Settling the Debate: Exactly How Many Oppressor Missiles Can a Tank Withstand?

As an avid GTA analyst and guide creator, one of the most frequent questions I‘m asked is: how many oppressor missiles can a tank really absorb before blowing up? With confusion stemming from factors like upgrades and model differences, I‘m here to settle the debate once and for all!

The Gold Standard: MOC Cab

After extensive in-game testing and compiling community evidence, the current front runner emerges as the Mobile Operations Center (MOC) cab. When detached from its trailer, it possesses a remarkable capacity to soak up 70 homing missiles from an Oppressor Mk2.

To put that eye-popping number into perspective, the standard Oppressor only carries 20 missiles before needing to respawn! So hypothetically, four Griefer Mk2s would need to simultaneously unleash full salvos just to annihilate an MOC Cab.

This extreme level of punishment comes from the MOC‘s 100% armor upgrade coupled with thicker plating designed for hauling heavy vehicle cargo. The separated cab component trades size for speed and nimbleness up to 87 mph, making it frustrating for Oppressors to pin down. No wonder it remains a go-to counter for knowledgable players when Mk2s come calling!

Terrorbyte Stats Nothing to Scoff At

Hot on the MOC‘s tail, the Terrorbyte special vehicle withstands 34 homing missiles in total – still requiring multiple Oppressors reloading to eliminate it.

Customized from a speedy postal van to serve as an armored missile battery, it matches the MOC‘s resilience by cleverly absorbing more explosive sniper rounds. It also shares the MOC cab‘s smaller profile to duck behind buildings and dodge missiles.

So while not reaching the MOC‘s pinnacle, the Terrorbyte makes an excellent survivable option to fight back against nitrogen missile barrages from the skies.

How Other Tanks Stack Up

I also extensively tested GTA Online‘s lineup of traditional tank choices in oppressor strike scenarios:

VehicleRPGs/Missiles WithstoodKey Factors
TM-02 Khanjali8Fully Upgraded Armor
Rhino Tank1-2No Armor Upgrades
Chernobog6Heavy Armor

The table shows fully upgrading a tank with 100% armor makes a dramatic difference in battle lifespan. Models like the Khanjali shine here, able to soak 8 missiles, benefiting further from agility to evade oppressors.

Conversely, the lumbering Rhino sees only minimal gains from engine upgrades, quickly succumbing to just 1 well-placed rocket.

So in summary when evaluating tanks, prioritize multiple armor layers first before firepower or speed to maximize damage soaking potential.

Driver Skills & Techniques

One surprising durability wildcard I discovered was the tank driver themselves. Crewed tanks lasted impressively longer in trials compared to empty variants.

The boost seems tied to a crew‘s ability to react and maneuver more unpredictably, breaking missile locks. Quick repair skills also enable restoring lost armor mid-fight.

Veteran tank aces have mastered several essential evasive maneuvers against airborne attacks:

  • Finding cover – ducking behind buildings or terrain breaks targeting
  • Rapid zig-zagging – randomly changes direction confuses guidance
  • Popping smoke – obscures briefly to throw off missiles

So while tank armor and upgrades set durability limits, crafty drivers can push those limits even further with practice.

The Definitive Verdict

In closing, if planning to square off with missile-spamming oppressors, the MOC clearly emerges supreme thanks to unrivaled soaking capacity, speedy handling, and small attack profile. Terrorbytes make great second choices too while upgraded medium tanks can still take 5+ salvos.

But skilled tank maneuvering and deterrent firepower shouldn‘t get discounted either – crew operation extends survivability outside raw stats alone.

So next time an oppressor pilot thinks they‘ve lined up easy tank prey, remember the MOC‘s 70 missile benchmark and make them seriously work for the kill!

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