How Tall Is Shaq Wife?

Shaquille O'Neal's ex-wife, Shaunie O'Neal, is 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall. Shaq's current girlfriend, Laticia Rolle, is 5 feet 6 inches (1.70 m) tall.

Featured Answers

5’ 7”

Answered from Brook Peters


As a big basketball fan, I've always been fascinated by Shaquille O'Neal's incredible height of 7 feet 1 inch tall. Many people are also curious about the height of Shaq's ex-wife, Shaunie O'Neal. Let's dive into some frequently asked questions about the famous height difference between one of basketball's tallest players and his relatively short wife.

1. What is Shaq's height?

Shaquille O'Neal, nicknamed “Shaq”, is a mammoth 7 feet 1 inch (2.16 m) tall [1]. During his 19 seasons in the NBA, his towering height and muscular frame earned him nicknames like “The Diesel” and “Superman”.

Shaq used his super-sized height as a dominant force at center, winning 4 NBA championships. To this day, Shaq remains one of the tallest players ever in professional basketball.

2. How tall is Shaq's ex-wife Shaunie O'Neal?

Shaunie O'Neal, Shaq's former wife, is reportedly around 5 feet 7 inches (1.7 m) tall . That's quite petite compared to Shaq's enormous 7 foot 1 frame! Shaunie was Shaq's high school sweetheart before getting married in 2002.

The nearly 2 feet height difference between the NBA giant and his wife was noticeable when they appeared together. Shaunie once said, “I am 5'7″ and he is 7'1″ – that's quite a difference”  But she didn't seem bothered, happily standing by Shaq's side despite him towering over her short stature.

3. What was the height difference between Shaq and Shaunie?

The height difference between Shaquille O'Neal and ex-wife Shaunie was approximately 1 foot 6 inches (45 cm).

To put that into perspective, the top of 5'7″ Shaunie's head only reached up to Shaq's shoulders! When standing together, she looked tiny next to the basketball legend's enormous 7'1″ frame.

Shaunie must have really hurt her neck looking up at her giant of a husband. Their big height gap was definitely noticeable and looked a bit silly at times. But they didn't let it affect their relationship too much.

4. Did their height difference cause issues in their relationship?

Despite close to a 2 feet height gap between them, Shaq and Shaunie's difference in stature reportedly did not cause major issues in their relationship .

Shaunie once jokingly said in an interview: “He just picks me up and puts me where he wants me!”  She didn't seem to mind the challenges of having such a tall husband.

Occasional hassles like hugging, kissing or dancing with a partner over a foot taller were not dealbreakers for Shaunie and Shaq's marriage. However, their divorce in 2009 was due to Shaq's infidelity, not their height difference.

Overall, Shaunie seemed perfectly happy being the short wife of an NBA giant for many years. Their huge height discrepancy was noticeable but not a major obstacle in their relationship.

5. How did Shaunie feel being so much shorter than Shaq?

In interviews, Shaunie O'Neal always had a positive attitude about being over a foot shorter than her massive NBA star husband Shaquille O'Neal.

She once laughed it off, saying “I feel petite and dainty next to him!”  Shaunie had confidence about her own 5'7″ height, even next to Shaq's towering 7-foot frame.

Occasionally she would tease him about his size, for example saying “Shaq, don't squish me!” when he gave her a big bear hug . It seemed Shaunie embraced being the short wife of a basketball giant and didn't let the height difference bother her.

6. What are some challenges of a height difference in relationships?

Some potential challenges of a significant height difference in a romantic relationship include :

  • Difficulty kissing or hugging when there is a big height gap. The taller partner may need to lean down a lot.
  • Strain on the neck looking up or down at each other frequently.
  • Height differences are more noticeable and can draw attention in public.
  • Challenges with sex positions. Finding compatible positions may require more creativity and communication.
  • Difficulty doing activities like dancing together if your heights don't align.
  • Feeling self-conscious about the height gap and how it looks to others.
  • Clashing philosophies – taller partners may view shorter ones as less capable.
  • Communication barriers from talking at very different eye levels.

7. Does height matter when it comes to attraction?

Many studies show that height can play a role in initial attraction between potential romantic partners, but it is not the only or most important factor .

For men, there is some evidence they are more attracted to shorter women. But women are generally open to partners taller, shorter, or the same height as them.

Beyond the initial spark of attraction, other qualities like communication, shared interests, and compatibility become more important in sustaining a romantic connection long-term.

While some individuals have strong height preferences for partners, many are open-minded. With effort and empathy on both sides, height differences can often enrich relationships.

