How Old Was Solomon When He Became King?

The Bible does not provide an exact age for Solomon when he became king. However, based on historical records and estimations, scholars believe that Solomon was around 20 to 22 years old when he ascended the throne.

It is important to note that when Solomon referred to himself as “a little child” in 1 Kings 3:7, he was not referring to his age but rather his inexperience and limited knowledge in life. Solomon reigned for 40 years, and his reign is considered one of the highest and most prosperous periods in Israel's hist

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The Bible does not say how old he was when he began to reign we can settle his age to be his early 20's. His reign was well documented – 1 Kings 11v42 tells us Solomon reigned for 40 years. According to the Hebrew Bible, he died of natural causes at around 60 years of age.

Answered from Shyan

How Old Was Solomon When He Became King?

As a student of biblical history, I've always been fascinated by King Solomon. Known for his great wisdom and immense wealth, Solomon was one of the most influential kings of Israel. But one question has nagged me – how old was Solomon when he first took the throne? The Bible doesn't directly state his age, but looking at clues from his story and reign, we can make an educated guess.

When did Solomon's father David become king?

To determine Solomon's possible age, we first need to establish when his father David took the throne. According to 1 Kings 14:21:

“Now Rehoboam son of Solomon reigned in Judah. Rehoboam was forty-one years old when he became king.”

This verse tells us that Solomon's son Rehoboam was 41 when he began ruling. If we cross-reference this with 2 Chronicles 9:30 which states Solomon himself ruled for 40 years, that means:

  • David was king for about 40 years
  • Then Solomon succeeded him for 40 years
  • Then Rehoboam succeeded Solomon for 41 years

So David was approximately 40 years into his reign when Solomon took over.

How old was David when he became king?

1 Kings 2:11 notes that David ruled for a total of 40 years:

“The period that David reigned over Israel was forty years.”

While 1 Kings 14:21 above revealed Rehoboam was 41 at the start of his rule. By adding these details up:

  • David ruled for 40 years
  • Solomon succeeded him and ruled for another 40 years
  • Then Rehoboam succeeded Solomon at age 41

This implies David was likely around 30 years old when he first became king of Israel.

What evidence suggests Solomon was young when made king?

1 Kings 3:7 offers an important clue about Solomon's age:

“Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties.”

Solomon refers to himself as a “little child” which indicates he was quite young and inexperienced when he began his reign. Had he been 40-50 years old, he likely wouldn't have described himself this way.

How long was Solomon king for?

According to 1 Kings 11:42, Solomon reigned for a total of 40 years:

“Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.”

So if we assume Solomon was around 20 when taking the throne, that would mean he died around age 60, after a 40 year rule.

When did Solomon's son Rehoboam become king?

Earlier we established that Rehoboam was 41 when he began ruling, based on 1 Kings 14:21.

Since Rehoboam took over as king upon Solomon's death, this suggests Solomon was approximately 60 years old when he died.

Knowing Rehoboam's age of 41 at the start of his reign lets us work backwards to estimate Solomon's age.

What age range for Solomon aligns with all the evidence?

Putting together all the clues:

  • David became king around age 30 and ruled for 40 years
  • Solomon called himself “young and inexperienced” upon taking the throne
  • Solomon ruled for 40 years total
  • Rehoboam was 41 when he succeeded Solomon

The evidence points to Solomon likely being 20-30 years old when he first became king over Israel.

Being 20-25 would make him “young” but old enough to take the throne. And 40 years later at 60-65, Solomon's life would have ended, allowing Rehoboam to succeed him at age 41.

So while we don't have a precise age, the context clues suggest Solomon was probably in his early 20s when made king.

Does Solomon being 20-25 as a new king seem reasonable?

Yes, Solomon being around 20-25 aligns with typical ages for assuming the throne in that time period.


  • Egyptian pharaohs often became co-regent with a parent around ages 14-22, then solo king a few years later.
  • Roman emperors like Augustus took power in their late teens/early 20s.
  • A Babylonian inscription indicates Hammurabi was 30 when he became king.

So powerful ancient kings would often rise to power in their late teens or 20s. Solomon being 20-25 fits this precedent.

Could Solomon have been younger than 20 when made king?

It's unlikely Solomon was younger than 20 when he became king, for a few reasons:

  • Younger than 20 seems too young to match Solomon calling himself “young and inexperienced.”
  • Most co-regents reigned from their mid-teens, but Solomon succeeded David directly.
  • Given Rehoboam's age, Solomon's 40 year rule would necessitate him being at least in his late teens when starting.

While not impossible, the evidence best supports Solomon being slightly older, most likely between 20-25 years when he assumed the throne over Israel.

Could Solomon have been older than 30 when crowned king?

Again, while not impossible, it is unlikely Solomon was over 30 when he became king:

  • Describing himself as young and inexperienced implies he was on the younger side.
  • If much older than 30, Solomon's 40 year rule would have made him improbably old when dying.
  • Most ancient kings began ruling in their teens or 20s, so being older than 30 would be atypical.

Barring any major unknown gaps, the most reasonable estimate is that Solomon was in his early to mid 20s when he succeeded David as king.


Though his exact age is not specified, thorough analysis of the biblical accounts, reign lengths, and successions allows us to speculate Solomon's age with reasonable confidence.

The balance of evidence suggests Solomon was likely 20-25 years old when he rose to power over the united kingdom of Israel after his father David's death. Fittingly for the wisest man in the Bible, Solomon received the crown and responsibility of kingship while still in the exuberance of youth.

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