How Many Raids You Can Complete Per Day in Pokémon Go

As an avid Pokémon Go player and gaming content creator, the question I get asked constantly by my fans is "how many raids can you do a day?"

The short answer is that you can complete one free raid per day using your daily free raid pass. But you can exceed that one free raid through strategic use of premium items obtained via PokéCoins.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll cover everything you need to know to optimize your daily raid potential, including:

  • Breakdown of all raid pass types
  • Raid battle tiers and mechanics
  • Factors that influence raids per day
  • Remote raid best practices
  • Tips to improve raid performance

So whether you enjoy the occasional free raid or are an avid raider aiming to complete multiple daily, let‘s dive in!

Overview of Raid Pass Types

There are three main ways to access raid battles:

Pass TypeDescriptionDaily Limit
Free Raid Pass– Obtained by spinning gym discs daily
– Only one can be held at a time
Premium Raid Pass– Purchased in the shop with PokéCoins
– No holding limit or daily cap
Remote Raid Pass– Also purchased with PokéCoins
– Holding limit of 3
Daily use capped at 5 remote raids

Free Daily Raid Pass

As the name suggests, you can earn one free raid pass per day by spinning the disc at any gym. This standard pass grants access to any tier raid in-person.

It‘s essentially your daily free raid battle. So make sure to spin at least one gym every calendar day if you wish to maximize free raiding.

Key Tips:

  • Set a daily reminder to spin a gym if possible
  • Only one free pass can be held at time
  • You cannot “stack” multiple free passes

Premium Raid Passes

For raiders aiming to battle beyond the single free daily raid, Premium Raid Passes available in the in-game shop are the best option.

These passes can be purchased with PokéCoins, with no limit on the number you can hold at one time or use per day. They provide ticket access to in-person raids of any tier.

I generally recommend premium passes for more serious raiders planning to complete multiple tier 4 – 5 raids daily. Otherwise sticking to the free pass is suitable for most.

Key Tips:

  • Purchase only enough for your planned daily raids
  • Check for box deals that bundle passes at a discount

Remote Raid Passes

The newest pass type, these allow you to raid remotely with others over vast distances via online lobbies. No need travel to the actual raid location!

However, while convenient, note that Remote Passes:

  • Have a cap of 3 allowed in your inventory
  • Can only be used 5 times daily

So optimize remote raiding by pre-planning your daily remote battle schedule. And don’t overbuy passes you can’t use!

In summary, while the free daily pass sets the baseline at 1 raid per day, utilizing Premium and Remote passes allows you to exceed that limit through strategic purchases. Just be aware of the various inventory and usage limits imposed.

Now let‘s explore the factors dictating how many raids you can reasonably complete daily…

What Influences Number of Possible Daily Raids?

While Premium Passes technically offer unlimited raiding, and Remote Passes provide up to 5 more, what you can achieve daily depends on more than just passes stocked.

Raid Tiers

Raids range from Tiers 1 to 5, categorized by difficulty:

TierDifficulty# Players Recommended

Higher tiers clearly require coordinating larger groups to achieve success. For example, attempting to solo Tier 5 would be extremely challenging even for advanced players.

Target at least the recommended number of participants for your tier to maximize encounter win rate and Premier Balls awarded.

So plan daily raids based on your ability to coordinate friends, local groups, or remote raiders online. Solo raiders may be limited to lower tiers depending on collection power.

Raid Timer

You have a limited time window to beat the raid boss once a lobby commences, ranging from 45 minutes for Tier 5 down to 15 minutes for some Tier 1.

If you fail to win before time expires, you must re-use your pass or leave empty handed. Timer pressure can play a role in raid planning and success rate.

Travel Time Between Raids

Don’t forget to account for travel time between gym locations on your daily route. Driving or walking between distant raids eats into your schedule.

This is where remote raiding can optimize efficiency by removing transit time!

Best Practices for Remote Daily Raiding

While remote raids are capped at 5 daily, properly utilizing them is key to amplifying your total raids beyond the free 1.

Here are my best practices as a dedicated raider:

  • Scout online remote groups prior to using your daily allocation. Queuing into empty lobbies wastes both time and your 5 remote raids!
  • Avoid queuing into remote raids under 2 minutes. Cutting it close risks the group moving forward without you.
  • Purchase Remote Passes only as needed each day. No reason to stockpile beyond your 5 daily limit.
  • Mix remote and in-person raids to optimize time efficiency. No travel between remote raids!

Utilizing Remote Raid Discord Groups

Dedicated Discord channels like Pokémon GO Remote Raids make coordinating daily remote battles easy. After joining relevant channels for your tier interests and friend codes:

  1. Watch for notifications of upcoming hosted raids
  2. Quickly react to signal your interest to raid leaders
  3. Receive invites in Pokémon Go to join the lobby!

I’ve easily doubled my remote raid potential through Discord group partnerships. Highly recommend for remote raiders.

Tips to Improve All Raid Performance

Beyond picking optimal teams, here are 3 key tips to boost performance:

1. Time Your Re-Lobbies

Timing your re-joins well is critical to maximizing damage. Re-enter too early and you waste time. Too late hurts DPS (damage per second).

Best practice: Target 20 seconds remaining when re-joining. Gives enough time to select attackers again.

2. Master Excellent Curve Ball Throws

Extracting maximum Premier Ball rewards via faster boss catch gives more total balls to work with. Allows you to pinap with less risk.

Practice manual great + excellent curves devoid of any AR or motion tricks. Mastery takes time but pays off long run!

3. Coordinate Best Friend Damage Bonuses

Raiding with Best Friends nets a 10% damage boost per friend. Stacks additively up to 40% extra with a full lobby!

Assemble your top in-game friends for challenging raids to leverage this multiplier. Powers up collective performance.

While Pokémon Go gifts you one free raid daily, you can further amplify your daily raiding through smart utilization of premium items coupled with community coordination and individual mastery of mechanics.

The ultimate potential breakdown looks like:

  • 1 Free Raid Pass Per Day
  • Up to 5 Additional Remote Raid Passes
  • Unlimited Premium Raid Passes (based on your budget!)

Learning to leverage external communities, target specific tiers, improve catch techniques, and raid efficiently will let you extract the full value from your daily efforts.

After hundreds of collective raids, I’m happy to help break down best practices so your community can raid like the pros. Never hesitate to reach out with questions!

What else would you like to know about optimizing Pokémon Go raids? Let’s keep the gaming conversation going!

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