How Much Are Sugar Gliders at PetSmart in 2024? (Full Guide)

Sugar gliders are exotic pocket pets growing in popularity for their unique appearance and personalities. However, these marsupial climbers also come with some key considerations around legal status, housing needs, veterinary care and more. This causes major retailers like PetSmart to avoid selling sugar gliders in-store and online to prospective owners.

Why PetSmart Doesn‘t Stock Sugar Gliders

PetSmart, along with other major pet chains, cannot legally sell sugar gliders due to statewide bans restricting private ownership of the species. So far, 9 states have labeled sugar gliders as either prohibited exotic species, controlled wildlife, or requiring specific permits that retailers are not positioned to provide customers.

Beyond legal restrictions, experts also caution that sugar gliders risk becoming problematic invasive species if released or escaped into non-native habitats. Studies of small introduced mammal populations in Australia, their native region, reveal alarming impacts. Feral sugar glider communities demonstrated up to 60% overlap on diet with vulnerable native species and were linked with 50% declines in bird populations through nest raiding.

Sugar gliders also carry exotic diseases like leptospirosis rarely found in local wildlife that could spread disastrously without regional immunity. Combined with the extensive specialized care the species demands (covered below), this makes them unsuitable pets for impulse purchase in major chains.

What Sugar Gliders Cost From Breeders

For residents of states where private sugar glider ownership is legal, locating a responsible breeder nearby is the only option for bringing home these exotic marsupials.

Pricing varies based on factors like:

  • Age: adults ($100-$200 per animal) or babies ($200+ per animal)
  • Color morphs: standard gray ($100-$300) or rarer color variations ($300+ per animal)
  • Lineage: pet-quality ($100-$500) or conservatively bred animals ($500+)

First-time owners should anticipate spending $300-500 for younger, pet-quality sugar gliders once all initial housing and accessories are included.

As colony-dwelling creatures requiring social bonds for healthy development, acquiring pairs or groups of siblings is highly recommended. Budget for 2-4 sugar gliders at minimum for their companionship needs.

Alternative Pocket Pets Available From PetSmart

While PetSmart does not carry sugar gliders, their small animal section features an array of easier-to-care-for pocket pets better suited to first-time owners. Dwarf hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, and guinea pigs offer comparable entertainment value and personalities without the extensive demands of sugar gliders across areas like:

Husbandry AspectSugar GliderGuinea Pig
Housing Footprint24” x 24” x 36” tall multi-level cage minimum per 2 gliders7.5 sq ft cage floor space minimum per pig
Average Lifespan12-15 years4-8 years
Average Food Costs$40+ per month on fresh produce, protein, glider staples$10-15 per month on hay, vegetables, pellets
Vet Care AccessExotic-qualified vet onlyAny small animal vet
Daily Care Time1-2 hours interacting, spot cleaning, feeding30 minutes feeding, cleaning, floor time

Adoption fees for small mammals at PetSmart tend to range from $5-20, with prices influenced by age and breed. Be sure to thoroughly research all husbandry requirements before selecting your new pocket pet!

Preparing Your Home for Sugar Gliders

Bringing home sugar gliders requires advance preparation to "glider-proof" your environment, including:


  • Purchasing minimum 24” x 24” x 36” tall multi-level metal cage, with tight bar spacing
  • Securing all windows, doors, ceiling fans, wall gaps, vents
  • Keeping toilet lids closed


  • Removing poisonous houseplants
  • Putting away all cords, wires, toxic chemicals
  • Blocking access to kitchen, garage, workshops
  • Kitting bathroom with non-slip mats, shelves, and hiding spots


  • Obtaining fleece liners, nest pouches, hammocks
  • Installing adjustable lighting to mimic daylight cycles
  • Providing an evenly heated room 65-80°F


  • Daily 30% spot cleaning dirty areas
  • Full disinfection weekly with veterinary-grade cleaner


  • Scatter feeding insects, chopped produce
  • Rotating novel safe wood toys
  • Playing vocal-heavy music 2+ hours daily

See this room-by-room safety checklist for a more extensive home proofing guide.

Essential Supplies to Buy from PetSmart

PetSmart provides some staple equipment for sugar glider maintenance, although several specialty items should be purchased from other retailers.

Cages and Accessories

  • Metal frame enclosure meets size needs better than glass tanks
  • Fleece liners, pouches for nesting
  • Ceramic food bowls prevent tipping

Toys and Activities

  • Wood accessories offer chewing enrichment
  • Treat balls encourage foraging
  • Pocket hook hammocks for climbing

Travel and Transportation

  • Glider-safe carrier provides secure transport


  • Insectivore Fuel fortified pellet food
  • Frozen/freeze-dried meat provides crucial protein

Grooming and Hygiene

  • Nail trimmers, grooming brush for their long fur
  • Unscented gentle wipes to spot clean

Be sure to also purchase specialized calcium powder, multivitamins, habitat lighting and emergency first aid supplies. An established relationship with an exotic veterinarian is vital as well.

Is It Legal to Own Sugar Gliders Where I Live?

Before acquiring a sugar glider, carefully evaluate both statewide and local municipal laws regarding non-traditional pets. Even if legal on a state level, many individual cities impose additional restrictions against owning this species.

For example, New York the state permits sugar gliders under certain conditions – but glider ownership remains illegal within the bounds of New York City itself. Failing to navigate relevant regulations carries heavy fines and seizure risks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much daily handling/supervision do sugar gliders require?

A: Sugar gliders are highly social and require at least 2 hours of direct bonded interaction with owners daily, especially if housed alone. Groups housed together may be slightly less demanding.

Q: What is the ideal diet for a captive sugar glider?

A: Insects, fresh fruits/veggies, veterinarian-recommended glider pellet mixes, and calcium/multivitamin supplements. Avoid bugs/produce high in phosphorus. Introduce new foods slowly.

Q: How long do sugar gliders live as pets?

A: Properly cared for sugar gliders average 12-15 years in captivity. Some may exceed 15-17 years in ideal home settings.

Q: Can sugar gliders be litter trained?

A: Yes! Most can be conditioned to use preferred corners consistently. Use positive reinforcement and patience.

While their exotic nature adds appeal, sugar gliders also come with extensive care requirements far beyond typical small pets – leading major chains like PetSmart to avoid selling them. Yet for owners willing and able to meet their needs through careful preparation, these marsupials make lively, playful companions.

I‘m happy to answer any other questions on safely adding a sugar glider to your home!

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