How much storage is Modern Warfare 2 on PS5?

Straight to the point – Modern Warfare 2 requires approximately 60-70GB on a PS5 console as of its latest Season 2 update. Here‘s a detailed breakdown:

Base Install36GB
Campaign Pack 18GB
Campaign Pack 29GB
Multiplayer Pack12GB (estimate)
Future Updates5GB+ (variable)

As you can see, the bulk of the initial 36GB is high-resolution textures and assets for the single player campaign and multiplayer. The two campaign packs add several hours of story content.

By comparison, the PS4 version currently demands around 90GB – so PS5‘s superior compression and SSD storage helps save some space.

What About Future Updates and DLC?

Now, that 70GB is likely to balloon over the next year as developer Infinity Ward rolls out new multiplayer maps, modes, cosmetics and whatever Warzone 2 integration they have planned.

Looking at the file size history of 2019‘s Modern Warfare, it ballooned from 175GB at launch to over 200GB after 2 years of continuous updates.

Modern Warfare 2019‘s file size increased 25% in 2 years (Source: PlayStationLifeStyle)

So using past trends as a guide, expect Modern Warfare 2 to consume 80-100GB on your PS5 by the end of 2023.

No doubt Activision will leverage next-gen hardware to add new graphical flourishes and gameplay innovations that increase immersion but also install footprint.

Getting the Best PS5 Experience

The good news is Modern Warfare 2 really shines on PS5, with 4K resolution, uncapped frame rates up to 120fps, excellent ray tracing implementation and those near-instant load times.

In terms of performance, PS5 offers the definitive way to play the latest Call of Duty both now and for the next few years.

Backwards compatibility means you can play with friends on PS4. Cross-play expands that to Xbox and PC gamers too.

While installing close to 100GB of data may seem excessive, remember PS5 consoles come with 825GB onboard – so you‘ll still have hundreds of gigs free for other games.

An external SSD or the internal expansion slot can always add capacity down the road if needed.

But for now, PS5 is the best place to enjoy Modern Warfare 2 and be fully prepped for new content drops over 2023 – even if it consumes a sizable chunk of your precious SSD space!

Have you played Modern Warfare 2 on PS5? What‘s your experience? Let me know in the comments!

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