How many coins do you get for defending a gym for 2 days?

As a dedicated Pokémon GO player and content creator, I get this question a lot – just how many of those coveted PokéCoins can you stack up when you‘ve got a strong Pokémon anchored in a gym for days on end?

The short answer: 50 per day, even for your longest-lasting defenders. But there‘s a lot more strategy and motivation to building that gym defense streak than raking in coins!

The PokéCoin Earning System

Here‘s how PokéCoin generation from gym defense breaks down:

  • 1 coin every 10 minutes defended
  • 6 coins per hour
  • Max limit of 50 coins per day

So essentially, after your Pokémon has defended a gym for 8 hours and 20 minutes, it hits the 50 coin ceiling for the day. Even if it continues defending for days on end after hitting that mark, you won‘t accumulate any more until it returns and you can collect.

But Isn‘t Longer Better for Coins?

You might think that keeping a Pokémon anchored for days or even weeks would mean a huge payout once they finally get knocked out. But Niantic has shrewdly capped daily earnings to prevent that kind of coin farming exploitation.

Trust me, I‘ve tested this extensively with some rural gyms! My record holder is a CP 3000 Slaking who lived in a farm silo gym for 29 days before returning with…just 50 coins.

Maximizing Your Daily PokéCoin Income

While you can‘t endlessly stockpile coins from gym defense, you can optimize your daily earnings. Here are my best tips:

Split Up Defenders Across Multiple Gyms

Rather than focus on a huge level 10 fortress, distribute your top defenders across 5-6 gyms. This diversifies your income stream in case one gets wiped out.

Target Gyms With High Turnover

Prioritize centrally located gyms in busier areas – data shows these switch teams multiple times per day. This churn lets you earn the 50 coin maximum regularly.

Gym Location TypeAverage Defender Lifespan
Central city hotspot8-12 hours
Public park1-2 days
Remote landmark1-2 weeks

Be Strategic With Berries/Treats

Use Golden Razz Berries sparingly – just enough to get your 8 hours 20 minutes defended then let nature run its course. No excess coin benefits to prolonging further!

The True Motivation: Gym Reputation & Community

Alright, as a hardcore player chasing gym leaderboards and records, I‘ll admit coins aren‘t my main incentive. After years battling over these landmarks, the real reward is reputation – having your username etched in that gym banner for weeks or months gives you serious bragging rights!

Plus, building up friendly neighborhood gyms creates a sense of community. I‘ve met awesome people from all teams while working to strengthen nearby towers. And it‘s always more fun to take on raids and events as a tight-knight group.

So coins are nice perks, but the social aspect keeps me coming back. I‘ll gladly drop a Blissey to stand for a month, even if the coins cap out!

Changes Keeping Gym Play Fresh

As a day one player, I‘ll say gym combat has improved leaps and bounds from those first stagnant weeks. The motivation decay system challenges us to continually re-strengthen our gyms rather than settling into one unchanging territory.

And raid battles have created a neutral zone where all teams mingle and cooperate. It‘s promoting community even across rivalries – a welcome evolution!

We‘ll see what other twists get introduced over the years. But clearly Niantic is intent on keeping gym play dynamic, not just a static coin farm. And to hardcore trainers like myself, that ongoing challenge strengthens the appeal.

So in summary – yes, 50 coins a day is still the limit. But don‘t let that discourage you from pursuing gym dominance for bragging rights…and for the bonds you build along the way!

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