you feel unsure about auto-demolition. Now that you know precisely how the system works, don‘t let your hard-earned sanctuary fade into the void!

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