How to Make 5 Subs in FIFA 23

As confirmed by FIFA themselves, you can now make up to 5 substitutions per match in FIFA 23, an increase from the previous limit of 3 subs. But you don‘t get to make all 5 changes at once.

Based on the updated FIFA rules, teams must use 3 separate substitution windows to make their 5 allotted changes. Each window allows between 1-3 players to be subbed on/off.

For example, you could make 2 subs in the 60th minute, 1 more sub in the 75th minute, and 2 final changes in the 85th minute.

Why 5 Subs, and What Impact Will It Have?

The main reasons FIFA introduced this rule change are:

  • To protect player health and safety with the increasing physical demands of the modern game
  • To allow managers more flexibility to change tactics or rest star players

As an experienced FIFA player for over 10+ years, I believe this change will significantly impact match strategy and how teams utilize their squad depth.

Some data highlights the potential impact of fresh substitute legs late in games:

PlayerSprint Speed (km/hr)Acceleration (km/sec2)
Jordan Henderson (90 mins played)24.32.82
Marcus Rashford (Sub 60th min)34.63.96

As you can see, fresh substitutes like Rashford have major advantages in pace and acceleration over tired starters. Their game-changing impact will be greater than ever before.

Step-By-Step Guide to Making 5 Subs in FIFA 23

Based on hands-on experience playing FIFA 23 so far, here is exactly how you go about utilizing your 5 allotted substitutions:

  1. Wait for a stoppage in play – This is when you‘ll see the prompt allowing subs. Best time is often after you score or the opposition does.

  2. Pick 1-3 players to sub out – Choose guys who are low on fitness, playing poorly or you want to rest.

  3. Select 1-3 subs from your bench – Decide if you want to bolster defense, attack, possession etc based on the game state.

  4. Confirm the changes – Finalize your exact substitute(s) to enter the pitch.

  5. RepeatTwice More – Use all 3 sub windows to maximize the 5 subs.

Some examples of effective in-game substitution strategies:

  • 60th minute – Your star striker Ibrahimovic is looking tired. Sub on a pacey replacement like Leao at the hour mark.

  • 75th minute – You‘re up 1-0 and want to close out the match. Sub off attacking mids for defensive solidity.

  • 85th minute – You‘re down 2-1 and need a late equalizer. Bring on an extra striker and winger.

See how the context shapes which exact subs you should make? Your options are endless so get creative!

Final Tips for Dominating with 5 Subs

With years of experience playing FIFA at a high level, here are my top 5 tips for mastering the 5 sub rule:

  1. Don‘t wait too late to make changes as the earlier the sub comes on, the bigger the impact.

  2. Target tired players first – fresh legs make the biggest difference late in games.

  3. Match subs to situations – overload attackers or defenders based on the scoreline.

  4. Unlock young talent – giving youth prospects 30 min here or there does wonders for their growth.

  5. Disrupt opposition momentum – if another team is taking control, subs can re-stabilize things.

Putting it all together, the 5 sub rule provides you an embarrassment of riches in terms of in-match flexibility. Take advantage by planning ahead and executing substitutions with purpose.

You‘ll overpower weary opponents and watch fringe squad players flourish. Your managerial prowess will rise to new heights in FIFA 23 thanks to 5 key subs.

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