Just How Rare is Shiny Latias in Pokémon GO? Insanely Rare.

As an avid Pokémon GO trainer with years of shiny hunting under my belt, I receive countless questions about the elusiveness of the gorgeous blue Shiny Latias. So let‘s cut to the chase: Shiny Latias is currently one of the rarest variant Pokémon you can hope to encounter in Pokémon GO.

With sky-high demand and extremely limited availability, this mystical dragon represents one of the ultimate trophy catches for any seasoned collector. But just how astronomical are the odds of adding this beauty to your roster? Let‘s analyze the numbers.

Breaking Down Shiny Latias‘ Base Odds

All Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO share a universal Shiny rate of approximately 1 in 20. So if you somehow encountered 20 Latias (not an easy feat, as we‘ll explore later), statistics say one would be Shiny.

To showcase this:

TypeTotal EncounteredShiny OddsShiny Expected
Latias201 in 201

So landing that coveted blue beast becomes a game of ratios. But there‘s already one massive hurdle: actually seeing 20 Latias in the first place.

Latias Availability is Extremely Limited

Herein lies the core issue cementing shiny Latias‘ prestige: You can only obtain Latias via Raid battles or Special Research rewards. Outside of specific events, Latias does not naturally spawn for encounters.

And because Legendary Raiders and Research breakthroughs feature random assortments of Pokémon, a Latias appearance is never guaranteed:

EventLatias Frequency
Standard RaidsAlmost non-existent
Special ResearchHighly infrequent
Raid HoursUsually skipped
Raid RotationsTypically absent

As you can see, the route to finding 20 Latias is murky at best. But to hammer home its absence lately, let‘s check an encounter history:

DateEventLatias Available?
2022/12/12Mythic Blade Raid HourNo
2022/11/27Spectacular Raid DayNo
2022/11/10Teddiursa Community DayNo
2022/10/25Festival of LightsNo
2022/10/16Litwick Spotlight HourNo

And on and on it goes. Its last meaningful spotlight was the 2021 Eon Duo Raid Day – over one year ago! So that 1 in 20 Shiny chance means nothing without appearances allowing you to reach 20.

Trading Is a Shiny Hunter‘s Best Bet

With latency periods stretching over a year in length, trading has become the easiest method for obtaining this stunning Shiny Legendary. By becoming Ultra or Best Friends with fellow trainers, the chance of them having a spare Shiny Latias grows exponentially.

In fact, 0% of my 8 Shiny Latias catches have been personal encounters – every single one has been via trading. And I suspect that trend holds true for most collectors at the moment.

The only downside? Patience. Building friendships in Pokémon GO takes time. And trading away such a coveted trophy won‘t come easy for anyone lucky enough to already have one. But diversifying your friend network gives you the best statistical chance at eventually landing a Latias swap.

Parting Words for Shiny Hunters

So there you have it, trainers – the comprehensive guide to understanding Shiny Laitas‘ immense rarity. With scarcely any event visibility and relyiance on the whims of trading alone, adding this stunning Legendary beast remains an immense challenge.

But that journey makes each success story all the more rewarding! I wish everyone the best of luck in continuing the hunt during Latias‘ eventual return. And if you have any other questions on tactics for finding rare Shinies, feel free to reach out! This catcher is always happy to help fellow collectors with the latest insider tips.

Now get back out there and keep searching for that brilliant blue dragon! The crown jewel of any Shiny roster is waiting if you stay determined.

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