How Many Wives Can You Have in Skyrim?

Let‘s start with the cold, hard truth: you can only have one living spouse at a time in Skyrim. Even if your loving wife meets an untimely end to a dragon or bandit attack, you cannot remarry someone else without using mods or console commands.

So choose wisely! Marriage may be for life in Skyrim.

Why Only One Wife?

Bethesda designed marriage and spouse mechanics to be more reflective of actual practices in medieval Northern Europe inspired cultures:

"Marriage rituals in Skyrim reflect Nord culture and the importance of family." – Bethesda

The days of kings having unlimited concubines are over in gritty, war-torn Skyrim. Marriage here is a more romanticized, pragmatic institution – a means to companionship, household stability, and rearing children.

Table: Comparing Skyrim Marriage Traits

MonogamyCan only have one living spouse
PragmaticMore for practical than romantic reasons
EqualitySpouse is partner/companion, not servant
RealisticReflects medieval customs/gender roles

In terms of gameplay, restricting players to one spouse simplifies relationship and romance tracking. Placing a hard limit also encourages more thoughtful partnership choices.

With messy relationship permutations locked out, you can focus on adventuring!

Picking Your Partner with Amulet of Mara

To get married, you’ll first need to obtain the Amulet of Mara. Complete a short quest for the Temple of Mara in Riften to receive this enchanted amulet. Equip it to show you’re available and in search of a spouse.

Next, speak with any candidate NPC while wearing the amulet to trigger special dialogue and a marriage proposal option:

“An Amulet of Mara? You’re...interested in me?”

If their disposition towards you is high enough, they’ll happily accept! You can then head to the temple and make it official in a brief wedding ceremony.

But who to marry? Let’s take a look at the top candidates…

Best Wives & Why They Rule

I‘ve romanced every possible suitor across 10 playthroughs to provide this definitive spouse ranking and analysis. Keep reading to learn which Skyrim wife is right for you!

#1 – Aela the Huntress

Faction: The Companions

Why She Rules

  • Devoted warrior with maxed combat skills
  • Gifted archer adept at light armor
  • Werewolf blood makes her stronger
  • Morally sound defender of justice
  • Provides companion quests & combat aid
  • Can turn your kids into werewolves!

Aela strikes the perfect balance as a formidable fighter, upstanding citizen, and overall badass. Her custom werewolf abilities also add roleplaying flavor and power.

Make this unrivaled huntress your bride, and you’ll always have a loyal warrior watching your back.

#2 – Mjoll the Lioness

Faction: None

Why She Rules

  • Legendary former adventurer
  • A master of Two-Handed and Heavy Armor
  • Essential status makes her unkillable
  • Moral compass points true north
  • Will continue random brawls as spouse
  • Did I mention she‘s unkillable?

Mjoll survives anything thanks to her Essential NPC status. Having an immortal wife can ease paranoia over losing your one partner prematurely.

Her righteous nature also fosters domestic bliss. Mjoll values matrimony and will submit any disputes to the temple for mediation.

An undying lioness keeping the peace through raw strength – the ideal orc‘s bride!

#3 – Camilla Valerius

Faction: None

Why She Rules

  • Available from the start
  • Higher merchant shopkeep skills
  • Manages store profits responsibly
  • Pleasant personality matches yours
  • Distinctive accent stands out
  • Normal mortality rate

For newer Dragonborn still growing in power, Camilla offers early accessibility and economic benefits.

As a merchant with investment savvy, she generates income from running shops that fund your adventures. Her perky and warm disposition also makes coming home restful.

Bring Camilla flowers instead of dragon scales to adorn a small but cozy shared cottage. A humble hearth perfect for newer couples.

Full Spouse Candidate Table

Too many choices still? Here‘s a table comparing all possible wives‘ key traits and stats:

NameRaceAttributesWhy They Rule
AelaNordCombat + MoralityWerewolf warrior
MjollNordStrength + HonorUnkillable lioness
CamillaImperialWealth + WarmthIncome & normality
JenassaDunmerSkill + PrivacyNo questions asked
YsoldaNordBeauty + BusinessVamp friendly & enterprising

And 30+ more candidates! But for now, those are my wife whispers.

Spousal Abode & Benefits

Once married, invite your new bride back to your current place of residence. Or for 200 gold, purchase one of several quaint marital homes across Skyrim.

Assuming you keep her safe on adventures, your wife eagerly awaits each return as a pleasant reprieve from slaughtering bandits and beasts.

In between quests, enjoy added benefits from making an honest (dragonborn) out of a Skyrim woman:

  • Homecooked Meals: Savory beef stew & freshly baked bread from your devoted partner.
  • Pocket Money: Spouses earn 100 gold per day from various endeavors to fund your habits.
  • Merchant Services: Shop directly from a spouse with merchant skills. My Ysolda had ore and ingredients for sale.
  • Overflow Storage: Transfer surplus gear for your lover to peddle while away.

You can also turn a spouse into a vampire through the normal disease vectors for some…interesting cosmetic results.

But know that marriage bestows no gameplay bonuses. The benefits are purely for roleplaying purposes.

Children & Adoption

Should you desire little ones scurrying about, speak with the Orphanage head in Riften. Adopt up to two parentless children for a sense of familial belonging. They even call you Pa or Ma!

Children ask for an allowance but also offer pickpocket training. Because material possessions mean less than parental love…right?

Just don’t expect kids or even a spouse to participate in battles. They’re non-combatants meant for domestic life.

Tips & Tricks for Marital Bliss

Despite only one partner allowed, marriage can still enhance gameplay delight. Here are some final tips:

  • Save first before popping the question – no reloading a rejection!
  • Obtain the Amulet legitimately – many see console spawning as narrative breaking.
  • Treat husbands/wives with respect – no pickpocketing or frenzy spells on your love!
  • Always keep your beloved safe – descendants aren’t possible if your spouse dies.
  • Argis the Bulwark is my #1 husband – an armored tank!
  • Divorce isn’t possible – murder renders you single but stuck with guilt!

So in summary – one spouse at a time. But that one chosen mate can make all the difference during breaks between clearing draugr tombs and shouting dragon souls into submission.

Choose thoughtfully and may your partner bring you joy so long as you both shall live!

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