8. What are the average heights for men and women?

The average height for adult men in the U.S. is around 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 m), while the average woman is around 5 feet 4 inches (1.62 m) tall .

So there is normally around a 5 inch height difference between average height males and females. Shaq and Shaunie's nearly 2 feet gap was significantly larger than typical.

Height norms vary by country and ethnicity as well. For example, the average adult male height in the Netherlands is over 6 feet tall – so Shaq would not stand out as much over there!

9. What is considered a significant height difference in a relationship?

While any difference in height between partners can present challenges, a gap of around 6 inches (15 cm) or more is generally considered a significant height difference in an intimate relationship [13].

Anything greater than a 12 inch (30 cm) difference is quite notable and would likely garner attention. Shaunie and Shaq's enormous height gap of around 20 inches (50 cm) was certainly significant!

Even height differences as small as 3-4 inches can sometimes take getting used to between partners. Open communication is key to overcoming challenges.

10. Are there examples of other celebrity couples with big height differences?

There are quite a few famous couples with sizable height gaps, though none as extreme as Shaq and Shaunie O'Neal [14]:

  • Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have around a 7 inch gap, with Kim at 5'3″ and Kanye at 5'10”.
  • Nicole Kidman (5'11”) towers over Keith Urban (5'7″).
  • Hayden Panettiere (5′) is over a foot shorter than ex-boyfriend Wladimir Klitschko (6'5″).
  • Sacha Baron Cohen (6'3″) and Isla Fisher (5'3″) have a noticeable 10 inch difference but don't seem to mind.

So while less extreme than the Shaq/Shaunie dynamic, many stars also navigate significant height differences in their romantic relationships.

11. What can shorter partners do to minimize height challenges in relationships?

Here are some tips for shorter partners in navigating a significant height difference with their taller significant other [15]:

  • Wear height-boosting shoes for events like dancing or taking photos together. Heels can help align your heights.
  • Stand on a step stool for face-to-face hugging, kissing or talking at close range.
  • Sit down rather than stand during conversations to bring your heads level with each other.
  • Ask your partner to lean down more when talking, kissing, etc. Clear communication is key.
  • Don't let height differences impact your confidence or self-image. Be proud of who you are.
  • Poke fun at the situation sometimes to take the edge off – laughter relieves tension.
  • Get creative with intimacy positions by propping yourself up with pillows as needed.

12. Is it better if the man or woman is taller in a relationship?

There are differing opinions on whether it is better for the man or woman to be the taller partner in a heterosexual relationship. Some perspectives:

  • Traditional mindset is men should be taller: This stems from outdated gender roles about masculinity and femininity [16].
  • Woman being taller is gaining acceptance: As gender norms evolve, many feel it doesn't matter if the woman is taller [17].
  • Needs differ by individual: Some people have strong height preferences for a partner, while others are more flexible. Open communication with your partner is key.
  • Focus less on height differences as a “better or worse” scenario. Instead, recognize challenges that may arise and how to address them together.

13. Can couples with big height differences have good chemistry and romance?

Absolutely! Height differences do not have to harm chemistry and romance between partners.

While it may take some extra creativity and effort to navigate challenges, couples can absolutely foster deep connection despite height gaps.

Shared values, empathy, intimacy, and embracing each other's differences are key – not whether your eyes line up perfectly for kissing!

So long as both partners are invested in the relationship for all the right reasons, physical factors like height can be overcome.

14. What are the pros and cons of a height difference in relationships?


  • Adds an interesting dynamic and opportunities to grow.
  • Your height contrasts can be cute together.
  • Chance to challenge traditional gender norms if woman is taller.
  • Helps appreciate that appearance isn't everything in relationships.


  • Potential awkwardness with hugs, kisses, sex. More effort required.
  • Harder to make eye contact. Could impede communication.
  • Public attention and rude comments about the height gap.
  • Insecurity about breaking gender norms if woman is taller.

15. What advice would I give to couples with big height differences?

As someone fascinated by Shaunie and Shaq's extreme height gap, I would offer this advice to other couples navigating major height differences:

  • Communication is key – talk openly about any challenges you encounter and how to address them. Don't let frustrations build up.
  • Avoid fixating on the height gap. Focus on all the other wonderful qualities you each bring to the relationship.
  • Have a sense of humor and don't take the situation too seriously! Poking fun can take the edge off tensions.
  • Get creative with intimacy positions – use furniture, props, and new techniques to align your bodies.
  • Public hassles like rude comments are unfortunate but inevitable. Just take the high road and don't let it get to you.

At the end of the day, height is just one factor in a romantic partnership. With empathy, creativity and open communication, height differences can be overcome, just like Shaunie and Shaq proved!

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