My Beloved Wii Turns 16! Taking a Nostalgic Look Back at Nintendo‘s Pioneering Console

Can you believe the Nintendo Wii is over 16 years old now? Join me on a nostalgic tour of identifying that old Wii tucked away in your closet, evaluating its condition, and appreciating its staying power even in 2024!

Launching a Sensation

The Wii hit North America on November 19, 2006 with hotly anticipated titles like Twilight Princess and Wii Sports (bundled in later). Priced at $249 with innovative motion controls, it began a global craze making it hugely difficult to find on shelves!

I distinctly remember calling dozens of stores trying to hunt one down for the holidays. It represented such a monumental leap over GameCubes and PlayStation 2s of the era. Just look at these slick specs:

CPU729 MHz "Broadway" processor
GPU243 MHz "Hollywood" processor
Resolution480p, 480i
ControllersWii Remote, Nunchuk, Classic Controller

And who could forget those wacky Wiimote controllers using accelerometers for motion gaming? It blew all our minds in 2006!

Wii Graphics Over Time

Wii graphics at launch vs later years – via NintendoLife

The cultural splash couldn‘t be understated either…

Identifying Your Wii Model

Over the years Nintendo released several Wii models with varying hardware specs and compatibility. Let‘s break down how to spot your exact vintage!

On the bottom rear you‘ll locate a white sticker with a lengthy model number. But the key is the prefix:

  • RVL-001 – The launch unit with full Gamecube support! Also initially Omron, later SanDisk drives.
  • WUP-001 – Dropped Gamecube to cut costs. Redesigned internals run cooler and quieter.
  • RVL-101 – AKA Family Edition. Lays horizontally with no Gamecube functions.
  • RVL-201 – The tiny red top-loading Wii Mini.

I ended up with one of each model spread across rooms in my house! Here‘s a quick snapshot guide:

Wii Model Comparison

Visual identifiers for various Wii models – via Quora

Now let‘s explore approximately how aged your Wii might be…

Age Milestones of My Beloved Wii

Walk with me down memory lane across notable Wii age milestones:

  • Launch Day – November 19, 2006 in iconic white. A 16+ year veteran!
  • Redesigns Begin – August 2011 heralded WUP-001 introduction
  • Production Ends – October 2013 farewell to RVL Wiis
  • Wii Mini – December 2012 debuts the tiny red budget model
  • Wii Mini Dies – November 2017 concludes Wii hardware lifespan

So if you‘ve a working launch console, congratulations on having a 16-year old gaming relic! But even Wii Minis reach a respectable 5 years old at minimum.

Review sales trends to see the Wii‘s astonishing popularity even late into its lifecycle:

YearGlobal Sales
200925.94 million
20123.09 million
20170.46 million

I predict residual Wii stock could sell into 2025 or later before permanently disappearing!

Evaluating Wii Condition

Got your Wii model pinned down? Next comes assessing wear and tear to gauge remaining longevity.

This is MakeUseOf‘s fantastic step-by-step inspection guide:

Wii Inspection Guide

Thorough process for evaluating a used Wii purchase

Common issues dropping resale value:

  • Visible Cracks – Likely dropped resulting in internal damage
  • Scratched Case – Poor care, XL lots of scuffs hurts collectors
  • Dirty Vents – Risk overheating unless cleaned
  • Worn Buttons – Sticky buttons annoy gamers
  • Drive Issues – Unable to read discs suggests near-end lifespan

Repairs run $40-$100+ depending on complexity. When pricing your old Wii, reduce roughly $20 per noticeable condition flaw.

Gaming Value Still Going Strong

While Wii clocks ever higher ages, its retro appeal and utility strengthen thanks to:

  • Collectability – Rare special editions now trade for $450+! Even base sets hit $99.
  • Nostalgic GamesWii Sports, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, and Zelda Skyward Sword drive sentimental value with 9/10 ratings.
    Highest Rated Wii Games
  • Homebrew Community – Mods and indie titles expand its life into 2030!
  • Media Center Uses – High video quality via cables make it a nifty streaming box.

"I still regularly enjoy using my launch day Wii," says Paulo Santos, owner of Wii Love to Game blog. "It reminds me of being a kid discovering motion controllers for the first time."

between 2006-2017, over 100 million Wiis were sold. So long as functioning units remain, its combination of heritage and diverse utility promises enduring lifespan likely matching or exceeding the famed Super Nintendo‘s own 16+ year run.

What glorious memories do you have of early Wii days? Share your stories below!

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