How old was Rin when she gave birth

As a long-time Inuyasha fan and avid gamer, I‘ve done extensive research into Rin‘s age and the context around her birthing twin half-demon daughters. With the new Yashahime series revealing she was 18, there‘s renewed discussion. Let‘s explore what we know.

Pinpointing Rin‘s Exact Age

In Episode 3 of Yashahime Season 2, we received definitive confirmation that Rin was 18 when she gave birth to Towa and Setsuna. But when was she born?

YearRin‘s AgeEvent
1506BornRin was born in a small village which was later destroyed by bandits
15115 years oldRin‘s family is killed; She meets Sesshomaru and starts following him
151812 years oldThe epilogue of Inuyasha showing Rin still with Sesshomaru
152418 years oldGives birth to twin daughters with Sesshomaru

As we can see, Rin was born in 1506 and turned 18 around 1524 when the twins came into the picture. This aligns perfectly with Inuyasha‘s ending set in 1518 showing Rin still a child under Sesshomaru‘s protection.

We know Yashahime picks up in modern era Tokyo, approximately 500 years after Inuyasha. Working backwards on the timeline, the math checks out. Mystery solved!

Now, let‘s get into the implications of this age gap between her and Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru and Rin‘s Relationship Timeline

Rin didn‘t come from a place of power when she first encountered Sesshomaru injured in the woods as a small child.

Orphaned at a young age in a violent raid, she wandered alone in poverty for some time before crossing paths with the stoic dog demon. Despite danger warnings from villagers, she felt strangely compelled to nurture him back to health using her limited resources.

When Sesshomaru set out to leave, Rin made the decision to follow him as a ward. We all know that iconic scene with the two-headed dragon.

Over years of exposure to Rin‘s compassionate spirit, the typically cold-hearted Sesshomaru grew fond of her presence, keeping the girl under his guidance and protection long-term.

Sources suggest Sesshomaru may have viewed caring for Rin as honoring his father‘s hopes that he learn to value human life. While Inuyasha maintained ties to humans, Sesshomaru originally held them in contempt. Perhaps Rin represented an experiment of sorts to develop that empathy.

When Rin ultimately came of age, blossoming into a woman around 18 years old, their relationship shifted into a sexual one resulting in offspring.

So in review:

  • 5 years old – Rin finds injured Sesshomaru, helps bring him back to strength
  • 5-12 years old – Starts following Sesshomaru‘s group as his ward
  • 15-18 years old – Rin goes through puberty, has sexual relations with Sesshomaru conceiving their children

No doubt this prompts some ethical questions regarding power imbalances. Let‘s unpack further.

Examining the Power Dynamic

On the surface, you have a very powerful centuries-old dog demon (who can transforms into a giant dog!) and a vulnerable human girl he takes in.

When they first join together, it‘s in the context of him injured and her offering kind compassion despite being told to fear him. Right away, dynamics around power, trust and intimacy are established.

Rin hitting adolescence around 15 years old starts awakening into her sexuality. But during those key developmental years, she‘s living under the care of Sesshomaru in his sphere of control and protection.

So when they eventually become sexually involved, there are valid concerns around grooming, consent and uneven power that warrant examination.

Arguments Around Grooming

The case it was grooming:

  • Rin linked her survival to Sesshomaru from a young age
  • She likely felt immense pressure to conform to his expectations
  • He had unlimited access to shape her worldview during formative years
  • The unequal power dynamic casts doubt on consent

The case against grooming arguments:

  • We lack enough context about lifespan differences with demons
  • Rin seeming to initiate their sexual relationship as an adult
  • Applying human norms onto feudal demon culture is problematic
  • As Rin‘s guardian, Sesshomaru protected her interests over the years

In reality, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

A Layered Ethical Dilemma

Rather than make definitive claims on the matter, I believe the healthiest approach is to hold space discussing the nuance.

Some elements to unpack:

  • Capacity for meaningful consent by a far less powerful party
  • Social norms and biological facts around aging gaps
  • Gender dynamics around male guardians and female wards
  • How spiritual aspects like innocence and compassion were racialized

You could write a whole thesis untangling the intersecting threads!

Ultimately, reasonable people can disagree in good faith around this case. Through dialogue, we deepen collective understanding.


Rin was ~18 years old when she gave birth to Towa and Setsuna sometime around 1524, roughly 500 years before Yashahime picks up in modern day Tokyo.

Hopefully this breakdown has shed light on the timeline details and key ethical questions bound to come up regarding Rin‘s age juxtaposed with Sesshomaru‘s status dating back to her childhood.

What are your thoughts on this topic? Is there a perspective you think I missed exploring? Let me know in the comments!

And for all fellow Inuyasha fans, stay tuned as I recap the latest Yashahime updates. With a possible season 3 on the way, there‘s much more to analyze in how this iconic story expands!

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